Iowa Administrative Code
Agency 641 - Public Health Department
Chapter 146 - Stroke Care Reporting
Rule 641-146.2 - Definitions
"Comprehensive stroke center" means a hospital certified as a comprehensive stroke center by a nationally recognized certifying body with certification criteria consistent with the most current nationally recognized, evidence-based stroke guidelines related to reducing the occurrence of and disabilities and death associated with stroke.
"Department" means the Iowa department of public health.
"Primary stroke center" means a hospital certified as a primary stroke center by a nationally recognized certifying body with certification criteria consistent with the most current nationally recognized, evidence-based stroke guidelines related to reducing the occurrence of and disabilities and death associated with stroke.
"Stroke" means a clinical diagnosis of acute stroke or principal International Classification of Disease, 10th Revision, Clinical Modification (ICD-10-CM) discharge code of "stroke," or "transient ischemic attack," or "cerebral infarction," or "cerebral hemorrhage."
"Stroke care" means care provided to individuals with confirmed cases of stroke.