Current through Register Vol. 43, No. 39, September 26, 2024
(a) Each facility
manager shall use only plastic cards that have been approved by the commission
as specified in K.A.R. 112-108-20.
(b) Each facility manager shall ensure that
each card storage area contains an inventory ledger and that the facility
manager's employees update the ledger when cards are added or removed from that
storage area.
(c) When a deck of
table game cards, including poker cards, is received for use in the gaming
facility from a licensed gaming supplier, all of the following requirements
shall be met:
(1) The decks shall be inspected
for proper quantity and any obvious damage by at least two employees, one of
whom shall be from the table games department and the other from the security
department or accounting department.
(2) The decks shall be recorded in the card
inventory ledgers by a member of the security or accounting department and a
member of the table games department. If any discrepancies in the invoice or
packing list or any defects are found, the discrepancies shall be reported to a
commission agent on duty within 24 hours.
(3) The decks shall be placed for storage in
a primary or secondary storage area by at least two employees, one of whom
shall be from the table games department and the other from the security
department or accounting department. The primary card storage area shall be
located in a secure place, the location and physical characteristics of which
shall be documented in the internal controls and approved by the commission.
Secondary storage areas, if needed, shall be used for the storage of surplus
decks. Decks maintained in any secondary storage area shall be transferred to
the primary card storage area before being distributed to the pit area or poker
tables. All secondary storage areas shall be located in secure areas, the
location and physical characteristics of which shall be documented in the
internal controls and approved by the commission.
(d) Each primary card storage area and each
secondary card storage areas shall have two separate locks. The security
department shall maintain one key to each storage area, and the table games
department shall maintain the other key. No person employed by the table games
department other than the pit manager, poker room manager, or the supervisor
shall have access to the table games department key for the primary and
secondary card storage areas.
Immediately before the commencement of each gaming day and at other times as
may be necessary, the pit manager, poker room manager, or the supervisor, in
the presence of a security department employee and after notification to
surveillance, shall remove the decks of table game cards or poker cards from
the primary card storage area needed for that gaming day.
(f) All cards transported to a pit or the
poker room shall first be recorded on the card inventory ledger. Both the
authorized table games department employee and the security department employee
shall sign to verify the information.
(g) Once the cards are removed from the
primary card storage area, the pit manager, poker room manager, or the
supervisor, in the presence of a security department employee, shall take the
decks to the pit area or poker room and distribute the decks to the floor
supervisors for distribution to the dealer at each table. The poker room
manager, pit manager, or the supervisor shall place extra decks into a single
locked compartment of a poker room or pit area stand. All authority shall be
limited to the supervisor's or manager's respective area of duty. The poker
room supervisor, pit area supervisor, or an employee in a higher position shall
have access to the extra decks of cards to be used for that gaming
(h) Each movement of decks
after delivery to the poker room or pit area shall be by a poker room manager,
pit manager, or an employee in a higher position and shall require a security
escort after notifying surveillance. The procedures for transporting used decks
shall include the following:
(1) A requirement
that used decks be transported by security;
(2) a requirement that the surveillance
department be notified before movement of the decks;
(3) specifications on the time that the
procedures will be performed;
specifications on the location to which the decks will be taken;
(5) specifications on the keys
(6) specifications on the
employees who are responsible;
a requirement for updating inventory ledgers; and
(8) any other applicable security measures
that the facility manager deems appropriate.
(i) Before being placed into play, each deck
shall be inspected by the dealer, with the inspection verified by a floor
supervisor or the floor supervisor's supervisor. Card inspection at the gaming
table shall require the dealer to sort each deck into sequence and into suit to
ensure that all cards are in the deck. The dealer shall also check each card to
ensure that there is no indication of tampering, flaws, scratches, marks, or
other defects that might affect the integrity of the game.
(1) If, after checking the cards, the dealer
finds that a card is unsuitable for use, a floor supervisor or an employee in a
higher position shall either bring a replacement card from the replacement deck
or replace the entire deck.
(2) A
commission security agent on duty shall be notified immediately of the removal,
including the card manufacturer's name, and the time of discovery and the
location of where the unsuitable card was discovered. Cards may also be removed
at the direction of the commission security agent on duty.
(3) Based upon the agent's discretion and
circumstances as listed in subsection (t), all decks being removed from play
shall be counted at the table to ensure that no cards are missing.
(4) The unsuitable cards shall be placed in a
transparent sealed envelope or container, identified by the table number, date,
and time, and shall be signed by the dealer and floor supervisor assigned to
that table. The floor supervisor or an employee in a higher position shall
maintain the envelope or container in a secure place within the enclosed and
encircled area until collected by a facility manager's security department
(5) Cards being removed
from play shall be inspected by a member of the facility's security department
within 48 hours of their removal.
(j) If an automated deck-checking device is
used, the facility manager shall include the following procedures:
(1) Before the initial use of the automated
deck-checking device, the critical program storage media and the camera
software shall be verified and sealed by a commission security agent.
