(c) Each person who proposes to
construct or modify a CAES facility that includes underground storage and does
not include energy production utilizing combustion shall meet the following
(1) Upon application for a
construction permit or approval, the person shall comply with any applicable
regulations adopted by the Kansas corporation commission pursuant to
66-1274, and amendments thereto.
(2) The person shall develop and submit to
the department for approval, with the application for a construction permit or
approval, a site emissions characterization plan that determines the types and
quantities of any regulated pollutants that reasonably could be present. The
site emissions characterization plan shall include the following:
(A) A list of volatile organic compounds and
hazardous air pollutants, as defined in K.A.R. 28-19-201, that are or
reasonably could be present in the proposed storage formation within the
facility and that could be emitted as a result of the facility's
(B) the spatial
characteristics of the proposed storage formation, including existing and
proposed injection and withdrawal wells;
(C) a site characterization sampling plan
that includes plans, either maps or diagrams, and a rationale for the
(i) Proposed sample types;
(ii) sampling locations;
(iii) number of samples; and
(iv) test methodologies;
(D) a quality assurance
(E) the use of a laboratory
approved by the secretary;
(F) any
additional information that may be required by the department to fully
characterize the site's emissions;
(G) a schedule that includes a timeline for
implementing the requirements prescribed in paragraph (c)(2); and
(H) existing information or knowledge about
the proposed site or an adjacent site, as approved by the secretary, to
complete, supplement, or take the place of any or all elements of the site
emissions characterization plan prescribed in paragraph (c)(2).
(A) If the site emissions characterization
plan results indicate that emissions equal or exceed the emissions thresholds,
emissions limitations, or standards specified in K.A.R. 28-19-300, the person
proposing to construct or modify the CAES facility shall be subject to the
applicable provisions of K.A.R. 28-19-300 through 28-19-350 for obtaining a
construction permit or approval before commencing construction.
(B) If the person decides to proceed with the
proposed CAES facility, the person shall submit the site emissions
characterization plan results with an application for a construction permit or
approval to the department.