Iowa Administrative Code
Agency 751 - Telecommunications and Technology Commission, Iowa
Chapter 16 - Uniform Waiver Rules
Rule 751-16.5 - Commission Responsibilities Regarding Petition for Waiver
Current through Register Vol. 47, No. 13, December 25, 2024
(1) Additional information. Prior to issuing an order granting or denying a waiver, the commission may request additional information from the petitioner relative to the petition and surrounding circumstances. If the petition was not filed in a contested case, the commission may, on its own motion or at the petitioner's request, schedule a telephonic or in-person meeting or a meeting over the network operated by the commission, between the petitioner and the commission's designee, a committee of the commission, or a quorum of the commission.
(2) Hearing procedures. The provisions of Iowa Code sections 17A.10 to 17A.18A regarding contested case hearings shall apply in three situations:
(3) Ruling. An order granting or denying a waiver shall be in writing and shall contain a reference to the particular person and rule or portion thereof to which the order pertains, a statement of the relevant facts and reasons upon which the action is based, and a description of the precise scope and operative period of the waiver if one is issued.
(4) Conditions. The commission may condition the granting of the waiver on such reasonable conditions as appropriate to achieve the objectives of the particular rule in question through alternative means.
(5) Narrowly tailored exception. A waiver, if granted, shall provide the narrowest exception possible to the provisions of a rule.
(6) Time period of waiver. A waiver shall not be permanent unless the petitioner can show that a temporary waiver would be impracticable. If a temporary waiver is granted, there is no automatic right to renewal. At the sole discretion of the commission, a waiver may be renewed if the commission finds that grounds for a waiver continue to exist.
(7) Time for ruling. The commission shall grant or deny a petition for a waiver as soon as practicable but, in any event, shall do so within 120 days of its receipt, unless the petitioner agrees to a later date. However, if a petition is filed in a contested case, the commission shall grant or deny the petition no later than the time at which the final decision in that contested case is issued.
(8) When deemed denied. Failure of the commission to grant or deny a petition within the required time period shall be deemed a denial of that petition by the commission.
(9) Service of order. Within seven days of its issuance, any order issued under this chapter shall be transmitted to the petitioner or the person to whom the order pertains and to any other person entitled to such notice by any provision of law.