Indiana Administrative Code
Rule 22 - Property Tax File Format Requirements for 2010-Pay-2011 Data and Earlier
Section 22-5 - Personal property data
Current through December 25, 2024
Authority: IC 6-1.1-31-1; IC 6-1.1-31.5-3.5
Affected: IC 6-1.1-4-25; IC 6-1.1-31.5
Sec. 5.
(a) HEADER RECORD (appears once per file):
Column |
Start |
End |
Length |
Type |
Comments/Format |
Filename |
1 |
18 |
18 |
A |
Filename (e.g. "Filename: PERSPROP", or "Filename: POOLDATA") |
County Number |
19 |
35 |
17 |
A |
Constant value (e.g. "County Number: 23") |
County Description |
36 |
75 |
40 |
A |
Constant value (e.g. "County Description: LAKE COUNTY") |
File Format ID |
76 |
96 |
21 |
A |
Constant value of "File Format ID: 2003A This communicates the version of the structure used to create the data. |
County Contact Name |
97 |
136 |
40 |
A |
Constant value (e.g. "County Contact Name: Robert Smith") |
County Contact Phone |
137 |
176 |
40 |
A |
Constant value (e.g. "County Contact Phone: 219-5555555") |
File create date |
177 |
206 |
30 |
A |
mm/dd/yyyy format (e.g. "File Create Date: 03/03/2003") |
File create time |
207 |
228 |
22 |
A |
Constant value (e.g. "File Create Time: 1400") |
Assessment Year |
229 |
249 |
21 |
A |
Constant value (e.g. "Assessment Year: 2002) |
Pay Year |
250 |
263 |
14 |
A |
Constant value (e.g. "Pay Year: 2003") |
Software Vendor Name |
264 |
303 |
40 |
A |
Constant value (e.g. "Software Vendor Name: ABC Vendor") |
Software Package Name and Version |
304 |
363 |
60 |
A |
Constant value (e.g. "Software Package Name: ABC Assessor System Version 1.5) |
Software Vendor Phone Number |
364 |
411 |
48 |
A |
Constant value (e.g. "Software Vendor Phone Number: 317-555-5555") |
Software Vendor Email |
412 |
459 |
48 |
A |
Constant value (e.g. "Software Vendor Email:") |
Transmission Description |
460 |
559 |
100 |
A |
Constant value (e.g. "Transmission Description: Preliminary Data Submission - Test") |
(b) PERSONAL PROPERTY FILE - (appears 0 times or once per taxpayer - Filename = PERSPROP
Column |
Start |
End |
Length |
Type |
Comments/Format |
Tax Identification Number |
1 |
25 |
25 |
A |
Personal property ID numbers must be unique within the county. The first two digits must correspond with the county number. Social security numbers and Federal ID numbers may not be used as a tax identification number. |
Federal Tax Number |
26 |
37 |
12 |
A |
Counties should enter the Federal ID number (or Social Security number when appropriate) in the "Federal Tax Number" field of the PERSPROP file. |
Taxpayer Type Code |
38 |
50 |
13 |
A |
Refer to Code List 38 |
Taxpayer Name |
51 |
130 |
80 |
A | |
Taxpayer Street Address |
131 |
170 |
40 |
A | |
City |
171 |
200 |
30 |
A | |
State |
201 |
217 |
17 |
A | |
Zip Code |
218 |
227 |
10 |
A |
Format xxxxx-xxxx |
AV - Vehicles |
228 |
237 |
10 |
N | |
AV - Boats and Boat Equipment |
238 |
247 |
10 |
N | |
AV - Farm Implements and Equipment |
248 |
257 |
10 |
N | |
AV - Livestock, Poultry, and FurBearing Animals |
258 |
267 |
10 |
N | |
AV - Grain, Seeds, and Forage Crops |
268 |
277 |
10 |
N | |
AV - Inventories from Form 103, Schedule B |
278 |
287 |
10 |
N | |
AV - Business Depreciable Personal Property |
288 |
297 |
10 |
N | |
AV - Inventories of Public Utility Companies |
298 |
307 |
10 |
N | |
AV - Fixed Depreciable Personal Property of Public Utility Companies |
308 |
317 |
10 |
N | |
Principal Business Activity Code |
318 |
323 |
6 |
A |
This field should contain North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) codes. |
(c) POOL DATA FILE - (appears 0, 1, or many times per taxpayer) - Filename = POOLDATA
Column |
Start |
End |
Length |
Type |
Comments/Format |
Tax Identification Number |
1 |
25 |
25 |
N |
Personal property ID numbers must be unique within the county. The first two digits must correspond with the county number. Social security numbers and Federal ID numbers may not be used as a tax identification number. |
Pool Number |
26 |
26 |
1 |
N | |
Acquisition Start Date |
27 |
36 |
10 |
A |
Format mm/dd/yyyy |
Acquisition End Date |
37 |
46 |
10 |
A |
Format mm/dd/yyyy |
Adjusted Cost |
47 |
58 |
12 |
N | |
Total Cost (or Base Year Value) |
59 |
70 |
12 |
N |
(d) APPEALS TRACKING FILE (0, 1, or many records per taxpayer) - Filename = APPEALPP
Column |
Start |
End |
Length |
Type |
Comments/Format |
Tax Identification Number |
1 |
25 |
25 |
Personal property ID numbers must be unique within the county. The first two digits must correspond with the county number. Social security numbers and Federal ID numbers may not be used as a tax identification number. |
Reason for Change (Appeal Form Number) |
26 |
28 |
3 |
A | |
Grounds for Appeal Code |
29 |
48 |
20 |
A |
Refer to Code List 45 |
Prior Value |
49 |
60 |
12 |
N | |
New Value |
61 |
72 |
12 |
N | |
Date of Adjustment |
73 |
82 |
10 |
A | |
Petitioner's Name |
83 |
162 |
80 |
A | |
Petitioner's Address or PO Box |
163 |
202 |
40 |
A | |
Petitioner's Address City |
203 |
232 |
30 |
A | |
Petitioner's Address State |
233 |
234 |
2 |
A | |
Petitioner's Zip Code |
235 |
244 |
10 |
A |
Format mm/dd/yyyy |
Date Appeal was Filed |
245 |
254 |
10 |
A |
Format mm/dd/yyyy |
Date the Board of Review Mailed the Determination to the Taxpayer |
255 |
264 |
10 |
A |
Format mm/dd/yyyy |
(e) TRAILER RECORD (appears once per file)
Column |
Start |
End |
Length |
Type |
Comments/Format |
Record ID |
1 |
10 |
10 |
A |
Constant value of "TRAILER" |
Total Record Count |
11 |
30 |
20 |
N |
Total number of records in the file excluding header and trailer records. |