1) Visit Regulations
The superintendent shall establish written procedures regarding
A) A liberal visiting schedule
shall be established identifying no fewer than two visiting days each week, one
of which must be during the weekday evening hours and one during the weekend.
Additionally, visiting shall be allowed on all legal holidays. A facility can,
on a case-by-case basis, allow visits outside the normal visiting hours to
ensure at least weekly visitation if the parents' or guardians' work schedule
precludes visits during regular hours or a family emergency exists (e.g., death
in family).
B) Facility policy
shall prioritize family engagement with youth during custody. Minimally parents
and grandparents shall be allowed visits with consideration for siblings,
extended family, children of the youth and other concerned adults. A list of
authorized visitors for each youth shall be developed in consultation with the
assigned court services or aftercare worker.
C) No restriction shall be placed on visits
by attorney, clergy, social workers, probation officers or other persons
professionally associated with a youth's case at reasonable non-scheduled
hours. These visits shall not count against any limitation that may be placed
on the number of visits allowed.
Youth shall be authorized at least one hour for each visit.
E) Visits shall be supervised only to the
extent that privacy is assured. Visits shall be contact visits unless specific
concerns preclude contact visits for identified individuals.
F) Facility policy shall have an option for
video conferencing.
Privileged and Confidential Visitation
An area for private interviews between youth and attorneys,
religious advisors or other professional person shall be provided and arranged
to ensure privacy.
Security Precaution
All adult visitors shall be required to provide identification
and sign a visitor register before being permitted to visit a youth.
4) Searches
The visiting area should be thoroughly searched before and
after each visit. Visitors are subject to search, and a search notice sign must
be conspicuously posted. Youth must be thoroughly searched after each contact
visit. A strip search may be administered to a youth only when there is
individualized, reasonable suspicion.