Sec. 2.
(a) An
application for restricted waste site Type I or Type II or nonmunicipal solid
waste landfill must be accompanied by plot plans using:
(1) a scale of at least one (1) inch equals
one hundred (100) feet for a site of less than eighty (80) acres; or
(2) a scale of at least one (1) inch equals
two hundred (200) feet for a facility of eighty (80) acres or more.
A bar scale must be shown on plans in order to properly
indicate the scale if size changes occur. All plot plans must include the
facility boundaries and indicate each of the required features set forth in
this section within three hundred (300) feet of the facility boundaries. All
facility plan elevations must correlate with United States Geological Survey
(USGS) mean sea level data.
(b) An application for restricted waste site
Type I or Type II or nonmunicipal solid waste landfill must be accompanied by
the following plot plans and cross sections:
(1) A plot plan that indicates the following:
(A) Locations and elevations of all existing
and proposed on-site boring locations.
(B) Rock outcroppings.
(C) Surface water run-off
(D) Fences.
(E) Utility easements and
(F) Present land
surface contours at intervals of no more than five (5) feet.
(G) Proposed location of scales required by
329 IAC
(2) A plot plan that indicates the fill
boundaries and proposed final contours of the site at intervals of no more than
two (2) feet.
(3) A plot plan, with
surface contours at intervals of no more than five (5) feet, which indicates
initial facility development. Compliance with this plan is a preoperational
requirement under
329 IAC
10-27-2. Benchmarks, as required by
329 IAC
10-27-2, must be shown with a description and
elevation provided.
(4) A plot
plan, with surface contours at intervals of no more than five (5) feet, which
indicates the following:
(A) Land surface
water diversion structures.
(C) Vegetation or fences for
visual screening.
(D) Sedimentation
control structures and erosion control structures.
(E) Protective barriers.
(F) Leachate collection and methane control
systems if proposed.
(G) Existing
and proposed structures.
(H) The
precise location of the solid waste boundary.
(I) Methods of operation.
(J) Direction and order that the operation
and development will proceed.
Depth of excavation.
(L) Length and
width of trenches if proposed.
Depth of lifts and size of working face.
(N) Areas of the site to be used only for
acquisition of cover soil.
(5) Geological cross-sectional drawings of
the proposed facility showing the following:
(A) The types of soil materials or rock
strata, as identified by boring logs, from the ground surface to the required
boring depth.
(B) Depth of proposed
(C) Fill
(D) Present topography,
including mean sea level elevations.
All boring logs must be shown on cross sections. A minimum of
two (2) intersecting cross sections must be submitted.
(6) Cross-sectional drawings of
proposed on-site all-weather roads.
(7) Cross-sectional drawings of proposed
sedimentation control structures and erosion control structures, including, but
not limited to, berms, dikes, and ditches.
(8) Cross-sectional drawings of proposed
protective barriers, leachate collection, or methane control systems, if