Illinois Administrative Code
Section 1200.120 - Deposit of Amounts Collected
Current through Register Vol. 48, No. 52, December 27, 2024
a) Any amounts collected under this Part, including amounts collected by outside collection firms under contract with the Bureau, and including any amount that results in overpayment of the delinquent debt, shall be deposited in, or transferred to the appropriate funds, as specified by statute.
b) After payment of fees pursuant to the Bureau's contracts with private collection agencies, 20% of all amounts collected by the Bureau, excluding amounts collected on behalf of the Departments of Public Aid and Revenue, shall be deposited into the Debt Collection Fund. All remaining amounts collected shall be deposited into the General Revenue Fund unless the amounts are owed to any State fund or funds other than the General Revenue Fund. [30 ILCS 210/10(h)]
c) Collections arising from referrals from the Department of Public Aid under Section 1200.60(c) shall be deposited into such fund or funds as the Department of Public Aid shall direct, in accordance with the requirements of Title IV, Part D of the federal Social Security Act, applicable provisions of State law, and the rules of the Department of Public Aid. [30 ILCS 210/10(h)]
d) Collections arising from referrals from the Department of Employment Security under Section 1200.60(d) shall be deposited into the fund or funds that the Department of Employment Security shall direct, in accordance with the requirements of Section 3304(a)(3) of the federal Unemployment Tax Act, Section 303(a)(4) of the federal Social Security Act, and the Unemployment Insurance Act. [30 ILCS 210/10(h)]