(2) The dealer shall complete the inspection
of the cards. The dealer inspection shall ensure that the back of the cards are
the correct color and free of any visible flaws.
(3) The automated deck-checking device shall
be maintained in the enclosed and encircled area.
(4) The automated deck-checking device shall
not be used in the card storage room.
(5) The automated deck-checking device shall
be inspected on a weekly basis with decks that have preiden-tified missing
cards from each suit. The devices shall properly identify each missing card in
these decks.
(k) All
envelopes and containers used to hold or transport cards collected by security
shall be transparent.
(1) The envelopes or
containers and the method used to seal them shall be designed or constructed so
that any tampering is evident.
The envelopes or containers and seals shall be approved by the executive
(l) If any
cards have been opened and placed on a gaming table, those cards shall be
changed at least once every 24 hours. In addition, the following requirements
shall be met:
(1) All cards opened for use on
a traditional baccarat table shall be changed upon the completion of each
(2) All cards opened for use
on any table game in which the cards are handled by the players shall be
changed at least every six hours.
(3) All cards opened for use on any table
game and dealt from the dealer's hand or held by players shall be changed at
least every four hours.
(4) If any
cards have been opened and placed on a poker table, those cards shall be
changed at least once every six hours.
(m) Each card damaged during the course of
play shall be replaced by the dealer, who shall request a floor supervisor or
an employee in a higher position to bring a replacement card from the enclosed
and encircled area.
(1) The damaged cards
shall be placed in a sealed envelope, identified by table number, date, and
time, and be signed by the dealer and the floor supervisor or the supervisor's
supervisor who brought the replacement cards to the table.
(2) The floor supervisor or an employee in a
higher position shall maintain the envelope or container in a secure place
within the enclosed and encircled area until collected by a security department
(1) The floor supervisor or an employee in a
higher position shall collect all used cards either at the end of the gaming
day or at least once each gaming day at the same time as designated by the
facility manager and documented in the internal controls approved by the
commission. A facility manager may choose to collect all used cards at other
times as may be necessary.
(2) Used
cards shall be counted and placed in a sealed envelope or container. A label
shall be attached to each envelope or container that shall identify the table
number, date and time and shall be signed by the dealer and floor supervisor
assigned to the table. The floor supervisor or an employee in a higher position
shall maintain the envelopes or containers in a secure place within the
enclosed or encircled area until collected by a facility manager security
department employee.
The facility manager shall remove any cards from use whenever there is
indication of tampering, flaws, scratches, marks, or other defects that might
affect the integrity or fairness of the game, or at the request of the
commission security agent on duty.
(p) Each extra deck with a broken seal shall
be placed in a sealed envelope or container with a label attached to each
envelope or container. The label shall identify the date and time the envelope
was sealed and shall be signed by the floor supervisor and the pit manager. If
the pit manager is not available to sign the label, then the floor supervisor
and the floor supervisor's supervisor shall sign the label.
(q) At least once each gaming day at the time
as designated by the facility manager in the internal controls, a facility
manager security department employee shall collect, sign, and return to the
security department all envelopes or containers containing the following:
(1) Damaged cards;
(2) cards used during the gaming day;
(3) all other decks with broken
(r) Each poker
room supervisor shall maintain in the poker room stand a specified number of
replacement decks for replacing unsuitable cards. The poker room supervisor or
an employee in a higher position shall have access to the replacement decks
that are kept in a single locked compartment. The poker room supervisor or an
employee in a higher position shall keep a record of all cards removed from the
replacement decks. The record shall include the time, date, color, value, suit,
reason for replacement, and name of the individual who replaced the cards. The
replacement decks shall be reconciled to the record at least weekly. Once a
replacement deck has been depleted to the point that the deck is no longer
useful, the remaining cards in the replacement deck shall be picked up by
security and destroyed or cancelled.
(s) At least once each gaming day as
designated by the facility manager in the internal controls, a pit manager or
the pit manager's supervisor may collect all extra decks of cards. If
collected, all sealed decks shall be cancelled, destroyed, or returned to an
approved storage area.
(t) When the
envelopes or containers of used cards and reserve cards with broken seals are
returned to the security department, the used cards and reserve cards shall be
inspected within 48 hours by a member of the facility manager's security
department who has been trained in proper card inspection procedures. The cards
shall be inspected for tampering, marks, alterations, missing or additional
cards, or anything that might indicate unfair play.
(1) With the exception of the cards used on a
traditional baccarat table, which are changed upon the completion of each shoe,
all cards used in table games in which the cards are handled by the player
shall be inspected.
(2) In other
table games, if fewer than 300 decks are used in the gaming day, at least 10
percent of those decks shall be selected at random to be inspected. If 300 or
more decks are used that gaming day, at least five percent of those decks but
no fewer than 30 decks shall be selected at random to be inspected.
(3) The facility manager shall also inspect
the following:
(A) Any cards removed from play
as stated in paragraph (i)(3) based upon the agent's discretion and
circumstances as listed in subsection (t);
(B) any cards that the facility manager has
removed for indication of tampering; and
(C) all cards used for poker.
