(a) Permit
application. Each person that plans to establish a C&D landfill shall
submit a permit application to the secretary on forms furnished by the
department. The permit application shall include the following items:
(1) Design plans. The C&D landfill design
plan shall include the following items:
(A) A
plan showing the section, township, range, and site boundaries;
(B) a description of all adjacent properties,
including the land use and the names and addresses of property owners. If the
proposed site is adjacent to a public road or street, the property across the
street or road shall also be described;
(C) a topographic map of the existing site
with a contour interval of two feet or less;
(D) a minimum of three cross sections of the
proposed C&D waste disposal units, with the water table shown;
(E) a plan showing the following information:
(i) The size and location of all pertinent
human-made and natural features of the site, including roads, fire lanes,
ditches, berms, culverts, structures, wetlands, floodways, and surface waters;
(ii) the projected site
utilization with all site structures, including buildings, fences, gates,
entrances and exits, parking areas, on-site roadways, and signs; and
(iii) the location of all water supplies;
(F) a series of phasing
plans showing landfill development over the life of the landfill. Each plan
shall indicate the location of all peripheral features, including support
buildings, access roads, drainage ditches, sedimentation basins, all other
storm water management features, and screening berms;
(G) an erosion control plan outlining
management practices to control erosion from disturbed areas;
(H) a storm water control plan that includes
an implementation schedule and copies of the notice of intent submitted to the
department's bureau of water;
a C&D contact water management plan that includes an implementation
schedule; and
(J) if the landfill
is located in an unstable area according to the criteria specified in K.A.R.
28-29-302, a description of the engineering measures incorporated into the
landfill's design to ensure that the integrity of the structural components of
the C&D landfill will not be disrupted.
(2) Maps. The applicant shall submit the
following maps:
(A) A 7.5-minute series map
of the area, as typically available from the U.S. geological survey, indicating
the property boundary;
(B) a soil
map of the area, as typically available from the U.S. department of agriculture
natural resources conservation services; and
(C) a 100-year floodplain map of the area, if
one has been developed for the area by the federal emergency management agency
(FEMA). If a FEMA map is not available, the applicant shall submit a map
showing the estimated location of the 100-year floodplain based on historical
or hydrogeologic data.
(3) Operating plan. The written operating
plan shall include the following information:
(A) The proposed operating hours of the
(B) the origin and
composition of the waste;
(C) the
expected daily volume of all C&D waste to be accepted at the facility;
(D) the procedures for screening
incoming waste for non-C&D waste;
(E) the procedures for storing and removing
all non-C&D waste from the site for recycling or for disposal at a site
permitted to accept the non-C&D waste;
(F) a description of all salvaging operations
(G) the procedures for
handling appliances that will be disposed of;
(H) the procedure for handling nonfriable
(I) the procedures for
placing and compacting the waste;
(J) the safety procedures for personnel and
public on-site;
(K) the cover
application rate, including the thickness and frequency of application;
(L) the procedures for dust
suppression and fugitive emission control at the disposal unit and on haul
(M) a description of storm
water control measures to be implemented during operation of the facility;
(N) a description of the
facility's water supply system, including the source and intended uses;
(O) a description of all machinery
and equipment to be used, including the design capacity;
(P) a contingency plan for the following:
(i) Emergencies, including fires and spills;
(ii) any other unexpected
suspension of operations, including equipment breakdown and personnel
(Q) a
description of when and why the operator would suspend receipt of waste at the
facility, including the following:
Temporary situations;
(ii) final
closure due to conditions of the permit; and
(iii) attainment of final elevations;
(R) a drawing that
delineates and numerates phases in the landfill development sequence, along
with a written description of the facility development approach and the waste
placement progression in individual units;
(S) the proposed capacity of the facility;
(T) the expected life of the
(4) Closure
plan drawings. The closure plan drawings shall include the following items:
(A) Surface drawings of the site showing the
following information:
(ii) final contours, with a
contour interval of two feet or less;
(iii) seeding specifications;
(v) erosion control devices;
(vi) final surface water drainage patterns
and runoff retention basins; and
(vii) waste disposal locations; and
(B) cross sections of
the site that depict the following:
(i) The
disposal or storage locations of wastes;
(ii) the type and depth of cover material;
(iii) the C&D contact water
collection systems, if present; and
(iv) any other pertinent features.
(5) Closure plan text.
The closure plan text shall include the following information:
(A) An estimate of the largest area of the
C&D waste disposal unit requiring final cover at any time during the active
life of the facility;
(B) a
description of the steps necessary to close each C&D waste disposal unit at
any point during its active life in accordance with the cover design
(C) a schedule for
completing all closure activities; and
(D) an estimate of the final volume of wastes
disposed of at the C&D landfill facility.
(6) Postclosure plan. The postclosure plan
shall include the following:
(A) A
description of the planned uses of the property during the postclosure period.
The postclosure use of the property shall not disturb the integrity of the
final cover or any other components of the containment system unless either of
the following conditions applies:
(i) The
disturbance is necessary to comply with the requirements in this regulation; or
(ii) the owner or operator submits
justification that disturbance of the final cover or other components of the
containment system, including removal of waste, will not increase the potential
threat to public health, safety, or the environment; and
(B) a schedule of proposed maintenance
activities for the postclosure care period, including the following:
(i) Postclosure operation and maintenance of
cover material, runoff controls, retention basins, landscaping, and access
control and, if present at the facility, the C&D contact water collection
(ii) the inspections
during postclosure; and
(iii) the
name, address, and telephone number of the person or office to contact about
the facility during the postclosure period.
(7) Restrictive covenant. Each applicant
shall file a restrictive covenant or notice of restrictions with the county
register of deeds in the county in which the landfill will be located. The
restrictive covenant or notice of restrictions shall meet the requirements of
K.A.R. 28-29-20.
(8) Financial
(A) The applicant shall submit
the following items on forms provided by the department:
(i) A closure cost estimate for third-party
(ii) a postclosure estimate
for third-party costs, unless exempted by K.A.R. 28-29-2101;
(iii) documentation of financial assurance;
(iv) a business concern
disclosure statement or public entity disclosure statement.
(B) The applicant shall also
submit proof of liability insurance.
(9) Construction quality assurance (CQA)
(A) The CQA plan shall include a
detailed description of all CQA activities that will be used during
construction to manage the installed quality of the facility, including the
following items:
(i) Storm water management
(ii) C&D contact
water management systems;
(v) any other components of
the waste containment and management system.
(B) The CQA plan shall be tailored to the
specific facility to be constructed and shall be completely integrated into the
project's plans and specifications.
(C) The CQA plan shall include the
responsibilities and qualifications of the CQA personnel.
(D) The CQA personnel and the CQA certifying
professional engineer shall not be required to be employed by an organization
that operates independently of the landfill contractor, owner, or permit
(10) Additional
items. Each applicant shall submit to the secretary the following items:
(A) All demonstrations, approvals, and
exemptions required by K.A.R. 28-29-302;
(B) all information required by K.A.R.
28-29-304; and
(C) the permit
application fee, unless exempted by
65-3407 and amendments thereto.