Kansas Administrative Regulations
Article 35 - RADIATION
Section 28-35-318 - Radiation monitoring requirements
Current through Register Vol. 43, No. 52, December 26, 2024
(a) Each particle accelerator facility registrant shall have available the appropriate portable monitoring equipment that is operable and is calibrated for the appropriate types and levels of radiation being produced at the facility. The equipment shall be tested for proper operation daily and calibrated at intervals not to exceed one year, and after each servicing or repair.
(b) A radiation protection survey shall be performed and documented by a qualified expert acceptable to the department each time that changes have been made in the shielding, operation, or equipment, or in the occupancy of adjacent areas.
(c) Radiation levels in each high-radiation area shall be continuously monitored. Each monitoring device shall be electrically independent of the accelerator control and interlock systems and capable of providing a remote and local readout with visual alarms or audible alarms, or both, at both the control panel and the entrance to high-radiation areas, and other appropriate locations, so that people entering or present become aware of the existence of the hazard.
(d) All area monitors shall be calibrated at intervals not to exceed one year, and after each servicing or repair.
(e) Whenever applicable, the registrant shall make periodic surveys to determine the amount of airborne particulate radioactivity present in areas of airborne hazards.
(f) Whenever applicable, the registrant shall make periodic smear surveys to determine the degree of contamination in target and other pertinent areas.
(g) All area surveys shall be made in accordance with the written procedures established by a qualified expert or by the radiation safety officer of the particle accelerator facility.
(h) Records of all radiation protection surveys, calibration results, instrumentation tests, and smear results shall be kept current and on file at each accelerator facility.