Kansas Administrative Regulations
Article 35 - RADIATION
Section 28-35-284 - Personnel monitoring
Current through Register Vol. 43, No. 52, December 26, 2024
(a) The licensee or registrant shall not permit any individual to act as a radiographer or a radiographer's assistant unless, at all times during radiographic operations, each individual wears on the trunk of the body a personnel-monitoring device (PMD) as specified in K.A.R. 28-35-217a, a direct reading dosimeter, and an alarming ratemeter. At permanent radiographic installations where other appropriate alarming or warning devices are in routine use and during radiographic operations using radiation machines, the use of an alarming ratemeter shall not be required.
(b) Direct reading dosimeters, including pocket ion-chamber dosimeters and electronic personal dosimeters, shall be read and the exposures shall be recorded at the beginning and end of each work shift, and records shall be maintained for two years.
(c) All pocket ion-chamber dosimeters and electronic personal dosimeters shall be checked at least each 12 months for the proper response to and the accurate measurement of radiation, and records shall be maintained for two years. An acceptable reading on each dosimeter shall be within plus or minus 30 percent of the true radiation exposure.
(d) If an individual's pocket ion-chamber dosimeter is found to be off-scale or if an electronic personal dosimeter reads greater than 200 mrem, the individual's PMD shall be sent for processing within 24 hours. In addition, the individual shall not resume any work associated with the use of sources of radiation until a determination of the amount of individual's radiation exposure is made. This determination shall be made by the radiation safety officer or the radiation safety officer's designee. The results of this determination shall be included in the records.
(e) If an individual's PMD is lost or damaged, the individual shall cease work immediately until a replacement PMD is provided and the exposure is calculated for the time period from issuance to loss or damage of the PMD. The results of the calculated exposure and the time period during which the PMD was lost or damaged shall be included in the records.
(f) Each licensee or registrant shall ensure that each alarming ratemeter meets the following requirements:
(g) Records of personnel-monitoring procedures. Each licensee or registrant shall maintain the following exposure records: