(2) For members not eligible for Title XIX
medical assistance, the following rules apply:
Assets considered. The
assets considered shall include all assets owned by the member, or if married,
both the member and the spouse living in the community, except for the
(1) The homestead is exempt as
follows: The exempt homestead is defined as the house, used as a home, and may
contain one or more contiguous lots or tracts of land, including buildings and
appurtenances. Contiguous means that portions of the homestead cannot be
separated from the home by intervening property owned by others. However, the
homestead is considered contiguous if portions of it are separated from the
home only because of roads or other public rights-of-way. Property that is not
exempt as part of the homestead shall be treated in accordance with the rules
of this chapter.
The homestead, as defined, can retain its exempt status for a
period of time not to exceed 36 months, while the member, spouse and dependents
are temporarily absent, provided the following conditions are met:
1. There is a specific purpose for the
2. The member, spouse or
dependents intend to return to the homestead when the reason for the absence
has been accomplished.
3. The
member, spouse or dependents can reasonably be expected to return to the home
during the 36-month time limitation.
4. If a person is an applicant at the time
the homestead becomes vacant due to the absence of the applicant, spouse or
dependents, the first month of the 36-month period is the month of admission to
5. If a person is a member
when the homestead becomes vacant due to the absence of the member, spouse or
dependents, the first month of the 36-month period is the month following the
month in which the homestead is vacated.
6. Any homestead that does not qualify for
this exemption or any homestead that is vacant for a period of time exceeding
the 36-month limit shall be treated in accordance with subrule
(2) Household
goods, personal effects and one motor vehicle.
(3) The value of any burial spaces held for
the purpose of providing a place for the burial of the member, spouse or any
other member of the immediate family.
(4) Exempt income-producing property
includes, but is not limited to, tools, equipment, livestock, inventory and
supplies, and grain held in storage.
(5) Other property essential to the means of
self-support of either the member or spouse as to warrant its exclusion under
the Supplemental Security Income program.
(6) Assets of a blind or disabled person who
has a plan for achieving self-support as determined by the division of
vocational rehabilitation or the department of human services.
(7) Assets of Native Americans belonging to
certain tribes arising from judgment fund and payments from certain land and
subsurface mineral rights. This does not include per capita payments from
casino proceeds.
(8) Any amounts
arising from
Law 101-239 which provides assistance to veterans
under the Agent Orange product liability litigation.
(9) Assistance under the Disaster Relief Act
and Emergency Assistance Act or other assistance provided pursuant to federal
statute as a result of a presidential disaster declaration and interest earned
on these funds for the nine-month period beginning on the date these funds are
received or for a longer period where good cause is shown.
(10) An amount that is irrevocable and
separately identifiable, having a principal amount not in excess of a
predetermined amount set by the department of human services, without an
itemized billing, for the member or spouse to meet the burial and related
expenses of that person.
Federal assistance paid for housing occupied by the spouse living in the
(12) Assistance from a
fund established by a state to aid victims of crime for nine months from
receipt when the client demonstrates that the amount was paid as compensation
for expenses incurred or losses suffered as a result of a crime.
(13) Relocation assistance provided by a
state or local government to a member or spouse comparable to assistance
provided under Title II of the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property
Acquisition Policies Act of 1970 which is subject to the treatment required by
Section 216 of the Act.
(14) Any
other asset excluded by statute.
Assets of a married member with spouse living in the
community. When liquid assets not exempted in
"a" above are equal to or exceed $2,000, those liquid
assets shall be considered an available resource for the payment of member
The assets attributed to the member shall be determined from
the documented assets of both the member and spouse living in the community as
of the first day of admission to IVH. All resources of both the member and the
spouse shall be added together. If the total resources are less than the
predetermined amount set by the department of human services, then that amount
is awarded to the community spouse. The amount in excess of this predetermined
figure, up to an equal amount, if applicable, shall be awarded to the member.
Any resources over this combined amount shall be split one-half to the member
and one-half to the spouse up to a predetermined maximum amount set by the
department of human services. All resources over the predetermined maximum
amount shall be awarded to the member. These assets shall be considered
available for payment of member support until such time that the remaining
liquid assets total less than $500, but leaving at least $140.
(1) If the member has transferred assets to
the spouse living in the community under a court order for the support of the
spouse, the amount transferred shall be the amount attributed to the spouse to
the extent it exceeds the specified limits above.
(2) After the month in which the member is
admitted, no attributed resources of the spouse living in the community shall
be deemed available to the member during the continuous period in which the
member is at IVH. Resources which are owned wholly or in part by the member and
which are not transferred to the spouse living in the community shall be
counted in determining member support. The assets of the member shall not count
for member support to the extent that the member intends to transfer and does
transfer the assets to the spouse living in the community within 90
(3) Report of results. The
department of human services shall provide the member and spouse and legal
representative, if applicable, a report of the results of the attribution. The
report shall state that either has a right to appeal the attribution in
accordance with rule 801-10.45