Current through Register Vol. 43, No. 52, December 26, 2024
(a) Each
facility manager shall have a security department that is responsible for the
security of the gaming facility. The facility manager, through its security
department, shall do the following:
Protect the people in the gaming facility;
(2) safeguard the assets within the gaming
(3) protect the patrons,
employees, and property from illegal activity;
(4) assist with the enforcement of all
applicable laws and regulations;
(5) prevent persons who are under 21 years
old from gambling or entering gaming areas;
(6) detain any individual if a commission
enforcement agent so requests or if there is reason to believe that the
individual is in violation of the law or gaming regulations;
(7) record any unusual occurrences, including
suspected illegal activity;
identify and remove any person who is required to be excluded pursuant to
article 111 or 112 of the commission's regulations;
(9) report security violations or suspected
illegal activity to the commission security staff within 24 hours;
(10) report to the commission's security
staff, within 24 hours, any facts that the facility manager has reasonable
grounds to believe indicate a violation of law, violation of the facility
manager's minimum internal control standards, or violation of regulations
committed by any facility manger, including the performance of activities
different from those permitted under that person's license or
(11) notify commission
security staff, within 24 hours, of all inquiries made by law enforcement
officials and any inquiries made concerning the conduct of a person with a
license or certificate; and
establish and maintain procedures for handling the following:
(A) Identification badges;
(C) asset protection and movement on the
(D) power or camera
(E) enforcement of the
minimum gambling age;
(F) firearms
(G) alcoholic beverage
(H) disorderly or
disruptive patrons;
(L) lost or found
No open carrying of firearms shall be permitted within a gaming facility except
for the following:
(1) Kansas racing and
gaming commission enforcement agents;
(2)on-duty law enforcement officers;
(3) trained and certified
guards employed by an armored car service while on duty and working for a
licensed non-gaming supplier company.
(c) No concealed carrying of firearms shall
be permitted within a gaming facility except for the following:
(1) Kansas racing and gaming commission
enforcement agents;
(2) on-duty law
enforcement officers in plain clothes engaged in the performance of their
official duties; and
(3) any
off-duty or retired law enforcement officer who meets the following conditions:
(A) Is in compliance with the firearms
policies of the officer's law enforcement agency;
(B) is carrying a photographic identification
card that identifies the individual as a current or retired law enforcement
officer and has been issued by the officer's current agency or the agency from
which the individual separated from service as a law enforcement
(C) presents the
photographic identification card specified in paragraph (c)(3)(B) when
requested by a commission agent or gaming facility security personnel;
(D) has not been denied a
license to carry a concealed handgun and does not have a license to carry a
concealed handgun that has been suspended or revoked pursuant to the personal
and family protedion ad,
75-7c01 et seq. and amendments
As used in this regulation, "law enforcement officer " shall mean any of the
(1) Any person employed by a law
enforcement agency who is in good standing and is certified under the Kansas
law enforcement training act;
(2) a
law enforcement officer who has obtained a similar designation in a
jurisdiction outside the state of Kansas but within the United States;
(3) a federal law enforcement
officer who, as part of the officer's duties, is permitted to make arrests and
to be armed.
(e) Each
facility manager shall meet its obligations in subsections (b) and (c) in
accordance with the personal and family protection act,
75-7c01 et seq. and amendments thereto.
(Authorized by and implementing
74-8772; effective Sept. 26, 2008; amended
April 1, 2011; amended March 20, 2020.)