Current through Register Vol. 43, No. 52, December 26, 2024
Each applicant or licensee shall ensure that the contingency
plan that is submitted as specified in
28-35-401 includes information about the
following, in separate sections:
The facility, including a brief description of the applicant's or licensee's
facility and surroundings;
(b) the
types of accidents that the contingency plan addresses, including an
identification of each type of alert, site area emergency, or general emergency
involving radioactive material for which actions by applicant's or licensee's
staff or off-site response organizations will be needed to protect members of
the public;
(c) classification of
accidents, consisting of a method for classifying and declaring each alert,
site area emergency, or general emergency as defined in this part;
(d) detection of accidents, including the
identification of the means for detecting each type of alert, site area
emergency, or general emergency in a timely manner;
(e) mitigation of consequences, including a
brief description of the means and equipment that are available for mitigating
the consequences of each type of alert, site area emergency, or general
emergency including the following:
(1) Means
and equipment provided to protect workers on-site;
(2) a description of the program for
maintaining the equipment;
radiological exposure controls for on-site and off-site response personnel; and
(4) the readiness to carry out
special efforts within any designated emergency planning zone;
(f) assessment of radioactive
releases, including a brief description of the methods and equipment available
to assess any releases of radioactive material;
(g) personnel responsibilities, including the
following information:
(1) The names and
titles of the applicant's or licensee's personnel responsible for developing,
maintaining, and updating the contingency plan;
(2) a brief description of the
responsibilities of the applicant's or licensee's personnel who will respond if
an alert, site area emergency, or general emergency is declared, including
identification of personnel responsible for promptly notifying off-site
response organizations, which shall include the department; and
(3) a list of off-site response
organizations, a description of their responsibilities and anticipated actions,
and a copy of their formal commitments, if any;
(h) notification, coordination, and use of
off-site response organizations, including the following information:
(1) A brief description of the means for
promptly notifying the off-site response organizations specified in paragraph
(g)(3) of this regulation if an alert, site area emergency, or general
emergency occurs;
(2) a brief
description of the arrangements made for requesting, and coordinating, and
using off-site organizations capable of augmenting the planned on-site
response, including arrangements for backup communications and 24-hour response
capability. The types of assistance that could be requested may include medical
treatment of contaminated or injured on-site workers;
(3) a description or drawing of designated
locations from which control and assessment of an alert, site area emergency,
or general emergency would be exercised; and
(4) provisions of notification and
coordination if key personnel, parts of the facility, or any equipment is
information to be communicated, including the following information:
(1) A brief description of the information to
be provided to off-site response organizations, which shall include the
department, if an alert, site area emergency, or general emergency occurs. The
types of information to be provided shall include the following:
(A) The declared status of the facility;
(B) a description of the actual or
potential releases of radioactive material;
(C) the names and telephone numbers of
personnel designated as points of contact;
(D) the population that has been affected;
(E) any recommendations for
protective action;
a brief description of the types of information to be provided to the public by
facility staff and through off-site response organizations; and
(3) if protective action by the public is
part of the contingency plan, a description of how the public will be trained
to perform the action;
(j) training, including the following
(1) A brief description of the
performance objectives and plans for the initial and annual training that the
applicant or licensee will provide to workers and responders about how to
respond to an emergency, including any special instructions and orientation
tours that the applicant or licensee will provide for fire, police, medical,
and other emergency response personnel;
(2) provisions for familiarizing radiation
workers and non-radiation workers, including off-site responders, with
site-specific hazards and emergency procedures; and
(3) provisions for preparing site personnel
for their responsibilities during an alert, site area emergency, or general
emergency, including the use of drills, exercises and team training;
(k) drills and exercises,
including specifications for the following:
(1) Conducting quarterly communications
checks with off-site response organizations that include the verification and
updating of all necessary telephone numbers and other electronic communication
(2) conducting at least
one radiological and health physics, medical drill, or fire drill every two
years and conducting, between the required biennial drills, at least one drill
involving a combination of some of the principal functional areas of the
applicant's or licensee's on-site emergency response capabilities;
(3) inviting off-site response organizations
to participate in on-site exercises conducted pursuant to K.A.R. 28-35-407;
(4) using several alert, site area
emergency, or general emergency scenarios, including those involving many of
the potential responders identified in the contingency plan and those
postulated as most probable for the specific site, up to and including the
maximum credible accident; and
ensuring that scenarios are not known in advance by the exercise participants
whose roles are prescribed in the contingency plan; and
(l) the criteria for determining when a safe
condition exists, including a brief description of the site-specific criteria
for a safe condition and the means of restoring the facility and surroundings
to a safe condition after an alert, site area emergency, or general emergency.