Kansas Administrative Regulations
Article 35 - RADIATION
Section 28-35-221a - Procedures for picking up, transporting, receiving, and opening packages
Current through Register Vol. 43, No. 52, December 26, 2024
(b) Each licensee or registrant shall ensure that external radiation levels around any package specified in subsection (a) and, if applicable, external radiation levels around the vehicle transporting the package do not exceed 200 millirems per hour (2 mSv/hr) at any point on the external surface of the package or vehicle at any time during transportation. The transport index shall not exceed 10.
(d) Each licensee or registrant, upon receipt of any package of radioactive material, shall monitor the external surfaces of each package labeled with the U.S. department of transportation radioactive white I or radioactive yellow II or III labels, as specified in 49 C.F.R. 172.403 and 172.436-440, for radioactive contamination caused by leakage of the radioactive contents. Each licensee or registrant shall also monitor for radiation levels of each package containing quantities of radioactive materials that are equal to or more than the type A quantity specified in 10 C.F.R. part 71, appendix A, which is adopted by reference in K.A.R. 28-35-221b. Each licensee or registrant shall monitor each package known to contain radioactive materials for radioactive contamination and radiation levels if there is evidence of degradation of package integrity. The monitoring shall be performed as soon as practicable after receipt, but not later than three hours after the package is received at the licensee's facility if received during the licensee's normal working hours or three hours from the beginning of the next working day if received after normal working hours. The licensee or registrant shall immediately notify the final delivery carrier and, by telephone, the department under either of the following conditions:
Contaminant | Maximum Permissible Limits | ||
Bq/cm2 | uCi/cm2 | dpm/cm2 | |
Beta and gamma emitters and low-toxicity alpha emitters | 4 | 10-4 | 220 |
All other alpha-emitting radionuclides | 0.4 | 10-5 | 22 |
(e) Each licensee or registrant shall establish and maintain procedures for safely opening packages in which radioactive material is received and shall ensure that these procedures are followed and any special instructions are followed for the type of package being opened.
(f) Each licensee or registrant transferring special form sources in vehicles owned or operated by the licensee or registrant to and from a work site shall be exempt from the contamination monitoring requirements of this regulation. However, the licensee or registrant shall not be exempt from the monitoring requirement in this regulation for measuring radiation levels that ensures that the source is still properly lodged in its shield.