(b) Household hazardous waste.
(1) Each HHW facility operator shall store
and manage all HHW according to the facility's operating plan and all of the
following requirements:
(A) Place the HHW in
the designated area, as described in the facility operating plan, within one
week after it is received. Sort and segregate all HHW, except HHW that will be
distributed for use, by U.S. department of transportation hazard class or
(B) except for HHW that
will be distributed for use, mark each HHW storage container or each segregated
HHW storage area according to U.S. department of transportation hazard class or
(C) keep all storage
containers that are in direct contact with HHW closed, except when adding or
removing waste;
(D) when HHW is
present, inspect all HHW storage areas weekly to assess waste volume and
container integrity, and document these inspections in a log that is dated and
either signed or initialed by the person who conducted the inspection; and
(E) store HHW that will be
distributed for use in a manufacturer's original container. Each container that
will be distributed for use shall be labeled, closed, and nonleaking.
(2) Each HHW facility
operator shall distribute for use, recycling, or disposal all HHW accepted by
the facility according to all of the following requirements:
(A) HHW may be distributed for use in a
manner equivalent to its originally intended purpose.
(B) All HHW that is transferred for
treatment, storage, or disposal shall be transferred to a permitted hazardous
waste treatment, storage, or disposal facility by a registered hazardous waste
(C) All HHW that is
transferred for treatment, storage, or disposal shall be manifested as
hazardous waste as described in K.A.R. 28-31-4 (d), with the following changes:
(i) For the purposes of paragraph (b)(2)(C)
of this regulation, "Kansas or EPA generator" shall be replaced with "HHW
facility operator," and "hazardous waste" shall be replaced with "HHW" in
K.A.R. 28-31-4 (d).
(ii) All
applicable hazardous waste codes for each waste shall be listed on the
manifest, using all available information. HHW facilities shall not be required
to submit samples for laboratory testing in order to determine hazardous waste
(D) All HHW that
is transferred for treatment, storage, or disposal shall be subject to the
hazardous waste land disposal requirements specified in K.A.R. 28-31-14.
(E) All HHW that is transferred
for treatment, storage, or disposal shall be prepared for transportation
off-site as specified in K.A.R. 28-31-4 (e). For the purposes of this
paragraph, "Kansas or EPA generator" shall be replaced with "HHW facility
operator," and "hazardous waste" shall be replaced with "HHW" in K.A.R. 28-31-4
(F) The requirements of
paragraphs (b)(2)(B) through (b)(2)(E) of this regulation shall not apply to
the following wastes:
(i) HHW that is
transferred to a universal waste facility and packaged and labeled in
accordance with K.A.R. 28-31-15;
(ii) antifreeze that is transferred to a
commercial collector under the conditions of an agreement to recycle the
(iii) HHW that is
disposed of in the sanitary sewer connected to a publicly owned treatment works
with written authorization from the operators of the publicly owned treatment
works. HHW shall not be discharged to storm sewers or septic systems;
(iv) containers that have been
emptied to the fullest practical extent and are disposed of in a permitted
municipal solid waste landfill;
(v) HHW that is transferred between HHW
facilities; and
(vi) other waste,
as approved by the department.