(a) Each person
that plans to establish an HHW facility shall submit a permit application to
the department on a form supplied by the department. The applicant shall
include with the permit application the following items:
(1) Facility design plan. The facility design
plan shall include all of the following information:
(A) The type, size, and location of the
(B) a regional plan or a
map showing the service area;
a vicinity plan or map that depicts the following features and information:
(i) Residences, wells, surface waters, and
access roads within 0.5 mile of the site boundaries, and any other existing or
proposed man-made or natural features relating to the project;
(ii) adjacent zoning and land use; and
(iii) evidence that the facility
will not be located within the 100-year floodplain;
(D) a topographic map showing elevation
(E) a site plan
depicting the following features:
(i) On-site
and off-site utilities, including electricity, gas, and water;
(ii) storm and sanitary sewer systems;
(iv) the location of buildings and
appurtenances, fences, gates, roads, paved lots, parking areas, drainage,
culverts, and signs; and
(F) detailed plans depicting the following
(i) Building elevation and plan
(ii) building floor plans,
shelving plans, appurtenances, and necessary detail sections to include
electrical and mechanical systems;
(iii) designated areas for activities to be
conducted at the facility, including receipt, segregation, bulking,
distribution, packaging, and storage of household waste; and
(iv) entrance area gates, fencing, and signs.
Operating plan. The operating plan shall contain the following information:
(A) The activities to be conducted at the
facility, including receipt, segregation, bulking, packaging, storage, and
distribution of household waste;
(B) the activities to be conducted off-site,
including operation of mobile collection units, curbside collection, and
satellite storage facilities;
the procedures for handling ignitable or reactive waste;
(D) the procedures for identifying and
managing small quantity generator waste;
(E) the duties and responsibilities of
facility personnel;
(F) the
training program and requirements for the different types of facility
personnel; and
(G) the emergency
response plan for events including spills, fires, equipment failure, power
outages, natural disasters, receipt of prohibited materials, and other similar
interruptions of normal activities.
(3) Closure plan. The closure plan shall
contain the following information:
(A) The
procedure for removing and disposing of waste at closure;
(B) the procedure for cleaning the facility;
(C) the schedule for closure; and
(D) the closure cost estimate on a
form supplied by the department.