1) Notices issued under this Section
must be distributed to the contact list according to Section
and may contain the following information:
The name and address of the site or facility where the release occurred
or is suspected to have occurred;
The identification of the
contaminant released or suspected to have been released;
Information as to whether the
contaminant was released or suspected to have been released into the air, land,
or water;
brief description of the potential adverse health effects posed by the
recommendation that water systems with wells impacted or potentially impacted
by the contamination be appropriately tested; and
The name, business address, and
phone number of persons at the Agency from whom additional information about
the release or suspected release can be obtained. [
415 ILCS
2) A contact list must be prepared by the
authorized party consisting of affected, potentially affected, and interested
persons, including:
A) Owners of offsite
properties served by private, semi-private, or non-community water system wells
that have been or may be impacted by groundwater contamination from the
B) Owners of offsite
properties without potable water supply wells but with groundwater that has
been or may be impacted by groundwater contamination from the
C) Owners of offsite
properties with buildings located above groundwater with measured contamination
from volatile chemicals posing a threat of indoor inhalation exposure above the
appropriate Tier 1 remediation objectives for the current uses;
D) Owners of offsite properties with soil
contamination posing a threat of exposure above the appropriate Tier 1
remediation objectives for the current uses;
E) Owners of offsite properties with measured
soil gas contamination posing a threat of exposure above the appropriate Tier 1
remediation objectives for the current uses;
F) Occupants of the properties identified in
subsections (b)(2)(A), (b)(2)(C), (b)(2)(D), and (b)(2)(E) to the extent
reasonably practicable, including the methods used in attempting to identify
the occupants; and
G) Government
officials serving the affected or potentially affected properties, including
State and federal legislators, county board chairs and county clerks, mayors or
village presidents, city or village clerks, and environmental health
administrators for State and local health departments. Officials of specialized
districts (e.g., school, drainage, park districts) may be excluded from the
contact list unless required under subsections (b)(2)(A) through
3) A fact
sheet for the release and response action must be developed by the authorized
party and distributed to the contact list according to Section 1600.335. The
fact sheet must be written clearly and concisely in non-technical, non-legal
terminology. The fact sheet and any required updates must contain, at a
minimum, the following information if available:
A) The nature and extent of the contaminants
identified onsite and offsite where the release occurred;
B) A brief description of the potential
exposure pathways and the potential adverse public health effects posed by the
C) A description of
the appropriate actions that affected or potentially affected persons should
take to evaluate the potential threats to human health via a completed exposure
pathway, including potable water supply well sampling, soil gas sampling, and
any other actions, as well as any precautionary measures necessary to avoid or
reduce public health impacts, if appropriate;
D) A non-technical description of the
proposed steps to address the contamination, such as soil excavation and
treatment, disposal or redistribution, pump-and-treat, bio-remediation,
reliance on engineered barriers or institutional controls, groundwater
monitoring, building control technologies, and so forth;
E) The anticipated remediation schedule
through completion of the project, including any operation, maintenance, or
monitoring following construction of the remedy;
F) The closure documentation expected from
the Agency (e.g., focused or comprehensive No Further Remediation (NFR) Letter,
permit modification, or Section 4(y) letter) and a summary of the closure
documentation (e.g., reliance on engineered barriers, institutional controls,
or building control technologies);
G) Responses to key community concerns as
expressed by affected, potentially affected, and interested persons;
H) The preparation date of the fact sheet,
the name and contact information of the business, site, or facility
representatives from whom information and site-related documents may be
I) The name and contact
information of the Agency's designated staff person; and
J) An explanation of how additional
information and site-related documentation can be obtained, including how to
access the information by:
i) Using the
Agency's website;
ii) Contacting
the Agency's designated staff person; and
iii) Filing a request with the Agency under
the Freedom of Information Act [ 5 ILCS 140 ].