Indiana Administrative Code
Rule 3.5 - General Construction Permit for Water Mains
Section 3.5-5 - General construction permit conditions
Current through September 18, 2024
Authority: IC 13-14-8; IC 13-14-9; IC 13-15-2; IC 13-18-1; IC 13-18-3; IC 13-18-4; IC 13-18-16-8
Affected: IC 13-11-2; IC 13-18; IC 13-30
Sec. 5.
(a) The proposed water main extension must meet the issuance requirements of 327 IAC 8-3-4.
(b) A copy of the NOI, all documentation supporting the project, plans, and specifications must be submitted to the public water system before the commencement of the water main construction.
(c) All documentation supporting the project must be readily accessible for review and copying for the duration of water main construction activities. In addition, a copy of the plans conforming to 327 IAC 8-3.2-5(c) and specifications must be available in accordance with the following:
(d) Persons in violation of this rule shall take all reasonable steps to correct any adverse impact on the public health resulting from their noncompliance.
(e) Nothing in this rule shall be construed to relieve anyone from any responsibility, liability, or penalty to which they are or may be subject to under the local, state, or federal laws and regulations.
(f) Responsible persons identified by and regulated by this rule shall ensure that the construction to the public water system achieves compliance with the terms and conditions of this rule.
(g) During construction, where the:
(h) The design and construction of the water main must meet all technical standards in 327 IAC 8-3.2, or, if any alternate technical standards are proposed for the project, the alternate technical standard must be approved by the commissioner in accordance with 327 IAC 8-3.2-20, and a copy of this approval must be submitted with the NOI.
(i) All nonresidential service connections must be equipped with a meter, and the size of the meter must be specified on the plans and specification of the water main. The metering devices must not be capable of exceeding the corresponding "Safe Maximum Operating Capacity" as specified on Table 1 of AWWA C700-02, AWWA C701-02, AWWA C702-01, or AWWA C703-96(04).
(j) At a peak flow rate equal to the peak daily customer demand as determined in subsection (k), the normal operating pressure in the water main shall not be less than twenty (20) pounds per square inch at the ground level at all points in the water main under all conditions of flow when demonstrated in conformance with subsection (l).
(k) For use in this section, the peak flow rate is equal to the sum of subdivisions (1) and (2) defined as follows:
(l) The conformance with subsection (j) must be demonstrated with the use of a computer model or with hydraulic calculations, which must be included with the documentation supporting the project, that are to be readily accessible in accordance with subsection (c) and at the public water system in accordance with subsection (b).
(m) Persons in violation of this rule are subject to enforcement and legal action under IC 13-30.