Current through Register Vol. 47, No. 13, December 25, 2024
Initiation of rule-making procedures.
a. Any person or state agency may file a
petition for rule making with the commission at its location as defined in
161-paragraph 1.1(1)
"b." A petition is deemed filed when it is
received by that office. The commission shall provide the petitioner with a
file-stamped copy of the petition if the petitioner provides the commission an
extra copy for this purpose. The petition must be typewritten or legibly
handwritten in ink and must substantially conform to the following form:
Petition by (Name of Petitioner) for the (adoption, amendment,
or repeal) of rules relating to (state subject matter).
The petition must provide the following information:
1. A statement of the specific rule-making
action sought by the petitioner including the text or a summary of the contents
of the proposed rule or amendment to a rule, a citation and the relevant
language to the particular portion or portions of the rule proposed to be
amended or repealed.
2. A citation
to any law deemed relevant to the commission's authority to take the action
urged or to the desirability of that action.
3. A brief summary of petitioner's arguments
in support of the action urged in the petition.
4. A brief summary of any data supporting the
action urged in the petition.
The names and addresses of other persons, or a description of any class of
persons, known by petitioner to be affected by, or interested in, the proposed
action which is the subject of the petition.
b. The commission shall act upon the request
within 60 days after its submission in accordance with Iowa Code section
as amended by 1998 Iowa Acts, chapter 1202.
c. The commission may initiate rule-making
procedures upon its own motion in accordance with Iowa Code section
Advice on
possible rules before notice of proposed rule adoption. In addition to
seeking information by other methods, the commission may, before publication of
a Notice of Intended Action under Iowa Code section
"a, " solicit comments from
the public on a subject matter of possible rule making by the commission by
causing notice to be published in the Iowa Administrative Bulletin of the
subject matter and indicating where, when, and how persons may
Notice of
proposed rule making -contents. At least 35 days
before the adoption of a rule, the commission shall cause Notice of Intended
Action to be published in the Iowa Administrative Bulletin.
The Notice of Intended Action shall include:
a. A brief explanation of the purpose of the
proposed rule;
b. The specific
legal authority for the proposed rule;
c. Except to the extent impracticable, the
text of the proposed rule;
Where, when, and how persons may present their views on the proposed rule;
e. Where, when, and how persons
may demand an oral proceeding on the proposed rule if the notice does not
already provide for one.
Where inclusion of the complete text of a proposed rule in the
Notice of Intended Action is impracticable, the commission shall include in the
notice a statement fully describing the specific subject matter of the omitted
portion of the text of the proposed rule, the specific issues to be addressed
by that omitted text of the proposed rule, and the range of possible choices
being considered by the agency for the resolution of each of those
Public participation.
Written comments. For at least 20 days after publication of
the Notice of Intended Action, persons may submit argument, data, and views, in
writing on the proposed rule. Such written submissions should identify the
proposed rule to which they relate and should be submitted to the commission at
its location as defined in 161-paragraph 1.1(1)
"b, " or the
person designated in the Notice of Intended Action.
Oral proceedings. The
commission may, at any time, schedule an oral proceeding on a proposed rule.
The commission shall schedule an oral proceeding on a proposed rule if, within
20 days after a published Notice of Intended Action, a written request for an
opportunity to make oral presentations is submitted to the commission by the
administrative rules review committee, a governmental subdivision, an agency,
an association having not less than 25 members, or at least 25 persons. That
request must also contain the following additional information:
(1) A request by one or more individual
persons must be signed by each of them and include the address and telephone
number of each of them.
(2) A
request by an association must be signed by an officer or designee of the
association and must contain a statement that the association has at least 25
members and the address and telephone number of the person signing the
(3) A request by an agency
or governmental subdivision must be signed by an official having authority to
act on behalf of the entity and must contain the address and telephone number
of the person signing the request.
Conduct of oral
(1) Applicability. This
paragraph applies only to those oral rule-making proceedings in which an
opportunity to make oral presentations is authorized or required by Iowa Code
"b " as amended by 1998
Iowa Acts, chapter 1202, or paragraph 1.2(5)
(2) Scheduling and notice. An oral proceeding
on a proposed rule may be held in one or more locations and shall not be held
earlier than 20 days after notice of its location and time is published in the
Iowa Administrative Bulletin. That notice shall also identify the proposed rule
by ARC number and citation to the Iowa Administrative Bulletin.
(3) Presiding officer The commission, a
member of the commission, or another person designated by the commission who
will be familiar with the substance of the proposed rule, shall preside at the
oral proceeding on a proposed rule. If the commission does not preside, the
presiding officer shall prepare a memorandum for consideration by the
commission summarizing the contents of the presentations made at the oral
proceeding unless the commission determines that such a memorandum is
unnecessary because the commission will personally listen to or read the entire
transcript of the oral proceeding.
