Indiana Administrative Code
Rule 1.5 - Official Forms
Section 1.5-1 - Definitions
Current through December 25, 2024
Authority: IC 15-17-3-21
Affected: IC 15-17
Sec. 1.
(a) The definitions in IC 15-17-2 and this section apply throughout this rule.
(b) "Animal identification number" or "AIN" means a numbering system for the official identification of individual animals in the United States that provides a nationally unique identification number for each animal. The AIN consists of fifteen (15) digits, with the first three (3) being the country code (840 for the United States or a unique country code for a U.S. territory that has such a code and elects to use it in place of the 840 code). The AIN beginning with the 840 prefix may not be applied to animals known to have been born outside the United States.
(c) "Board" means the Indiana state board of animal health appointed under IC 15-17-3.
(d) "Certificate of veterinary inspection" or "CVI" shall have the meaning set forth in IC 15-17-2-16.
(e) "Flock-based number system" means a combination of a flock identification number (FIN) with a producer's unique livestock production numbering system to provide a nationally unique identification number for an animal.
(f) "Group/lot identification number" or "GIN" means the identification number used to uniquely identify a "unit of animals" of the same species that is managed together as one (1) group throughout the preharvest production chain. When a GIN is used, it is recorded on documents accompanying the animals moving interstate. It is not necessary to have the GIN attached to each animal.
(g) "Location-based number system" means a combination of a state issued LID or a PIN with a producer's unique livestock production numbering system to provide a nationally unique and herd-unique identification number for an animal.
(h) "National Uniform Eartagging System" or "NUES" means a numbering system for the official identification of individual animals in the United States that provides a nationally unique identification number for each animal.
(i) "Official identification number" means a nationally unique number that is permanently associated with an animal or group of animals and that adheres to one (1) of the following systems:
(j) "Officially identified" means identified by means of an official identification device or method approved by the state veterinarian in accordance with this article.
(k) "State veterinarian" means the state veterinarian appointed under IC 15-17-4 and all authorized agents.