Iowa Administrative Code
Agency 761 - Transportation Department
Driver Licenses
Chapter 615 - Sanctions
Rule 761-615.1 - Definitions
The definitions in 761-600.1 (321) apply to this chapter. In addition:
"Accident free" as used in Iowa Code section 321.180B means the driver has not been involved in a contributive accident. "Involvement in a motor vehicle accident" as used in Iowa Code section 321.180B means involvement in a contributive accident.
"Contributive accident" or "contributed to an accident" means the driver was involved in an accident for which there is evidence in departmental records that the driver performed an act which resulted in or contributed to the accident or failed to perform an act which would have avoided or contributed to the avoidance of the accident.
"Deny" or "denial" means a rejection of an application for a license or a refusal to issue, renew or reinstate a license.
"Moving violation," unless otherwise provided in this chapter, means any violation of motor vehicle laws except:
1. Violations of equipment standards to be maintained for motor vehicles.
2. Parking violations as defined in Iowa Code section 321.210.
3. Child restraint and safety belt and harness violations under Iowa Code sections 321.445 and 321.446.
4. Violations of registration, weight and dimension laws.
5. Operating with an expired license.
6. Failure to appear.
7. Disturbing the peace with a motor vehicle.
8. Violations of Iowa Code section 321.20B for failure to provide proof of financial liability coverage.
"Sanction" means a license denial, cancellation, suspension, revocation, bar or disqualification.
This rule is intended to implement Iowa Code sections 321.1,321.178, 321.1 80A, 321.189,321.194, 321.210, 321.215, 321.445, 321.446 and 321.555.