Indiana Administrative Code
Rule 12 - Classification of Community Public Water System and Nontransient Noncommunity Public Water System Treatment Plants and Distribution Systems; Examination and Certification of Operators
Section 12-1 - Definitions
Current through September 18, 2024
Authority: IC 13-14-8; IC 13-18-11-1.5; IC 13-18-11-13
Affected: IC 13-11-2; IC 13-18-11
Sec. 1.
In addition to the definitions contained in IC 13-11-2 and 327 IAC 1, the following definitions apply throughout this rule:
(1) "Acceptable experience" means employment in the actual hands-on operation of a water treatment plant or water distribution system. Experience in:
that directly relates to plant operation will be given a maximum of fifty percent (50%) credit for operational experience for those employed solely in that respective area. Acceptable experience shall be obtained under the oversight of a certified operator, as a certified operator, or by otherwise demonstrating to the commissioner that the applicant's experience meets the requirements described by this subdivision.
(2) "Adequate supervision" means that sufficient time is spent at a water treatment plant or water distribution system on a regular basis to assure that the facility is operated and maintained in a manner that protects public health.
(3) "Applicant" means a person seeking certification as a water treatment plant or water distribution system certified operator, whether or not the person is currently employed as an operator.
(4) "Application" means a written request for certification under this rule addressed to the commissioner.
(5) "Automated monitoring" means a continuous monitoring system that will cause an alarm, dialer, or pager to notify a certified operator in cases where a water treatment plant or water distribution system may fail during periods of normal operation.
(6) "Available" means that, based on water treatment plant or water distribution system size, complexity, and source water quality, a certified operator must be on site or able to be contacted if needed to initiate appropriate action in a timely manner.
(7) "Certificate" means an appropriate document issued by the commissioner containing the following information:
(8) "Certification card" means a card issued by the commissioner to a person who has fulfilled the requirements to be a water treatment plant or water distribution system certified operator and containing the following information:
(9) "Certified operator" means a person who has:
(10) "Certified operator in responsible charge" means a person designated by the owner or governing body of a water treatment plant or water distribution system to be the certified operator who:
(11) "Commissioner" means the commissioner of the department of environmental management.
(12) "Contact hour" means a fifty (50) to sixty (60) minute instructional session involving an instructor or lecturer approved by the commissioner. Ten (10) contact hours equals one (1) continuing education unit (CEU) as defined by the National Task Force on the Continuing Education Unit.
(13) "Daily visit" means the time that:
(14) "Operating shift" means that period of time when operator decisions that affect public health are necessary for the proper operation of the system.
(15) "Plant operation" means the time of:
(16) "Population served" means the currently accepted population equivalent.
(17) "Training provider" means a person who conducts or presents a course training session approved under section 7.1 of this rule.