b) Restraint
identified in the Personal Plan.
1) Restraint
shall be used only when:
A) The individual's
behavior presents an immediate threat of serious physical harm to the
individual or others and other less restrictive and intrusive measures have
been tried and proven ineffective in stopping the immediate threat of serious
physical harm;
B) It is included as
a modification in an individual's Personal Plan;
C) The use of restraint has been discussed
and approved for inclusion in the individual's Personal Plan by the individual
or guardian and the Provider Support Team;
D) It is included in the individual's
behavior strategy;
E) The use of
restraint has gone through the Behavioral Management Committee/Human Rights
Committee for approval;
F) The
inclusion of restraint in the individual's Personal Plan and behavior strategy
must include a plan to reduce and ultimately eliminate the use of restraint, as
G) The staff applying
the restraint have been trained in the use of restraint, as described below, as
well as the specific type of the restraint to be used on the
H) The CILA agency has
reviewed, determined, and documented that there are no known medical or
psychological limitations that contraindicate the use of the restraint;
I) The CILA agency has included
in the individual rights documentation, information on the CILA agency's
policies and procedures for the use of restraint and this information has been
shared with the individual and guardian.
2) Restraint shall not be used as discipline
or punishment, convenience for staff, retaliation, a substitute for appropriate
physical or behavioral support, a routine safety matter, or to prevent property
damage in the absence of an immediate threat of serious physical harm to the
individual or others.
3) Restraint
must end immediately when:
A) The immediate
threat of serious physical harm ends;
B) The individual indicates that they cannot
breathe or staff supervising the individual recognizes that they may be in
respiratory distress; or
C) The
time period of 15 minutes has expired, unless approved in the individual's
Personal Plan or a supervisor has approved the instance of the restraint going
beyond 15 minutes.
Restraint must be implemented in the following manner:
A) CILA agency staff must observe and monitor
the individual being physically restrained at all times during the use of
B) The staff involved in
physically restraining an individual must halt the restraint every 5 minutes to
evaluate if the immediate threat of serious physical harm continues to exist.
If the immediate threat of serious physical harm continues to exist, staff may
continue to use the restraint and the continued use may not be considered a
separate instance of restraint so long as the total time period of the
restraint does not exceed 15 minutes.
C) An individual shall be released from the
restraint immediately upon a determination by the staff member administering
the restraint that the individual is no longer an immediate threat of causing
serious physical harm to themselves or others.
D) The restraint shall not impair an
individual's ability to breathe or communicate normally, obstruct an
individual's airway, or interfere with an individual's ability to speak. If the
restraint is imposed upon an individual whose primary mode of communication is
sign language or an augmentative mode, the individual shall be permitted to
have their hands free of restraint for brief periods, unless the supervising
staff determines that this freedom appears likely to result in harm to the
individual or others.
Reporting requirements. When restraints are used, the CILA agency shall:
A) Create a report specifying why and how the
restraint was used. The report shall be included in the individual's file and
be available for assessment by the Bureau of Quality Management during a CILA
agency's review.
B) Review the use
of any incident of restraint via the Human Rights Committee.
C) Report the incident to the CILA agency
Executive Director/Chief Executive Officer.
D) Notify the individual's guardian no later
than 24 hours after any incident of restraint occurs.