(4) The procedures for inspecting
all decks required to be inspected under this subsection shall, at a minimum,
include the following:
(A) The sorting of
cards sequentially by suit;
(B) the
inspection of the backs of the cards with an ultraviolet light;
(C) the inspection of the sides of the cards
for crimps, bends, cuts, and shaving;
(D) the inspection of the front and back of
all poker cards for consistent shading and coloring;
(E) the positions authorized by job
description to conduct the inspection;
(F) surveillance notification before
inspecting the cards;
(G) time and
location the inspection will be conducted;
(H) minimum training requirements of persons
assigned to conduct the inspections;
(I) each type of inspection to be conducted
and how each inspection will be performed, including the use of any special
(J) any other applicable
security measures;
(K) immediate
notification of the commission security agent on duty and the completion of an
incident report describing any flawed, marked, suspects, or missing cards that
are noted; and
(L) reconciliation
by an employee of the facility manager security department of the number of
cards received with the number of cards destroyed or cancelled and any cards
still pending destruction or cancellation. Each discrepancy shall be reported
to the commission security agent on duty immediately.
(5) If, during the inspection procedures
required in paragraph (t)(4), one or more poker cards in a deck are determined
to be unsuitable for continued use, those cards shall be placed in a sealed
envelope or container, and a three-part card discrepancy report shall be
completed in accordance with paragraph (t)(10).
(6) Upon completion of the inspection
procedures required in paragraph (t)(4), each deck of poker cards that is
determined suitable for continued use shall be placed in sequential order,
repackaged, and returned to the primary or poker card storage area for
subsequent use.
(7) The facility
manager shall develop internal control procedures for returning the repackaged
cards to the storage area.
(8) The
individuals performing the inspection shall complete a work order form that
details the procedures performed and list the tables from which the cards were
removed and the results of the inspection. Each individual shall sign the form
upon completion of the inspection procedures.
(9) The facility manager shall submit the
training procedures for those employees performing the inspection, which shall
be documented in the internal controls and approved by the
(10) Evidence of
tampering, marks, alterations, missing or additional cards, or anything that
might indicate unfair play shall be reported upon discovery to the commission
staff by the completion and delivery of a card discrepancy report.
(A) The report shall accompany the cards when
delivered to the commission.
The cards shall be retained for further inspection by the commission.
(C) The commission agent receiving the report
shall sign the card discrepancy report and retain the original at the
commission office.
(u) The facility manager shall submit to the
commission for approval internal controls procedures for the following:
(1) A card inventory system that shall
include, at a minimum, documentation of the following:
(A) The balance of decks on hand;
(B) the decks removed from storage;
(C) the decks returned to storage or received
from the manufacturer;
(D) the date
of the transaction; and
(E) the
signature of each individual involved;
(2) a verification on a daily basis of the
number of decks distributed, the decks destroyed or cancelled, and the decks
returned to the storage area; and
(3) a physical inventory of the decks at
least once every three months, according to the following requirements:
(A) This inventory shall be performed by an
employee from the internal audit department, a supervisor from the cage, or a
supervisor from the accounting department and shall be verified to the balance
of decks on hand required in paragraph (u)(1)(A);
(B) the employees conducting this inventory
shall make an entry and sign the card inventory ledger in a manner that clearly
distinguishes this count as the quarterly inventory; and
(C) each discrepancy shall be reported upon
discovery to the commission security agent on duty.
(v) If cards in an envelope or
container are inspected and found to be without any indication of tampering
marks, alterations, missing or additional cards, or anything that might
indicate unfair play, those cards shall be destroyed or cancelled. Once
released by the commission agent on duty, the cards submitted as evidence shall
immediately be destroyed or cancelled according to the following:
(1) Destruction shall occur by shredding or
other method documented in the internal controls and approved by the
(2) Cancellation shall
occur by drilling a circular hole of at least 1/4 of an inch in diameter
through the center of each card in the deck or by cutting at least 1/4 of an
inch off one corner from each card in the deck or other method documented in
the internal controls and approved by the commission.
(3) The destruction and cancellation of cards
shall take place in a secure place, the location and physical characteristics
of which shall be documented in the internal controls approved by the
commission, and shall be performed by a member of the facility manager security
department specifically trained in proper procedures.
(4) Card cancellation and destruction record
shall be maintained indicating the date and time of cancellation or
destruction, quantity of cards to be cancelled or destroyed, and the name of
each individual responsible for cancellation or destruction.
(w) Procedures for canceling or
destroying cards shall include the following maintenance:
(1) Notation of the positions authorized by
job description to cancel or destroy cards;
(2) notation of surveillance notification
before cancellation or destruction of the cards;
(3) notation of time and location the
cancellation or destruction will be conducted;
(4) notation of the manner in which
cancellation or destruction will be accomplished, including the use of any
special equipment;
(5) any other
applicable security measures; and
(6) immediate notification of a commission
security agent on duty and the completion of a card and dice discrepancy report
regarding any flawed, marked, or suspicious cards that are noted during the
cancellation or destruction process.