Current through Register Vol. 47, No. 13, December 25, 2024
(1) A
petition for a permit shall be filed with the commission upon the form
prescribed and shall include all required exhibits. The petition shall be
considered filed with the commission on the date accepted by the commission's
electronic filing system as provided for in 199-Chapter 14. The petition shall
be attested to by an officer, official or attorney with authority to represent
the pipeline company. Required exhibits shall be in the following form:
Exhibit A. A legal
description showing at a minimum:
(1) The
beginning and ending points of the proposed pipeline.
(2) The general direction of the proposed
route through each quarter section of land to be crossed, including township
and range.
(3) Whether the proposed
pipeline will be located on private or public property, public highway or
railroad right-of-way.
(4) Other
pertinent information.
(5) When the
route is in or adjacent to the right-of-way of a named road or a railroad, the
exhibit shall specifically identify the road or railroad by name.
Exhibit B.
Maps showing the proposed routing of the pipeline. The maps may be to any scale
appropriate for the level of detail to be shown, but not smaller than one inch
to the mile, and shall be legible when printed on paper no larger than 11
× 17 inches. Maps based on satellite imagery are preferred. A map of the
entire route, if the route is located in more than one county or there is more
than one map for a county, shall be filed in this exhibit on paper no larger
than 11 × 17 inches without regard to scale. The following minimum
information shall be provided on the maps:
The route of the pipeline which is the subject of the petition, including the
starting and ending points, and when paralleling a road or railroad, which side
it is on. Multiple pipelines on the same right-of-way shall be indicated, and
the distance between paralleling pipelines shall be shown.
(2) The name of the county, county lines,
section lines, section numbers, township numbers, and range numbers.
(3) The location and identity of adjacent or
crossed public roads, railroads, named streams or bodies of water, and other
pertinent natural or man-made features influencing the route.
(4) The name and corporate limits of cities,
and the name and boundaries of any public lands or parks.
(5) Other pipelines and the identity of the
(6) Any buildings or places
of public assembly within the potential impact radius of the transmission
pipeline as defined in 49
CFR 192.903.
Exhibit C. A showing of
engineering specifications covering the engineering features, materials and
manner of construction of the proposed pipeline, its approximate length,
diameter and the name and location of each railroad and primary highway and the
number of secondary highways to be crossed, if any, and such other information
as may be deemed pertinent on forms prescribed by the commission, which are
located on the commission's website. In addition, the maximum and normal
operating pressure of the proposed pipeline shall be provided.
Exhibit D. Satisfactory
proof of solvency and financial ability to pay damages in the sum of $250,000
or more; or surety bond satisfactory to the commission in the penal sum of
$250,000 with surety approved by the commission, conditioned that the pipeline
company will pay any and all damages legally recovered against it growing out
of the construction and operation of its pipeline or gas storage facilities in
the state of Iowa; security satisfactory to the commission as a guarantee for
the payment of damages in the sum of $250,000; or satisfactory proofs that the
pipeline company has property subject to execution within this state, other
than pipelines, of a value in excess of $250,000. The commission may require
additional surety or insurance policies to ensure the payment of damages
growing out of the construction and operation of a transmission pipeline that
will be constructed in more than one county.
Exhibit E.
(1) Consent or documentation of appropriate
public highway authorities, or railroad companies, where the pipeline will be
placed longitudinally on, over or under, or at other than an approximate right
angle to railroad tracks or highway, when such consent is obtained prior to
filing of the petition, shall be filed with the petition.
(2) If any consent is not obtained at the
time the petition is filed, the pipeline company shall file a statement that it
will obtain all necessary consents or file other documentation of the right to
commence construction prior to commencement of construction of the pipeline. A
pipeline company may request commission approval to begin construction on a
segment of a pipeline prior to obtaining all necessary consents for
construction of the entire pipeline.
(3) Whether there are permits that will be
required from other state agencies for construction of the pipeline and, if so,
a description of the permit required and whether the permit has been
Exhibit F. This exhibit shall contain the following:
(1) A statement of the purpose of the project
and a description of how the services rendered by the pipeline will promote the
public convenience and necessity.
(2) A general statement covering each of the
following topics:
1. The nature of the lands,
waters, and public or private facilities to be crossed;
2. The possible use of alternative
3. The relationship of the
proposed pipeline to present and future land use and zoning ordinances;
4. The inconvenience or undue
injury which may result to property owners as a result of the proposed
(3) For an
existing pipeline, the year of original construction and a description of any
amendments or reportable changes since the permit or latest renewal permit was
Exhibit G. If informational meetings were required, an
affidavit that such meetings were held in each county affected by the proposed
project and the time and place of each meeting. Copies of the mailed notice
letter, the corridor map, and the published notice(s) of the informational
meeting shall be attached to the affidavit.
