Iowa Administrative Code
Agency 161 - Civil Rights Commission
Chapter 11 - Public Records and Fair Information Practices
Rule 161-11.6 - Procedure by Which Additions, Dissents, or Objections May Be Entered Into Certain Records
Except as otherwise provided by law, a person may file a request with the custodian to review, and to have a written statement of additions, dissents, or objections entered into, a record containing personally identifiable information pertaining to that person. However, this does not authorize a person who is a subject of such a record to alter the original copy of that record or to expand the official record of any agency proceeding. Requester shall send the request to review such a record or the written statement of additions, dissents, or objections to the custodian. The request to review a written statement must be dated and signed by requester, and shall include the current address and telephone number of the requester or the requester's representative.