Current through Register Vol. 43, No. 52, December 26, 2024
For the purposes of this regulation, subsections (a), (b), (c),
and (d) shall apply to each facility that composts solid waste and has a
composting area of one-half acre or less, except facilities that compost only
yard waste, manure, dead animals, source-separated organic waste, or any
combination of yard waste, manure, dead animals, and source-separated organic
waste. Subsections (a), (b), (c), and (e) of this regulation shall apply to
each facility that composts solid waste and has a composting area larger than
one-half acre, except facilities that compost only yard waste, manure, dead
animals, source-separated organic waste, or any combination of yard waste,
manure, dead animals, and source-separated organic waste.
(a) Facility design. The owner or operator of
each solid waste composting facility shall design and construct the facility to
meet the following requirements:
Composting surface and drainage.
(A) Storm
water run-on shall be prevented from entering the receiving, processing,
curing, or storage areas by the use of berms or other physical barriers.
(B) The facility shall not cause a
discharge of pollutants into the waters of the state, in accordance with
65-164, and amendments thereto.
(C) Leachate control shall be provided
wherever leachate is generated.
(D) The composting area shall be graded to
prevent ponding of liquids.
The surface of the composting area shall be capable of supporting the equipment
(F) The floor shall be
composed of a layer of material that is at least one foot thick and has a
hydraulic conductivity no greater than 10-7 cm/sec, or the facility shall be
designed to provide the same level of protection to the groundwater.
(G) The receiving, processing, and curing
areas shall be covered by a roof, or the facility shall be designed to provide
the same level of protection from the weather.
(2) Facility access.
(A) At each facility that composts solid
waste that is brought in from off-site, the following information shall be
posted on one or more signs:
(v) a list of the materials appropriate for
composting; and
(vi) the name and
telephone number of an emergency contact person.
(B) Unauthorized dumping shall be discouraged
by access control.
(C) Access
roads shall be of all-weather construction and shall be negotiable at all
times. Load limits on bridges and access roads shall be sufficient to support
all traffic loads generated by the use of the facility.
(3) Capacity and storage. The facility shall
have the capacity to store the following materials:
(A) Incoming materials waiting to be
(B) the materials being
processed; and
(C) the finished
compost, not to exceed 18 months' production.
(b) Facility operations. The owner or
operator of each solid waste composting facility shall perform the following:
(2) control disease vectors, dust, litter,
and noise;
(3) protect the
facility from scavenging by animals;
(4) segregate incoming waste from finished
(5) inform the public of
disposal sites for waste not acceptable for composting at the facility;
(6) limit public access to hours
when an attendant or any operating personnel are at the facility.
(7) begin processing incoming waste within 24
hours of receipt;
(8) use one of
the following processes to further reduce pathogens (PFRP):
(A) Windrow composting method. When using
this method, the following conditions shall be met:
(i) Aerobic conditions shall be maintained
within the windrow;
(ii) the waste
shall attain a temperature of 55° C, 131° F, or greater for at least 15
days during the composting period; and
(iii) the windrow shall be turned a minimum
of five times during the high temperature period;
(B) Aerated static pile composting method.
When using this method, the waste shall be covered with six to 12 inches of
insulating material and maintained at a temperature of 55° C, 131° F,
or greater for a minimum of three consecutive days;
(C) Enclosed-vessel composting method. When
using this method, the waste shall be maintained at a temperature of 55° C,
131° F, or greater for a minimum of three consecutive days; or
(D) any other method approved by the
(9) record
the following information:
(A) The
temperature and moisture content of materials during the composting process, in
accordance with the operating plan;
(B) the daily volume or weight of waste
(D) all laboratory analyses
required by the permit; and
the volume of recovered materials; and
(10) remove all finished compost within 18
months of the completion of the composting process.
(c) Facility closure. The owner or operator
of each facility that composts solid waste shall perform the following:
(1) Notify the department, in writing, at
least 60 days before closure;
remove all material from the facility within 10 days of ceasing operation; and
(3) clean all containers,
equipment, machines, floors, and site surfaces that have been in contact with
solid waste.
Registration. Each owner or operator of a facility that composts solid waste
and has a composting area of one-half acre or less shall submit registration
information to the department on a form provided by the department.
(e) Permit applications. The owner or
operator of each facility that composts solid waste and has a composting area
larger than one-half acre shall submit a permit application to the department
on a form provided by the department. The applicant shall include the following
items with the permit application:
Facility design plan. The facility design plan shall contain the following
(A) A 7.5 minute topographic map of
the area, as typically available from the U.S. geological survey, indicating
the facility boundary and the property boundary;
(B) a soil map of the area, as typically
available from the U.S. department of agriculture natural resources
conservation services;
(C) a
100-year floodplain map of the area, as typically available from the federal
emergency management agency;
plan and profile views of the facility indicating the following features:
(ii) the existing and final grades and
(iii) storm water
(iv) buildings and
equipment to be installed;
(vii) all other structures;
(E) information on the
permeability of the floor structure; and
(F) a flow diagram of the proposed processing
steps involved in recovering recyclable materials and mixed organic material
from solid waste, including a total mass balance.
(2) Operations plan. The operations plan
shall contain the following information:
Job descriptions of persons responsible for operation, control, and maintenance
of the facility;
(B) the
anticipated annual quantity of waste to be received, and the seasonal
variations of the quanity of waste to be received;
(C) the sources of waste to be received;
(D) the methods to control traffic
and to expedite unloading;
(E) the
methods for measuring incoming waste;
(F) the methods to control the types of waste
(G) the methods for
removing noncompostable wastes from the incoming waste stream, including
procedures for storage and disposal of these wastes;
(H) the location of disposal sites for
noncompostable wastes;
(I) the
method of composting;
(J) a
description of equipment proposed to be used in composting, including equipment
specifications and manufacturer's performance standards. The proposed equipment
shall be compatible with the proposed process and throughput;
(K) a description of any additives used in
the process;
(L) the methods for
managing biological conditions;
(M) a quality assurance and quality control
plan that outlines the monitoring, sampling, and analysis plans for testing the
compost process and product;
the proposed end use of compost;
(O) the methods to minimize, manage, and
monitor odors;
(P) disease vector,
dust, litter, and noise control measures;
(Q) leachate and national pollutant discharge
elimination system storm water control measures;
(R) the plans for operations during wind,
heavy rain, snow, freezing temperatures, or other inclement weather conditions;
(S) a contingency plan for events
including equipment failure, power outages, natural disasters, fire, receipt of
prohibited materials, or similar interruptions of normal activities; and
(T) a fire protection and control
(3) Closure plan.
The closure plan shall include the following information:
(A) The steps necessary to close the
(B) the final surface
contours; and
(C) a closure cost
estimate based on the third-party cost of removing and disposing of the maximum
amount of wastes that may be contained at the facility.