(4) Conduct of the proceeding. At an oral
proceeding on a proposed rule persons may make oral statements and make
documentary and physical submissions, which may include data, views, comments
or arguments concerning the proposed rule. Persons wishing to make oral
presentations at such a proceeding are encouraged to notify the commission at
least one business day prior to the proceeding and indicate the general subject
of their presentations. At the proceeding, those who participate shall indicate
their names and addresses, identify any persons or organizations they may
represent, and provide any other information relating to their participation
deemed appropriate by the presiding officer Oral proceedings shall be open to
the public and shall be recorded by stenographic or electronic means.
1. At the beginning of the oral proceeding
the presiding officer shall give a brief synopsis of the proposed rule, a
statement of the statutory authority for the proposed rule, and the reasons for
the commission decision to propose the rule. The presiding officer may place
time limitations on individual oral presentations when necessary to ensure the
orderly and expeditious conduct of the oral proceeding. To encourage joint oral
presentations and to avoid repetition, additional time may be provided for
persons whose presentations represent the views of other individuals as well as
their own views.
2. Persons making
oral presentations are encouraged to avoid restating matters which have already
been submitted in writing.
3. To
facilitate the exchange of information the presiding officer may, where time
permits, open the floor to questions or general discussion.
4. The presiding officer shall have the
authority to take any reasonable action necessary for the orderly conduct of
the meeting.
5. Physical and
documentary submissions presented by participants in the oral proceeding shall
be submitted to the presiding officer Such submissions become the property of
the commission.
6. The oral
proceeding may be continued by the presiding officer to a later time without
notice other than by announcement at the hearing.
7. Participants in an oral proceeding shall
not be required to take an oath or to submit to cross-examination. However, the
presiding officer in an oral proceeding may question participants and permit
the questions of participants about any matter relating to that rule-making
proceeding, including any prior written submissions made by those participants
in that proceeding; but no participant shall be required to answer any
8. The presiding officer
in an oral proceeding may permit rebuttal statements and request the filing of
written statements subsequent to adjournment of the oral
Additional information.
In addition to receiving written comments and oral presentations on a proposed
rule according to the provisions of this rule, the commission may obtain
information concerning a proposed rule through any other lawful means deemed
appropriate under the circumstances.
Accessibility. The
commission shall schedule oral proceedings in rooms accessible to and
functional for persons with physical disabilities. Persons who have special
requirements should contact the commission at its location as defined in
161-paragraph 1.1(1)
"b" in advance to arrange access or other
needed services.
Regulatory analysis.
Definition of small business. A "small business" is defined in
1998 Iowa Acts, chapter 1202, section 10.
Qualified requesters for
regulatory analysis -
economic impact. The commission
shall issue a regulatory analysis of a proposed rule that conforms to the
requirements of Iowa Code section
after a proper request from:
(1) The administrative rules coordinator;
(2) The administrative rules
review committee.
Qualified requesters for regulatory analysis -
impact. The commission shall issue a regulatory analysis of a proposed
rule that conforms to the requirements of 1998 Iowa Acts, chapter 1202, section
10(2b) after a proper request from:
(1) The
administrative rules review committee,
(2) The administrative rules
(3) At least 25 or
more persons who sign the request provided that each represents a different
small business,
(4) An organization
representing at least 25 small businesses. That organization shall list the
name, address and phone number of not less than 25 small businesses it
Time period for analysis. Upon receipt of a timely request for
a regulatory analysis the commission shall adhere to the time lines described
in 1998 Iowa Acts, chapter 1202, section 10(4).
Contents for request. A
request for a regulatory analysis is made when it is mailed or delivered to the
commission. The request shall be in writing and satisfy the requirements of
1998 Iowa Acts, chapter 1202, section 10(1).
Contents of concise
summary. The contents of the concise summary shall conform to the
requirements of 1998 Iowa Acts, chapter 1202, section 10(4,5).
Publication of a concise
summary. The commission shall make available to the maximum extent
feasible, copies of the published summary in conformance with 1998 Iowa Acts,
chapter 1202, section 10(5).
