Iowa Administrative Code
Agency 495 - Iowa Public Employees' Retirement System
Chapter 11 - Application For, Modification Of, and Termination of Benefits
Rule 495-11.7 - Overpayment of Ipers Benefits
Current through Register Vol. 47, No. 13, December 25, 2024
(1) Overpayments-general.
(2) Overpayment made to a retired member. A retired member shall receive written notice of overpayment, including the reason for the overpayment, the amount of the overpayment, and a limited opportunity to repay the overpayment in full without interest. If a retired member repays an overpayment in full within 30 days after the date of the notice, there will be no interest charge. A retired member may repay an overpayment out of pocket or direct IPERS to recover the overpayment from future retirement benefit payments, or a combination of both. If the retired member cannot repay an overpayment in full, either out of pocket or from the next monthly installment of retirement benefits, or both, interest shall be charged. A retired member who cannot repay the full amount of the overpayment within 30 days after the date of the notice must enter into an agreement with IPERS to make monthly installment payments, or to have the overpayment offset against future monthly benefit payments or death benefits, if any, and authorize any unpaid balance as a first priority claim in the recipient's estate.
(3) Overpayment made to a person other than a retired member. A recipient other than a retired member, except a recipient listed in subrule 11.5(2), shall receive written notice of overpayment, including the reason for the overpayment, the amount of the overpayment, and the opportunity to repay the overpayment in full without interest. If such a recipient repays an overpayment in full within 30 days after the date of the notice, there will be no interest charge. If such a recipient cannot repay an overpayment in full within 30 days after the date of the notice, interest shall be charged. If repayment in full cannot be made within 30 days, such a recipient shall make repayment arrangements subject to IPERS' approval within 30 days of the written notice and request for repayment.
If the overpayment recipient cannot be located to receive notice of the overpayment at the recipient's last-known address, IPERS shall, after trying to locate the person, consider the recipient to have waived entitlement to the quarters covered by the refund.
(4) Interest charges.
(5) Recovery of overpayment from a deceased recipient. If a recipient dies prior to the full repayment of an erroneous overpayment of benefits, IPERS shall be entitled to apply to the estate of the deceased to recover the remaining balance.
(6) Offsets against amounts payable. IPERS may, in addition to other remedies and after notice to the recipient, request an offset against amounts owing to the recipient by the state according to the offset procedures pursuant to Iowa Code section 421.65.
(7) Rights of appeal. A recipient who is notified of an overpayment and required to make repayments under this rule may appeal IPERS' determination in writing to the CEO or CEO's designee. The written request must explain the basis of the appeal and must be received by IPERS' office within 30 days of overpayment notice pursuant to 495-Chapter 26.
(8) Release of overpayment. IPERS may release a recipient from liability to repay an overpayment, in whole or in part, if IPERS determines that the receipt of overpayment is not the fault of the recipient, and that it would be contrary to equity and good conscience to collect the overpayment. No release of an individual recipient's obligation to repay an overpayment shall stand as precedent for release of another recipient's obligation to repay an overpayment.