Iowa Administrative Code
Agency 21 - Agriculture and Land Stewardship Department
Chapter 45 - Pesticides
Rule 21-45.8 - Label Requirements
Each package of pesticide sold separately shall bear a Cornplete label. The label shall contain the name, brand or trademark of the product; name and address of the manufacturer, registrant or person for whom manufactured; directions for use which are necessary and if Cornplied with, adequate for protection of the public; statement of net content in terms of weight or measure in general use; and an ingredient statement. The label of every pesticide, if necessary to prevent injury to humans, other animals and useful vegetation, must contain a warning or caution statement, in nontechnical language based on the hazard involved in the use of the pesticide. In addition, any pesticide highly toxic to humans shall be labeled with a skull and crossbones and with the word "poison" prominently in red on a background of distinctly contrasting color; the first-aid antidote for the poison shall be given and instructions for safe disposal of containers.