Kansas Administrative Regulations
- Section 28-19-1 - Revoked
- Section 28-19-2 - Revoked
- Section 28-19-3 - Reserved
- Section 28-19-4 - Revoked
- Section 28-19-5 - Reserved
- Section 28-19-6 - Revoked
- Section 28-19-7 - Revoked
- Section 28-19-8 - Reporting required
- Section 28-19-9 - Time schedule for compliance
- Section 28-19-10 - Circumvention of control regulations
- Section 28-19-11 - Enforcement discretion due to startup, shutdown, malfunctions, or scheduled maintenance
- Section 28-19-12 - Measurement of emissions
- Section 28-19-13 - Interference with enjoyment of life and property
- Section 28-19-14 - Permits required
- Section 28-19-14a - Revoked
- Section 28-19-14b - Revoked
- Section 28-19-15 - Severability
- Section 28-19-16 - New source permit requirements for designated nonattainment areas
- Section 28-19-16a - Definitions
- Section 28-19-16b - Permit required
- Section 28-19-16c - Creditable emission reductions
- Section 28-19-16d - Fugitive emission exemption
- Section 28-19-16e - Relaxation of existing emission limitations
- Section 28-19-16f - New source emission limits
- Section 28-19-16g - Attainment and maintenance of national ambient air quality standards
- Section 28-19-16h - Compliance of other sources
- Section 28-19-16i - Operating requirements
- Section 28-19-16j - Revocation and suspension of permit
- Section 28-19-16k - Notification requirements
- Section 28-19-16l - Failure to construct
- Section 28-19-16m - Compliance with provisions of law required
- Section 28-19-17 - Prevention of significant deterioration of air quality; cross-reference
- Section 28-19-17a - Revoked
- Section 28-19-17b - Revoked
- Section 28-19-17c - Revoked
- Section 28-19-17d - Revoked
- Section 28-19-17e - Revoked
- Section 28-19-17f - Revoked
- Section 28-19-17g - Revoked
- Section 28-19-17h - Revoked
- Section 28-19-17i - Revoked
- Section 28-19-17j through 28-19-17l - Revoked
- Section 28-19-17m - Revoked
- Section 28-19-17n through 28-19-17q - Revoked
- Section 28-19-18 - Stack heights
- Section 28-19-18a - Stack height credit
- Section 28-19-18b - Definitions
- Section 28-19-18c - Methods for determining good engineering practice stack height
- Section 28-19-18d - Fluid modeling
- Section 28-19-18e - Revoked
- Section 28-19-18f - Notification requirements
- Section 28-19-19 - Continuous emission monitoring
- Section 28-19-20 - Particulate matter emission limitations
- Section 28-19-21 - Additional emission restrictions
- Section 28-19-22 - Revoked
- Section 28-19-23 - Hydrocarbon emissions stationary sources
- Section 28-19-24 - Control of carbon monoxide emissions
- Section 28-19-25 - Revoked
- Section 28-19-26 - Sulfuric acid mist emissions
- Section 28-19-27 through 28-19-29 - Reserved
- Section 28-19-30 - General provisions
- Section 28-19-31 - Emission limitations
- Section 28-19-32 - Exemptions indirect heating equipment
- Section 28-19-33 through 28-19-39 - Reserved
- Section 28-19-40 - General provisions
- Section 28-19-41 - Restriction of emission
- Section 28-19-42 - Performance testing
- Section 28-19-43 - Exceptions
- Section 28-19-44 - Reserved
- Section 28-19-45 - Revoked
- Section 28-19-46 - Revoked
- Section 28-19-47 - Revoked
- Section 28-19-48 and 28-19-49 - Reserved
- Section 28-19-50 - Revoked
- Section 28-19-51 - Revoked
- Section 28-19-52 - Revoked
- Section 28-19-53 - Reserved
- Section 28-19-54 - Reserved
- Section 28-19-55 - General provisions
- Section 28-19-56 - Episode criteria
- Section 28-19-57 - Emission reduction requirements
- Section 28-19-58 - Emergency episode plans
- Section 28-19-59 and 28-19-60 - Reserved
- Section 28-19-61 - Definitions
- Section 28-19-62 - Testing procedures
- Section 28-19-63 - Automobile and light duty truck surface coating
- Section 28-19-64 - Bulk gasoline terminals
- Section 28-19-65 - Volatile organic compounds (VOC) liquid storage in permanent fixed roof type tanks
- Section 28-19-66 - Volatile organic compounds (VOC) liquid storage in external floating roof tanks
- Section 28-19-67 - Petroleum refineries
- Section 28-19-68 - Leaks from petroleum refinery equipment
- Section 28-19-69 - Cutback asphalt
- Section 28-19-70 - Leaks from gasoline delivery vessels and vapor collection systems
- Section 28-19-71 - Printing operations
- Section 28-19-72 - Gasoline dispensing facilities
- Section 28-19-73 - Surface coating of miscellaneous metal parts and products and metal furniture
- Section 28-19-74 - Wool fiberglass manufacturing
- Section 28-19-75 - Revoked (This revocation shall be effective on and after September 1, 2002.)