Regulatory analysis contents -
rules review committee
or rules coordinator When a regulatory analysis is issued in response
to written request from the administrative rules review committee or the
administrative rules coordinator, the regulatory analysis shall conform to the
requirements of 1998 Iowa Acts, chapter 1202, section 10(2a), unless a written
request expressly waives one or more of the items listed in the
analysis contents -
substantial impact on small
business. When a regulatory analysis is issued in response to a
written request from the administrative rules review committee, the
administrative rules coordinator, at least 25 persons signing that request who
each qualify as a small business or by an organization representing at least 25
small businesses, the regulatory analysis shall conform to the requirements of
1998 Iowa Acts, chapter 1202, section 10(2b).
Fiscal impact statement.
a. A proposed rule that mandates additional
combined expenditures exceeding $100,000 by all affected political subdivisions
or agencies or entities which contract with the political subdivisions to
provide service must be accompanied by a fiscal impact statement outlining the
costs associated with the rule. A fiscal impact statement must satisfy the
requirements of Iowa Code section
b. If the commission determines at the time
it adopts a rule that a fiscal impact statement upon which the rule is based
contains errors, the commission shall, at the same time, issue a corrected
fiscal impact statement and publish the corrected fiscal impact statement in
the Iowa Administrative Bulletin.
lime and manner of rule
Time of
adoption. The commission shall not adopt a rule until the period for
making written submissions and oral presentations has expired. Within 180 days
after the later of the publication of the Notice of Intended Action, or the end
of oral proceedings thereon, the commission shall adopt a rule pursuant to the
rule-making proceeding or terminate the proceeding by publication of a notice
to that effect in the Iowa Administrative Bulletin.
Consideration of public
comment. Before the adoption of a rule, the commission shall consider
fully all of the written submissions and oral submissions received in that
rule-making proceeding or any memorandum summarizing such oral submissions, and
any regulatory analysis or fiscal impact statement issued in that rule-making
Reliance on
commission expertise. Except as otherwise provided by law, the
commission may use its own experience, technical competence, specialized
knowledge, and judgment in the adoption of a rule.
Variance between adopted rule and
published notice of proposed rule adoption.
a. The commission shall not adopt a rule that
differs from the rule proposed in the Notice of Intended Action on which the
rule is based unless:
(1) The differences are
within the scope of the subject matter announced in the Notice of Intended
Action and are in character with the issues raised in that notice;
(2) The differences are a
logical outgrowth of the contents of that Notice of Intended Action and the
comments submitted in response thereto; and
(3) The Notice of Intended Action provided
fair warning that the outcome of that rule-making proceeding could be the rule
in question.
b. In
determining whether the Notice of Intended Action provided fair warning that
the outcome of that rule-making proceeding could be the rule in question the
commission shall consider the following factors:
(1) The extent to which persons who will be
affected by the rule should have understood that the rule-making proceeding on
which it is based could affect their interests;
(2) The extent to which the subject matter of
the rule or the issues determined by the rule are different from the subject
matter or issues contained in the Notice of Intended Action; and
(3) The extent to which the effects of the
rule differ from the effects of the proposed rule contained in the Notice of
Intended Action.
c. The
commission shall commence a rule-making proceeding within 60 days of receipt of
a petition for rule making seeking the amendment or repeal of a rule that
differs from the proposed rule contained in the Notice of Intended Action upon
which the rule is based, unless the commission finds that the differences
between the adopted rule and the proposed rule are so insubstantial as to make
such a rule-making proceeding wholly unnecessary. A copy of any such finding
and the petition to which it responds shall be sent to petitioner, the
administrative rules coordinator, and the administrative rules review
committee, within 3 days of its issuance.
d Concurrent rule-making proceedings. Nothing
in this rule disturbs the discretion of the commission to initiate,
concurrently, several different rule-making proceedings on the same subject
with several different published Notices of Intended Action.
Concise statement of
General. When requested by a person, either prior to the adoption of a
rule or within 30 days after its publication in the Iowa Administrative
Bulletin as an adopted rule, the commission shall issue a concise statement of
reasons for the rule. Requests for such a statement must be in writing and be
delivered to the commission's office as defined in 161-paragraph 1.1(1)
"b. " The request should indicate whether the statement is
sought for all or only a specified part of the rule. Requests will be
considered made on the date received.
Contents. The concise
statement of reasons shall contain:
(1) The
reasons for adopting the rule;
An indication of any change between the text of the proposed rule contained in
the published Notice of Intended Action and the text of the rule as finally
adopted, with the reasons for any such change;
(3) The principal reasons urged in the
rule-making proceeding for and against the rule, and the commission's reasons
for overruling the arguments made against the rule.
Time of issuance. After
a proper request, the commission shall issue a concise statement of reasons by
the time the rule is adopted or 35 days after receipt of the request, whichever
is later
Contents, style, and form of rule.
Contents. Each adopted
rule by the commission shall contain the text of the rule and, in addition:
(1) The date the commission adopted the
(2) A brief explanation of
the principal reasons for the rule-making action if such reasons are required
by Iowa Code section
"b" as amended by 1998 Iowa
Acts, chapter 1202, or the commission in its discretion decides to include such
(3) A reference to all
rules repealed, amended, or suspended by the rule;
(4) A reference to the specific statutory or
other authority authorizing adoption of the rule;
(5) Any findings required by any provision of
law as a prerequisite to adoption or effectiveness of the rule;
(6) A brief explanation of the principal
reasons for the failure to provide for waivers to the rule if no waiver
provision is included and a brief explanation of any waiver or special
exceptions provided in the rule if such reasons are required by Iowa Code
"b" as amended by 1998 Iowa
Acts, chapter 1202, or the commission in its discretion decides to include such
reasons; and
(7) The effective date
of the rule.
