Indiana Administrative Code
Rule 2 - Drinking Water Standards
Section 2-5.5 - Collection of samples for volatile organic compound testing other than total trihalomethanes; community and nontransient noncommunity water systems
Current through September 18, 2024
Authority: IC 13-13-5; IC 13-14-8-7; IC 13-14-9; IC 13-18-3; IC 13-18-16
Affected: IC 13-18
Sec. 5.5.
CWSs and NTNCWSs shall collect samples for volatile organic compound testing in order to determine compliance with section 5.4 of this rule, beginning with the initial compliance period, as follows:
(1) Ground water systems shall take a minimum of one (1) sample at every entry point to the distribution system that is representative of each well after treatment (hereafter called a sampling point). Each sample must be taken at the same sampling point, unless conditions make another sampling point more representative of each source or treatment plant, or within the distribution system.
(2) Surface water systems (or combined surface/ground) shall take a minimum of one (1) sample at points in the distribution system that are representative of each source or at each entry point to the distribution system after treatment (hereafter called a sampling point). Each sample must be taken at the same sampling point, unless conditions make another sampling point more representative of each source or treatment plant, or within the distribution system.
(3) If the system draws water from more than one (1) source and sources are combined before distribution, the system must sample at an entry point to the distribution system during periods of normal operating conditions such as when water representative of all sources is being used.
(4) Each CWS and NTNCWS shall take four (4) consecutive quarterly samples for each contaminant listed in section 5.4 of this rule, except vinyl chloride, during each compliance period, beginning in the initial compliance period.
(5) If the initial monitoring for contaminants listed in section 5.4 of this rule, as allowed by subdivision (16), has been completed by December 31, 1992, and the system did not detect any contaminant listed in section 5.4 of this rule, then each ground and surface water system shall take one (1) sample annually beginning with the initial compliance period.
(6) After a minimum of three (3) years of annual sampling, the commissioner may allow ground water systems with no previous detection of any contaminant listed in section 5.4 of this rule to take one (1) sample during each compliance period.
(7) Each community and nontransient noncommunity ground water system that does not detect a contaminant listed in section 5.4 of this rule may apply to the commissioner for a waiver from the requirements of subdivisions (5) and (6) after completing the initial monitoring. As used in this section, "detection" means greater than or equal to five ten-thousandths (0.0005) milligram per liter. A waiver shall be effective for no more than six (6) years (two (2) compliance periods). The commissioner may also issue waivers to small systems for the initial round of monitoring for 1,2,4-trichlorobenzene.
(8) The commissioner may grant a waiver after evaluating the following factors:
(9) As a condition of the waiver, a ground water system must take one (1) sample at each sampling point during the time the waiver is effective, for example, one (1) sample during two (2) compliance periods or six (6) years, and update its vulnerability assessment considering the factors listed in subdivision (8). Based on this vulnerability assessment, the commissioner must reconfirm that the system is nonvulnerable. If the commissioner does not make this reconfirmation within three (3) years of the initial determination, then the waiver is invalidated and the system is required to sample annually as specified in subdivision (5).
(10) Each community and nontransient noncommunity surface water system that does not detect a contaminant listed in section 5.4 of this rule may apply to the commissioner for a waiver from subdivision (5) after completing the initial monitoring. Composite samples from a maximum of five (5) sampling points are allowed provided that the detection limit of the method used for analysis is less than one-fifth (1/5) of the MCL. Systems meeting this criterion must be determined by the commissioner to be nonvulnerable based on a vulnerability assessment during each compliance period. Each system receiving a waiver shall sample at the frequency specified by the commissioner (if any).
(11) If a contaminant listed in section 5.4 of this rule, except vinyl chloride, is detected at a level exceeding five ten-thousandths (0.0005) milligram per liter in any sample, then the monitoring requirements will be as follows:
shall monitor quarterly for vinyl chloride. A vinyl chloride sample shall be taken at each sampling point at which one (1) or more of the two-carbon organic compounds was detected. If the results of the first analysis do not detect vinyl chloride, the commissioner may reduce the quarterly monitoring frequency of vinyl chloride monitoring to one (1) sample during each compliance period. Surface water systems are required to monitor for vinyl chloride as specified by the commissioner.
(12) Systems that violate section 5.4 of this rule, as determined by subdivision (15), must monitor quarterly. After a minimum of four (4) consecutive quarterly samples that show the system is in compliance as specified in subdivision (15) if the commissioner determines that the system is reliably and consistently below the MCL, the system may monitor at the frequency and times specified in subdivision (11)(C).
(13) The commissioner may require a confirmation sample for positive or negative results. If a confirmation sample is required by the commissioner, the result must be averaged with the first sampling result and the average is used for the compliance determination as specified by subdivision (15). The commissioner has the discretion to delete results of obvious sampling errors from this calculation.
(14) The commissioner may reduce the total number of samples a system must analyze by allowing the use of compositing. Composite samples from a maximum of five (5) sampling points are allowed, provided that the detection limit of the method used for analysis is less than one-fifth (1/5) of the MCL. Compositing of samples must be done in the laboratory and analyzed within fourteen (14) days of sample collection as follows:
(15) Compliance with section 5.4 of this rule shall be determined such that, if one (1) sampling point is in violation of an MCL, the system is in violation of the MCL and based on the analytical results obtained at each sampling point using the following criteria:
(16) The commissioner may allow the use of monitoring data collected after January 1, 1988, for purposes of initial monitoring compliance. If the data are generally consistent with the other requirements of this section, the commissioner may use these data (a single sample rather than four (4) quarterly samples) to satisfy the initial monitoring requirement of subdivision (4). Systems that use grandfathered samples and do not detect any contaminant listed in section 5.4 of this rule, except vinyl chloride, shall begin monitoring annually in accordance with subdivision (5), beginning with the initial compliance period.
(17) The commissioner may increase required monitoring where necessary to detect variations within the system.
(18) To receive certification to conduct analyses for the contaminants in section 5.4 of this rule, excluding vinyl chloride, each certified laboratory must meet the following requirements:
(19) To receive certification to conduct analyses for vinyl chloride, the laboratory must meet the following requirements:
(20) Each public water system shall monitor at the time designated by the commissioner within each compliance period.
(21) The commissioner may increase required monitoring where necessary to detect variations within the system.
(22) The commissioner has the authority to determine compliance or initiate enforcement based upon analytical results or other information.
(23) All new systems or systems that use a new source of water that begin operation after January 1, 2004, must demonstrate compliance with the MCL within a period of time specified by the commissioner. The system must also comply with the initial sampling frequencies specified by the commissioner to ensure a system can demonstrate compliance with the MCL. Routine and increased monitoring frequencies shall be conducted in accordance with the requirements in this section.
* 40 CFR 136, Appendix B* is incorporated by reference. Copies of this regulation may be obtained from the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C., 20402, or from the Indiana Department of Environmental Management, Office of Water Quality, Indiana Government Center-North, 100 North Senate Avenue, Room N1255, Indianapolis, Indiana 46204.