- Section 28-19-76 - Lithography printing operations
- Section 28-19-77 - Chemical processing facilities that operate alcohol plants or liquid detergent plants
- Section 28-19-78 - Revoked
- Section 28-19-79 - Revoked
- Section 28-19-80 - Power generation facility monitoring programs
- Section 28-19-81 - Environmental impact monitoring
- Section 28-19-82 - Fee determination basis
- Section 28-19-83 - Revoked
- Section 28-19-84 - Revoked
- Section 28-19-85 - Revoked
- Section 28-19-86 - Revoked
- Section 28-19-87 through 28-19-95 - Revoked
- Section 28-19-96 - Revoked
- Section 28-19-97 - Revoked
- Section 28-19-98 - Revoked
- Section 28-19-98a - Revoked
- Section 28-19-99 through 28-19-103 - Revoked
- Section 28-19-104 through 28-19-108 - Revoked
- Section 28-19-108a - Revoked
- Section 28-19-109 - Revoked
- Section 28-19-110 through 28-19-118 - Reserved
- Section 28-19-119 through 28-19-121a - Revoked
- Section 28-19-122 - Reserved
- Section 28-19-123 through 28-19-125 - Revoked
- Section 28-19-126 - Reserved
- Section 28-19-127 through 28-19-131 - Revoked
- Section 28-19-132 - Reserved
- Section 28-19-133 through 28-19-141 - Revoked
- Section 28-19-142 through 28-19-148 - Reserved
- Section 28-19-149 - Revoked
- Section 28-19-150 through 28-19-151 - Revoked
- Section 28-19-152 - Revoked
- Section 28-19-153 through 28-19-154 - Revoked
- Section 28-19-155 - Revoked
- Section 28-19-156 - Revoked
- Section 28-19-157 - Revoked
- Section 28-19-158 - Revoked
- Section 28-19-159 - Revoked
- Section 28-19-160 through 28-19-162 - Revoked
- Section 28-19-163 through 28-19-199 - Reserved
- Section 28-19-200 - General provisions; definitions
- Section 28-19-200a - General provisions; definitions to implement the federal greenhouse gas tailoring rule
- Section 28-19-201 - General provisions; definitions; regulated compounds list
- Section 28-19-202
- Section 28-19-203 - Reserved
- Section 28-19-204 - General provisions; permit issuance and modification; public participation
- Section 28-19-205 through 28-19-209 - Reserved
- Section 28-19-210 - Calculation of actual emissions
- Section 28-19-211 - Reserved
- Section 28-19-212 - General provisions; approved test methods and emission compliance determination procedures
- Section 28-19-213 through 28-19-273 - Reserved
- Section 28-19-274 - Nitrogen oxides; allocations
- Section 28-19-275 - Special provisions; acid rain deposition
- Section 28-19-276 through 28-19-299 - Reserved
- Section 28-19-300 - Construction permits and approvals; applicability
- Section 28-19-301 - Construction permits and approvals; application and issuance
- Section 28-19-302 - Construction permits and approvals; additional provisions; construction permits
- Section 28-19-303 - Construction permits and approvals; additional provisions; construction approvals
- Section 28-19-304 - Construction permits and approvals; fees
- Section 28-19-325 - Compressed air energy storage
- Section 28-19-350 - Prevention of significant deterioration (PSD) of air quality
- Section 28-19-351 through 28-19-399 - Reserved
- Section 28-19-400 - General permits; general requirements
- Section 28-19-401 - General permits; adoption by the secretary
- Section 28-19-402 - General permits; availability of copies; lists of sources to which permits issued
- Section 28-19-403 - General permits; application to construct or operate pursuant to terms of general permit
- Section 28-19-404 - General permits; modification; revocation
- Section 28-19-405 through 28-19-499 - Reserved
- Section 28-19-500 - Operating permit; applicability
- Section 28-19-501 - Operating permits; emissions limitations and pollution control equipment for class I and class II operating permits; conditions
- Section 28-19-502 - Operating permits; identical procedural requirements
- Section 28-19-503 through 28-19-509 - Reserved
- Section 28-19-510 - Class I operating permits; application timetable
- Section 28-19-511 - Class I operating permits; application contents
- Section 28-19-512 - Class I operating permits; permit content
- Section 28-19-513 - Class I operating permits; permit amendment, modification or reopening and changes not requiring a permit action
- Section 28-19-514 - Class I operating permits; permit term; renewal
- Section 28-19-515 - Class I operating permits; public participation, affected state participation, and USEPA participation
- Section 28-19-516 - Class I operating permits; application fees
- Section 28-19-517 - Class I operating permits; annual emissions inventory and fees
- Section 28-19-518 - Class I operating permits; complete applications
- Section 28-19-519 through 28-19-539 - Reserved
- Section 28-19-540 - Class II operating permits; applicability
- Section 28-19-541 - Class II operating permits; application timetable and contents
- Section 28-19-542 - Class II operating permits; permit-by-rule
- Section 28-19-543 - Class II operating permits; permit term and content; operational compliance
