Current through Register Vol. 43, No. 52, December 26, 2024
Each operator that submits an application shall provide the
operator name and the lease name on each part of the application that is not
submitted directly on the forms provided by the KCC. The operator shall include
the following items in the application:
(a) A nonrefundable application fee, as
specified in
65-3407c and amendments thereto;
(b) certification that the drilling waste or
the disposal site meets each of the following conditions:
(1) The drilling mud that will be used in
each well that produces the drilling waste is water-based drilling
(2) the predicted NORM level
of the drilling waste meets the requirements of K.A.R. 28-29-1604. The operator
shall submit an affidavit and supporting documentation as required by K.A.R.
(3) no
land-spreading has occurred at the disposal site in the past three
(4) the chloride
concentration in the soil at the disposal site meets the requirements of K.A.R.
(5) the location of the
disposal site meets the buffer zone requirements of K.A.R.
(6) the maximum slope
at the site is eight percent or less;
(7) the depth of unconsolidated material at
the surface is at least 24 inches;
(8) the soil at the site meets the
requirements of K.A.R. 28-29-1604;
(9) based on historical data or site
conditions, the groundwater elevation in the uppermost aquifer underlying the
disposal site is at least 10 feet below the ground surface;
(10) if the disposal site is irrigated, the
chloride concentration of the irrigation water is less than 350 ppm;
(11) there is no chloride
groundwater contamination below the disposal site, based on the chloride
contamination map provided by the department;
(c) for the operator, the following
(1) Operator license
(4) the following information about the
contact person for the application:
(C) facsimile number, if
available; and
(D) electronic mail
address, if available;
(d) for each well from which drilling waste
will be generated, the following information:
(1) If the well is permitted in a state other
than Kansas, the name and telephone number of the state authority that
permitted the well;
(2) the
location of the well, including the following:
(A) The state and county in which the well is
(B) the legal description
of the well;
(C) the number of feet
the well is located from the north or south section line and the east or west
section line; and
(D) the latitude
and longitude of the well, which shall be determined using GPS;
(5) the American petroleum institute (API)
(6) the expected spud date,
as defined in K.A.R. 82-3-101;
an affidavit on a form provided by the KCC, according to the following
(A) The operator shall certify
that the predicted NORM level of the drilling waste meets both of the following
(i) The maximum predicted NORM
level in the drilling waste is no more than 1.5 times the highest NORM level
found in drilling waste samples collected from Kansas wells. A summary of NORM
levels found in drilling waste samples collected from Kansas wells shall be
maintained by the department and provided to any person upon request;
(ii) the maximum predicted NORM
level in the drilling waste is no more than 370 Bq/kg (10 pCi/g);
(B) the operator shall make the
certification based upon data from wells drilled through the same geological
formations as those of the well identified in the land-spreading application;
(C) the operator shall include
on the affidavit the maximum predicted NORM level of the drilling waste,
according to the following:
(i) If the well
will be drilled through formations for which the department has summarized and
provided data, the operator may use this data to determine the maximum
predicted NORM level of the drilling waste;
(ii) if the well will be drilled through
formations for which the department has not summarized and provided data, the
operator shall submit to the KCC all information available to the operator that
can be used to predict the maximum NORM level in the drilling waste;
(iii) if the NORM level of a
formation is dependent on geographic location, the operator shall use that
information to determine the maximum predicted NORM level of the drilling
(8) a
list of the expected components of the drilling mud and a detailed list of all
additives, including the product name and the constituents of each additive;
(9) a sampling and analysis
plan that meets the requirements of K.A.R. 28-29-1605 to determine the chloride
concentration of the drilling waste. The plan shall describe the following:
(B) the procedures that will be used to
collect the samples; and
(C) the
procedures that will be used to prepare the samples for analysis;
(e) for the proposed
disposal site, the following information:
The name and mailing address of the property owner;
(2) the size of the site, as measured in
(3) the legal description of
the site;
(4) a description of
current land use at the site and surrounding areas;
(5) documentation of all land-use
restrictions and zoning restrictions for the site;
(6) documentation of all local permits that
are required for land-spreading at the site;
(7) the distance and direction from the site
to the nearest habitable structure;
(8) if the site is irrigated, the chloride
concentration in the irrigation water in parts per million. The concentration
shall be determined by a laboratory that is accredited for chloride analysis by
the secretary;
(9) the depth to the
water table and a description of how the depth was determined;
(10) the direction of groundwater flow under
the site, if known;
(11) an aerial
map of the site. The map shall be detailed enough to locate the site or to
determine directions to the site from the nearest highway and shall include the
(A) A north arrow and
(B) the location of the site
and the property boundaries; and
(C) each of the following features if that
feature is located within one-half mile of the site:
(i) Habitable structures;
(ii) waters of the state;
(iii) perennial and intermittent
(iv) ponds, lakes, and
(v) domestic water
(vii) drainage swales,
ditches, and all other physical features that channel overland flow;
(viii) all other relevant
(12) a topographic map of the site that shows
the slope of the ground to be used for land-spreading;
(13) a cell identification map that shows a
grid dividing the site into cells. Each cell shall cover an area of no more
than 10 acres. The map shall include the following information:
(A) The legal description of the
(B) the county in which the
site is located;
(C) delineation of
the boundary of the land-spreading area and each cell within the land-spreading
area, based on one or both of the following:
(i) Physical references and measurements;
(D) a unique label for each
(E) the location of each soil
sample that was collected to provide information for the application;
(F) the chloride concentration of the soil
within each cell, as determined according to the requirements of K.A.R.
(G) the soil texture or
textures of the site, as determined according to the requirements of K.A.R.
(H) the depth of
unconsolidated material at the site;
(I) the areas that receive
(J) the areas where
vegetation will be established;
the areas where conditions to support crops will be established;
(L) the areas where land restoration, other
than establishing vegetation or conditions to support crops, is
(M) the property
(N) the ownership and
use of adjacent properties; and
the buffer zones required by K.A.R. 28-29-1604;
(14) documentation and analyses supporting
all of the chloride concentration and soil texture information provided on the
cell identification map, including laboratory chain-of-custody documents;
(15) a copy of the United
States department of agriculture's soil survey map for the site;
(f) documentation that the owner
of the proposed disposal site has agreed to the land-spreading, which shall be
submitted on a form provided by the KCC;
(g) a site access agreement that grants
access to the proposed disposal site to the department and the KCC for the
purposes of observation, inspection, and sampling, which shall be submitted on
a form provided by the KCC;
(h) a
description of the proposed land-spreading procedures, including descriptions
of the following:
(1) The manner in which the
drilling waste will be stored at the site of generation;
(2) the processes and equipment that will be
used to spread the drilling waste at the land-spreading site;
(3) the manner in which the equipment will be
operated to ensure that the drilling waste is spread at the approved rate. The
description shall include information on the boom width, flow rate, ground
speed, and all other factors that will be used to control the land-spreading
rate; and
(4) if the operator is
required by K.A.R. 28-29-1607 to incorporate the drilling waste into the soil,
the processes and equipment that will be used to incorporate the drilling waste
into the soil;
(i) a
contingency plan that describes how drilling waste will be managed if
land-spreading is not allowed due to either of the following:
(1) Weather restrictions; or
(2) the drilling waste exceeding the
composition limitations specified in K.A.R. 28-29-1607;
(j) a plan describing how the land-spreading
area will be restored after land-spreading, including establishment of
vegetation or conditions to support crops. If the land-spreading area is not
cropland, the plan shall include the erosion-control measures that will be
implemented until vegetation is established; and
(k) any other relevant information required
by the KCC to evaluate the application.