Illinois Administrative Code
Section 168.103 - Definitions
"Agency" is the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency.
"APA" means the Illinois Administrative Procedure Act, (Ill. Rev. Stat. 1991, ch. 127, par. 1001 et seq.), [5 ILCS 100/1-1 et seq.].
"Business" includes business, profession, occupation, and/or calling of every king.
"Complainant" is a person who initiates an action requiring a contested case hearing.
"Contested Case" means an adjudicatory proceeding, not including rate making, rule-making, quasi-legislative, information or similar proceedings, in which the individual legal rights, duties or privileges of a party are required by law to be determined by an agency only after an opportunity for a hearing. (Ill. Rev. Stat. 1983, ch. 127, par. 1003-02), [5 ILCS 100/1-30] . This does not include Agency procedures for permit hearings held pursuant to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 166.
"Director" is the Director of the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency.
"Hearing" is a hearing held after notice to interested persons or parties, which testimony is taken by oath or affirmation and a verbatim record of all testimony is kept.
"Hearing Officer" is a person duly designated as a Hearing Officer by the Director to preside over the hearing.
"Interested person" is any person who may be adversely affected by the outcome of a hearing.
"Intervenor" is a person who is permitted to intervene as provided for under Section 168.230 of these rules.
"Party" may be a complainant, respondent, or intervenor.
"Person" is any individual, partnership, co-partnership, firm, company, corporation, association, joint stock company, trust, estate, political subdivision, federal or state agency, or other legal entity, or their legal representative, agent or assigns.
"Respondent" is a person against whom a statement of noncompliance is filed or Notice directed.
"State" is the State of Illinois.