- Section 28-19-544 - Class II operating permits; modification of source or operations
- Section 28-19-545 - Class II operating permits; application fee
- Section 28-19-546 - Class II operating permits; annual emission inventory and fees
- Section 28-19-547 through 28-19-560 - Reserved
- Section 28-19-561 - Class II operating permits; permit-by-rule; reciprocating engines
- Section 28-19-562 - Class II operating permits; permit-by-rule; organic solvent evaporative sources
- Section 28-19-563 - Class II operating permits; permit-by-rule; hot mix asphalt facilities
- Section 28-19-564 - Class II operating permits; permits-by-rule; sources with actual emissions less than 50 percent of major source thresholds
- Section 28-19-565 through 28-19-574 - Reserved
- Section 28-19-575 - Revoked
- Section 28-19-576 - Revoked
- Section 28-19-577 - Revoked
- Section 28-19-578 - Revoked
- Section 28-19-579 through 28-19-644 - Reserved
- Section 28-19-645 - Open burning prohibited
- Section 28-19-645a - Restrictions on open burning operations for certain counties during the month of April
- Section 28-19-646 - Responsibility for open burning
- Section 28-19-647 - Exceptions to prohibition on open burning
- Section 28-19-648 - Agricultural open burning
- Section 28-19-649 - Reserved
- Section 28-19-650 - Emissions opacity limits
- Section 28-19-712 - Definitions
- Section 28-19-712a - Applicability
- Section 28-19-712b - General requirement for heavy-duty diesel vehicles
- Section 28-19-712c - General requirement for load or unload locations
- Section 28-19-712d - Exemptions
- Section 28-19-713 - Applicability
- Section 28-19-713a - Emission limitation requirements
- Section 28-19-713b - Alternate emissions limit
- Section 28-19-713c - Control measures and equipment
- Section 28-19-713d - Compliance demonstration, monitoring, and reporting requirements
- Section 28-19-714 - Solvent metal cleaning
- Section 28-19-715 through 28-19-716 - Reserved
- Section 28-19-717 - Control of volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions from commercial bakery ovens in Johnson and Wyandotte counties
- Section 28-19-718 - Reserved
- Section 28-19-719
- Section 28-19-720 - New source performance standards
- Section 28-19-721 - Existing municipal solid waste landfills; definitions
- Section 28-19-722 - Existing municipal solid waste landfills; applicability, permits
- Section 28-19-723 - Existing municipal solid waste landfills; initial and periodic reporting
- Section 28-19-724 - Existing municipal solid waste landfills; NMOC test methods and procedures
- Section 28-19-725 - Existing municipal solid waste landfills; collection and control systems
- Section 28-19-726 - Existing MSW landfills; record-keeping and reporting
- Section 28-19-727 - Existing MSW landfills; time for compliance
- Section 28-19-728 through 28-19-728e - Revoked
- Section 28-19-728f - Revoked
- Section 28-19-729 - Standards for hospital/medical/infectious waste incinerators
- Section 28-19-729a - Hospital/medical/infectious waste incinerators; definitions
- Section 28-19-729b - Hospital/medical/infectious waste incinerators; emission standards
- Section 28-19-729c - Standards for hospital/medical/infectious waste incinerators; compliance schedule
- Section 28-19-729d - Hospital/medical/infectious waste incinerators; operation, operator training, and qualification standards
- Section 28-19-729e - Hospital/medical/infectious waste incinerators; waste management plan
- Section 28-19-729f - Hospital/medical/infectious waste incinerators; inspections
- Section 28-19-729g - Hospital/medical/infectious waste incinerators; compliance, performance testing, and monitoring guidelines
- Section 28-19-729h - Hospital/medical/infect ious waste incinerators; reporting and recordkeeping
- Section 28-19-730 through 28-19-734 - Reserved
- Section 28-19-735 - National emission standards for hazardous air pollutants
- Section 28-19-736 through 28-19-749 - Reserved
- Section 28-19-750 - Hazardous air pollutants; maximum achievable control technology
- Section 28-19-750a - Consolidated federal air regulations; synthetic organic chemical manufacturing industry
- Section 28-19-751 - Revoked
- Section 28-19-752 - Revoked
- Section 28-19-752a - Hazardous air pollutants; limitations applicable to construction of new major sources or reconstruction of existing major sources
- Section 28-19-753 - Hazardous air pollutants; limitations applicable to sources for which the USEPA fails to meet certain deadlines
- Section 28-19-800 - General conformity of federal actions
- Section 28-19-801 - Transportation conformity
Disclaimer: These regulations may not be the most recent version. Kansas may have more current or accurate information. We make no warranties or guarantees about the accuracy, completeness, or adequacy of the information contained on this site or the information linked to on the state site. Please check official sources.
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