References to materials not published in full When the administrative
code editor decides to omit the full text of a proposed or adopted rule because
publication of the full text would be unduly cumbersome, expensive, or
otherwise inexpedient, the commission shall prepare and submit to the
administrative code editor for inclusion in the Iowa Administrative Bulletin
and Iowa Administrative Code a summary statement describing the specific
subject matter of the omitted material. This summary statement shall include
the title and a brief description sufficient to inform the public of the
specific nature and subject matter of the proposed or adopted rules, and of
significant issues involved in these rules. The summary statement shall also
describe how a copy of the full text of the proposed or adopted rule, including
any unpublished matter, may be obtained from the commission. The commission
will provide a copy of that full text at actual cost upon request and shall
make copies of the full text available for review at the state law library and
may make the standards available electronically.
At the request of the administrative code editor, the
commission shall provide a proposed statement explaining why publication of the
full text would be unduly cumbersome, expensive, or otherwise
Style and form. In preparing its rules, the commission shall follow
the uniform numbering system, form, and style prescribed by the administrative
rules coordinator
Filing of rules. The commission shall file each rule it adopts
in the office of the administrative rules coordinator The filing must be
executed as soon after adoption of the rule as is practicable. At the time of
filing, each rule must have attached to it any fiscal impact statement and any
concise statement of reasons that was issued with respect to that rule. If a
fiscal impact statement or statement of reasons for that rule was not issued
until a time subsequent to the filing of that rule, the note or statement must
be attached to the filed rule within five working days after the note or
statement is issued. In filing a rule, the agency shall use the standard form
prescribed by the administrative rules coordinator
Effectiveness of rules prior to
Grounds. The commission may make a rule effective after its filing at
any stated time prior to 35 days after its indexing and publication in the Iowa
Administrative Bulletin if it finds that a statute so provides, the rule
confers a benefit or removes a restriction on some segment of the public, or
that the effective date of the rule is necessary to avoid imminent peril to the
public health, safety, or welfare. The commission shall incorporate the
required finding and a brief statement of its supporting reasons in each rule
adopted in reliance upon this subrule.
Special notice. When the
commission makes a rule effective prior to its indexing and publication in
reliance upon the provisions of Iowa Code section
"b"(3), the commission
shall employ all reasonable efforts to make its contents known to the persons
who may be affected by that rule prior to the rule's indexing and publication.
The term "all reasonable efforts" requires the commission to employ the most
effective and prompt means of notice rationally calculated to inform
potentially affected parties of the following: the effectiveness of the rule
under the circumstances, the various alternatives available for this purpose,
the comparative costs to the commission of utilizing each of those
alternatives, and the harm suffered by affected persons from any lack of notice
concerning the contents of the rule prior to its indexing and publication. The
means that may be used for providing notice of such rules prior to their
indexing and publication include, but are not limited to, any one or more of
the following means: radio, newspaper, television, signs, mail, telephone,
personal notice, or electronic means.
A rule made effective prior to its indexing and publication in
reliance upon the provisions of Iowa Code section 17A.5(2) "b"
(3) shall include in that rule a statement describing the reasonable efforts
that will be used to comply with the requirements of 1.2(12)"b.
Review by commission of rules.
a. Any interested person, association,
agency, or political subdivision may submit a written request to the
administrative rules coordinator requesting the commission to conduct a formal
review of a specified rule. Upon approval of that request by the administrative
rules coordinator, the commission shall conduct a formal review of a specified
rule to determine whether a new rule should be adopted instead or the rule
should be amended or repealed. The commission may refuse to conduct a review if
it has conducted such a review of the specified rule within five years prior to
the filing of the written request.
b. In conducting the formal review, the
commission shall prepare within a reasonable time a written report summarizing
its findings, its supporting reasons, and any proposed course of action. The
report must include a concise statement of the commission's findings regarding
the rule's effectiveness in achieving its objectives, including a summary of
any available supporting data. The report shall also concisely describe
significant written criticisms of the rule received during the previous five
years, including a summary of any petitions for waiver of the rule received by
the commission or granted by the commission. The report shall describe
alternative solutions to resolve the criticisms of the rule, the reasons any
were rejected, and any changes made in the rule in response to the criticisms
as well as the reasons for the changes. A copy of the commission's report shall
be sent to the administrative rules review committee.