Authority: IC
13-14-8-7; IC
13-18-3-1; IC
Sec. 14.
(a) For
purposes of section 13(c)(2) of this rule, the processes to significantly
reduce pathogens (PSRP) include the following:
(1) Aerobic digestion, including the
(A) A biosolid must be agitated
with air or oxygen to maintain aerobic conditions for a specific mean cell
residence time at a specific temperature.
(B) Values for the mean cell residence time
and temperature must be between:
(i) forty
(40) days at twenty degrees Celsius (20 °C); and
(ii) sixty (60) days at fifteen degrees
Celsius (15 °C).
(2) Air drying, including the following:
(A) A biosolid must be dried on:
(i) sand beds; or
(ii) paved basins.
(B) The biosolid must dry for a minimum of
ninety (90) days.
(C) For at least
sixty (60) consecutive days, the ambient average daily temperature must be
above zero degrees Celsius (0°C).
(3) Anaerobic digestion, including the
(A) Biosolid must be treated in the
absence of oxygen for a specific mean cell residence time at a specific
(B) Values for the
mean cell residence time and temperature must be between:
(i) fifteen (15) days at thirty-five degrees
Celsius (35°C) to fifty-five degrees Celsius (55°C); and
(ii) sixty (60) days at twenty degrees
Celsius (20 °C).
(4) Composting, including the following:
(A) Using either the within-vessel, static
aerated pile, or windrow composting methods*, the temperature of the biosolid
(i) be raised to forty degrees Celsius
(40 ° C) or higher; and
remain at forty degrees Celsius (40 °C) or higher for five (5)
(B) For four (4)
hours during the five (5) days, the temperature in the compost pile must exceed
fifty-five degrees Celsius (55 °C).
(5) Lime stabilization in which sufficient
lime is added to the biosolid to raise the pH of the biosolid to 12 after two
(2) hours of contact.
For purposes of section 13(b)(2)(E)(ii) of this rule, the processes to further
reduce pathogens (PFRP) include the following:
(1) Composting, including the following:
(A) Using either the within-vessel composting
method* or the static aerated pile composting method*, the temperature of the
biosolid must be maintained at fifty-five degrees Celsius (55 °C) or higher
for three (3) days.
(B) Using the
windrow composting method*:
(i) the
temperature of the biosolid must be maintained at fifty-five degrees Celsius
(55 ° C) or higher for fifteen (15) days or longer; and
(ii) during the period when the compost is
maintained at fifty-five degrees Celsius (55 ° C) or higher, there must be
a minimum of five (5) turnings of the windrow.
(2) Heat drying, including the following:
(A) A biosolid must be dried by direct or
indirect contact with hot gases to increase the percent total solids of the
biosolid to ninety percent (90%) or greater.
(B) Either:
(i) the temperature of the biosolid particles
must exceed eighty degrees Celsius (80 °C); or
(ii) the wet bulb temperature of the gas in
contact with the biosolid as the biosolid leaves the dryer must exceed eighty
degrees Celsius (80 °C).
(3) Liquid biosolid must be heated to a
temperature of one hundred eighty degrees Celsius (180 ° C) or higher for
thirty (30) minutes.
Thermophilic aerobic digestion, including the following:
(A) Liquid biosolid must be agitated with air
or oxygen to maintain aerobic conditions.
(B) The mean cell residence time of the
biosolid must be for ten (10) days at fifty-five degrees Celsius (55 ° C)
to sixty degrees Celsius (60 °C).
(5) Biosolid must be irradiated with beta
rays from an accelerator at dosages of at least one (1.0) megarad at room
temperature, which is approximately twenty degrees Celsius (20
(6) Biosolid must be
irradiated with gamma rays from certain isotopes, such as Cobalt 60 and Cesium
137, at dosages of at least one (1.0) megarad at room temperature, which is
approximately twenty degrees Celsius (20 °C).
(7) For pasteurization, the temperature of
the biosolid must be maintained at seventy degrees Celsius (70 °C) or
higher for thirty (30) minutes or longer.
(c) For purposes of subsection (a)(5), the pH
of biosolid must be measured at twenty-five degrees Celsius (25 ° C) or
measured at another temperature and then converted to an equivalent value at
twenty-five degrees Celsius (25 °C).
*Methods for within-vessel, static aerated pile, or windrow
composting methods may be found in "Environmental Regulations and
Technology-Control of Pathogens and Vectors in Sewage Sludge",
EPA-625/R-92/013, available from U.S. Environmental Protection Agency,
Cincinnati, Ohio, 1992. This method is also available for copying at the
Indiana Department of Environmental Management, Office of Land Quality, 100
North Senate Avenue, Room N1154, Indianapolis, Indiana 46204.