Iowa Administrative Code
Agency 21 - Agriculture and Land Stewardship Department
Chapter 64 - Infectious and Contagious Diseases
Rule 21-64.87 - "tuberculosis-free Accredited Herd"defined
A tuberculosis-free accredited herd is one which has been tuberculin tested by the subcutaneous method or any other test approved by the bureau of animal industry, under the supervision of the Iowa department of agriculture and land stewardship and the United States department of agriculture or a veterinary inspector employed by the state in which cooperative tuberculosis eradication work is being conducted jointly by the United States department of agriculture and the state. Further, it shall be a herd in which no animal affected with tuberculosis has been foimd upon two annual or three semiannual tuberculin tests, as above described, and by physical examination.
This rule is intended to implement Iowa Code section 165.12.