Iowa Administrative Code
Agency 193A - Accountancy Examining Board
Chapter 10 - Continuing Education
Rule 193A-10.8 - Programs That Qualify and Cpe Limitations
Current through Register Vol. 47, No. 13, December 25, 2024
(1) The overriding consideration in determining whether a specific program qualifies as acceptable continuing education is that it be a formal program of learning that contributes directly to the professional competence of an individual certified or licensed in this state. It will be left to each individual certificate holder or license holder to determine the technical or nontechnical professional skills courses of study to be pursued. Thus, the auditor may study accounting and auditing, the tax practitioner may study taxes, and the management advisory services practitioner may study subjects related to such practice. Job-related continuing professional education qualifies as acceptable provided the courses selected from nontechnical professional skills contribute to the professional competence of the certificate holder or license holder.
(2) Program standards have to include the following:
(3) Continuing professional education programs will qualify only if:
(4) The following programs are deemed to qualify provided all other criteria of this rule are met:
(5) Formal correspondence and formal self-study programs contributing directly to the professional competence of an individual that obligate the licensee to register and provide evidence of satisfactory completion will be considered for credit. The amount of credit to be allowed for correspondence and formal self-study programs (including tested study programs) will be recommended by the program sponsor and based upon appropriate "field tests" and will not exceed 50 percent of the renewal obligation. A licensee claiming credit for correspondence or formal self-study courses will obtain evidence of satisfactory completion of the course from the program sponsor. Credit will be allowed in the renewal period in which the course is completed.
(6) Credit may be allowed for self-study programs on the basis of one hour of credit for each 50 minutes spent on the self-study program if the developer of such programs is approved by either the national continuing professional education registry or by the NASBA continuing education registry and the program sponsor has not designated the amount of credit to be claimed for completing the course of study. The licensee has to estimate the equivalent number of hours and justify the amount of hours claimed. The maximum credit will not exceed 50 percent of the renewal obligation. Credit will be allowed in the renewal period in which the course is completed.
(7) The credit allowed an instructor, discussion leader, or speaker will be on the basis of two hours for subject preparation for each hour of teaching. Credit for teaching college or university coursework may be claimed for courses taught above the elementary accounting or principles of accounting level. Repetitious presentations will not be considered. The maximum credit for such preparation and teaching will not exceed 50 percent of the renewal period obligation.
(8) Credit may be awarded for published articles and books. The amount of credit so awarded will be determined by the board. Credit may be allowed for published articles and books provided they contribute to the professional competence of the licensee. Credit for preparation of such publications may be given on a self-declaration basis up to 25 percent of the renewal period obligation. In exceptional circumstances, a licensee may request additional credit by submitting the article(s) or book(s) to the board with an explanation of the circumstances that the licensee believes justify additional credit.
(9) Credit may be allowed for the successful completion of professional examinations as detailed below. Credit is calculated at the rate of five times the length of each examination, which is presumed to include all preparation time, claimed in the calendar year of the examination, and limited to 50 percent of the total renewal obligation.
(10) Firm meetings for staff or management groups for the purpose of administrative and firm matters do not meet the standards set forth in subrule 10.8(1).
(11) Dinner, luncheon and breakfast meetings of recognized organizations may qualify if they meet the appropriate provisions and are limited to 25 percent of the total renewal criteria if the individual meeting is no more than two hours long.
(12) Continuing professional education taken in nontechnical skills area as defined in rule 193A-10.2 (542) is limited to 50 percent of the total renewal obligation.
(13) The board may look to recognized state or national accounting organizations for assistance in interpreting the acceptability of and credit to be allowed for individual courses.
(14) The right is specifically reserved to the board to approve or deny credit for continuing professional education claimed under these rules.