Authority: IC 13-14-8-7; IC 13-15-1-2; IC 13-15-2-1; IC
13-18-3-1; IC 13-18-12-4
Sec. 10.
(a) Maximum
crop and annual loading rates are determined for a biosolid or industrial waste
products to be applied on the basis of the following parameters:
(1) Crop application rates, based on plant
available nitrogen (PAN) loadings using the appropriate formulas in subsection
(b), shall not exceed either of the following:
(A) PAN loading rates for crop production in
Table 5 as follows:
Table 5
Plant Available Nitrogen Loading for Crop
Production |
Crop |
Pounds of PAN Per Acre1
Corn |
200 |
Soybeans |
100 |
Hay, pasture |
100 |
Cereal grain |
100 |
Set aside/idle |
50 |
1 An equivalent method of meeting
the nutrient management requirement may be submitted to the commissioner for
approval for alternative nutrient loading rates that provide equivalent or
greater protection to the environment and public health.
(B) The nitrogen removal rate for the
proposed crop to be grown on the land application site adjusted to account for
application of fertilizers, manure, and the presence of residual available
nitrogen in the soil from previous applications of a biosolid, industrial waste
product, or pollutant-bearing water.
(2) Annual loading rates of a biosolid or
industrial waste product must not result in any of the annual pollutant loading
rates in Table 4 in section 9(d) of this rule being exceeded. The following
formula for annual loading rate calculation applies to this article and must be
used to calculate the amount of biosolid or industrial waste product to be
applied per acre per three hundred sixty-five (365) day period:
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Where: ALR = Annual loading rate in dry tons per acre per
three hundred sixty-five (365) day period (dry, short ton of biosolid or
industrial waste product/acre/year).
APLR = Annual pollutant loading rate in pounds per acre per
three hundred sixty-five (365) day period (pounds/acre/year).
C = Pollutant concentration in milligrams per kilogram of
total solids (mg of pollutant/kg of biosolid or industrial waste product dry
(3) Phosphorus
loading requirements may be included as a permit condition if the commissioner
determines it is necessary for protection of public health or the environment.
(b) The following
formulas for PAN loading calculations apply to this article and must be used to
calculate the amount of PAN in the biosolid or industrial waste product and the
residual available nitrogen at the application site; all calculations are based
on a percent dry weight basis:
(1) %Total N =
%Total Kjeldahl N + %Nitrate N
%Organic N = %Total N - (% Ammonia N + %Nitrate N)
(3) Pounds Organic N per dry ton of
industrial waste product or biosolid, except anaerobically digested biosolid,
available during year of application = %Organic N × 6
(4) Pounds Organic N per dry ton of
anaerobically digested biosolid available during year of application = %Organic
N × 4
(5) Pounds of Ammonia N
per dry ton = % Ammonia N × 20
(6) Pounds of Nitrate N per dry ton =
%Nitrate N × 20
(7) Pounds
PAN per dry ton = Pounds of Organic N per dry ton + Pounds of Ammonia N per dry
ton + Pounds of Nitrate N per dry ton
(8) Residual nitrogen from past biosolid or
industrial waste product applications:
Pounds of residual N from industrial waste product or biosolid, except
anaerobically digested biosolid, available one (1) year after application =
%Organic N × 3 × dry tons applied per acre
(B) Pounds of residual N from anaerobically
digested biosolid available one (1) year after application = %Organic N ×
2 × dry tons applied per acre
(C) Pounds of residual N from industrial
waste product or biosolid, except anaerobically digested biosolid, available
two (2) years after application = %Organic N × 1.6 × dry tons
applied per acre
(D) Pounds of
residual N from anaerobically digested biosolid available two (2) years after
application = %Organic N × dry tons applied per acre
(E) Pounds of residual N from industrial
waste product or biosolid, except anaerobically digested biosolid, available
three (3) years after application = %Organic N × 0.8 × dry tons
applied per acre
(F) Pounds of
residual N from anaerobically digested biosolid available three (3) years after
application = %Organic N × 0.5 × dry tons applied per acre
Where: N = Nitrogen.