Illinois Administrative Code
Section 311.2 - Definitions
"Court liaisons" are representatives of the juvenile court who attend staffings and provide contact between the court and the Initiative.
"Multi-problemed youth" means youth with multiple problems in domains of mental illness or retardation, emotional disturbance, juvenile delinquency, serious criminal offense, child abuse or neglect, behavioral disorders, or educational handicapping conditions. For a youth to be eligible for the Governor's Youth Services Initiative, the criteria set forth in Section 311.4 must be met.
"Policy Board" is the decision-making board of the Governor's Youth Services Initiative composed of state agency liaisons appointed by the Directors of the Departments of Children and Family Services, Corrections, Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities and the State Superintendent of the Illinois State Board of Education.
"Program Administrator" chairs the Policy Board and supervises the regional coordinators.
"Regional Conveners" are regional representatives of the Departments of Children and Family Services, Corrections, and Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities, and representatives of a local school district in lieu of the Illinois State Board of Education, who participate in staffings on Governor's Youth Services Initiative cases and who have the authority to facilitate the implementation of treatment plans.
"Regional Coordinators" are those staff located in selected regions of the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services who chair staffings on cases, initiate services and monitor implementation of treatment plans.
"Staffings" means conferences involving Regional Conveners which result in an assessment of needs, the development or modification of a client service plan, the identification of a case manager and the monitoring or review of a plan for all severely multi-problemed youth served by the Initiative.