Current through Register Vol. 43, No. 52, December 26, 2024
(a) Each licensee or registrant shall control
the occupational dose to individual adults, except for planned special
exposures to the following dose limits:
The annual limit shall be the more limiting of either of the following:
(A) The total effective dose equivalent being
equal to 0.05 Sv (5 rem); or
the sum of the deep dose equivalent and the committed dose equivalent to any
individual organ or tissue other than the lens of the eye being equal to 0.50
Sv (50 rem).
(2) The
annual limits to the lens of the eye, to the skin, and to the extremities shall
be the following:
(A) An eye dose equivalent
of 0.15 Sv (15 rem); and
(B) a
shallow dose equivalent of 0.50 Sv (50 rem) to the skin or to any
(b) Doses received in excess of the annual
limits, including doses received during accidents, emergencies, and planned
special exposures, shall be subtracted from the limits for planned special
exposures that the individual could receive during the current year and during
the individual's lifetime.
(c) When
the external exposure is determined by measurement with an external personal
monitoring device, the deep dose equivalent shall be used in place of the
effective dose equivalent, unless the effective dose equivalent is determined
by a dosimetry method approved by the secretary. The assigned deep dose
equivalent shall be for the portion of the body receiving the highest exposure.
The assigned shallow dose equivalent shall be the dose averaged over the
contiguous 10 square centimeters of skin receiving the highest exposure.
(1) The deep dose equivalent, eye dose
equivalent, and shallow dose equivalent may be assessed from surveys or other
radiation measurements for the purpose of demonstrating compliance with the
occupational dose limits, if the individual monitoring device was not in the
region of highest potential exposure or the results of individual monitoring
are unavailable.
(2) If a
protective apron is worn by medical fluoros-copists performing special and
interventional fluoro-scopic procedures and monitoring is conducted as
specified in K.A.R. 28-35-217a, the use of weighting factors in determining the
effective dose equivalent for external radiation may be approved by the
secretary upon receipt of a written request. In no case shall the use of
weighting factors be approved unless the request is accompanied by a list of
the procedures to be used to ensure that exposures are maintained ALARA and the
effective dose equivalent is determined as follows:
(A) If only one individual monitoring device
is used and the device is located at the neck outside the protective apron, the
reported deep dose equivalent shall be the effective dose equivalent for
external radiation.
(B) If only one
individual monitoring device is used, the device is located at the neck outside
the protective apron, and the reported dose exceeds 25 percent of the limit
specified in this regulation, then the reported deep dose equivalent value
multiplied by 0.3 shall be the effective dose equivalent for external
(C) If individual
monitoring devices are worn, both under the protective apron at the waist and
outside the protective apron at the neck, the effective dose equivalent for
external radiation shall be assigned the value of the sum of the deep dose
equivalent reported for the individual monitoring device located at the waist
under the protective apron multiplied by 1.5 and the deep dose equivalent
reported for the individual monitoring device located at the neck outside the
protective apron multiplied by 0.04.
(3) All individuals who are associated with
the operation of an X-ray system shall be subject to the occupational exposure
limits and the requirements for the determination of the doses that are
specified in this regulation. In addition, each individual shall meet the
following requirements:
(A) When protective
clothing or devices are worn on portions of the body and one or more monitoring
devices are required, at least one monitoring device shall be utilized as
(i) When an apron is worn, the
monitoring device shall be worn at the collar outside of the apron;
(ii) the dose to the device, if one is used,
shall be recorded as the whole-body dose based on the maximum dose attributed
to any one critical organ, including the gonads, the blood-forming organs, the
head and trunk, and the lens of the eye. If more than one device is used and a
record is made of the data, each dose shall be identified with the area where
the device was worn on the body;
(4) Exposure of a personnel-monitoring device
to deceptively indicate a dose delivered to an individual shall be
(5) If the individual
is exposed during procedures not specifically approved, weighting factors shall
not be applied.
Derived air concentration (DAC) and annual limit on intake (ALI) values, in
appendix B, table I, published in "appendices to part 4: standards for
protection against radiation," which is adopted in K.A.R. 28-35-135a, shall be
used to determine the individual's dose and to demonstrate compliance with the
occupational dose limits.
Notwithstanding the annual dose limits, the licensee shall limit the soluble
uranium intake by an individual to 10 milligrams in a week in consideration of
chemical toxicity, in accordance with footnote 3 of appendix B published in
"appendices to part 4: standards for protection against radiation," which is
adopted in K.A.R. 28-35-135a.
Each licensee or registrant shall reduce the dose that an individual may be
allowed to receive in the current year by the amount of occupational dose
received while employed by any other person.