Exhibit H. This exhibit
is required only if the petition requests the right of eminent domain. The
extent of the eminent domain request may be uncertain at the time the petition
is filed. However, this exhibit must be in final form before a hearing is
scheduled. It shall consist of a map of the route showing the location of each
property for which the right of eminent domain is sought and for each property:
(1) The legal description of the
(2) The legal description
of the desired easement.
(3) A
specific description of the easement rights being sought.
(4) The names and addresses of all affected
persons based upon a title search conducted for the property over which eminent
domain is requested.
(5) A map
drawn to an appropriate scale showing the boundaries of the property, the
boundaries and dimensions of the proposed easement, the location of pipelines
or pipeline facilities within the proposed easement, the location of and
distance to any building within 300 feet of the proposed pipeline, and any
other features pertinent to the location of the pipeline to the rights being
(6) An overview map showing
the location of the property over which eminent domain is requested filed with
the property identified as required in 199-paragraph
Exhibit I. If pipeline
construction on agricultural land as defined in 199-subrule 9.1(3) is proposed,
a land restoration plan shall be prepared and filed as provided in rule
199-9.2 (479,479B). The name and
contact information of each county inspector designated by county boards of
supervisors pursuant to Iowa Code section
shall be included in the land restoration plan, if known.
Underground storage. If
permission is sought to construct, maintain and operate facilities for
underground storage of gas, the petition shall include the following
information, in addition to that stated above:
(1) A description of the public or private
highways, grounds and waters, streams and private lands of any kind under which
the storage is proposed, together with a map.
(2) Maps showing the location of proposed
machinery, appliances, fixtures, wells, and stations necessary for the
construction, maintenance, and operation of the facilities.
Exhibit K. The
pipeline company shall file additional information as follows:
(1) An affidavit affirming that the company
undertook a review of land records to determine all affected persons for all
parcels over which the pipeline is proposed to be located before easements were
signed or eminent domain requested.
(2) Whether any private easements will be
required for the proposed pipeline and, if a private easement is anticipated to
be required, when the easement negotiations will be completed and whether all
affected persons associated with the property have been notified.
(3) Whether there are any agreements or
additional facilities that need to be constructed to receive natural
(4) Projected date when
construction of the pipeline will begin.
(5) Whether the pipeline will have
pressure-relieving or pressure-limiting devices that meet the requirements of
49 CFR
192.199 and
Other exhibits. The
commission may require filing of additional exhibits if further information on
a particular project is deemed necessary.
(2) Construction on an existing easement.
a. Petitions proposing new pipeline
construction on an existing easement where the pipeline company has previously
constructed a pipeline shall include a statement indicating whether any
unresolved damage claims remain from the previous pipeline construction, and if
so shall provide the name of each landowner or tenant, a legal description of
the property involved, and the status of proceedings to settle the
b. A petition for permit
proposing new pipeline construction on an existing easement where the pipeline
company has previously constructed a pipeline shall not be acted upon by the
commission if a damage claim from the installation of the previous pipeline has
not been resolved by negotiation, arbitration, or court action. The commission
may take action on the petition if the damage claim is under litigation or
Statement of damage claims.
a. A petition for
permit proposing new pipeline construction shall not be acted upon by the
commission if the pipeline company does not file with the commission a written
statement in compliance with Iowa Code chapter 479 as to how damages resulting
from the construction of the pipeline shall be determined and paid.
b. The statement shall contain the following
information: the type of damages which will be compensated for, how the amount
of damages will be determined, the procedures by which disputes may be
resolved, the manner of payment, and the procedures that the affected person is
required to follow to obtain a determination of damages by a county
compensation commission.
c. The
statement shall be amended as necessary to reflect changes in the law, company
policy, or the needs of a specific project.
d. A copy of this statement shall be mailed
with the notice of informational meeting as provided for in Iowa Code section
479.5. Where no informational
meeting is required, a copy shall be provided to each affected person prior to
entering into negotiations for payment of damages.
e. Nothing in this rule shall prevent a
person from negotiating with the pipeline company for terms which are
different, more specific, or in addition to the statement filed with the
Negotiation of easements. The pipeline company is not prohibited from
responding to inquiries concerning existing or future easements or from
requesting and collecting tenant and affected person information, provided that
the pipeline company is not "negotiating" as defined in subrule