Current through Register Vol. 48, No. 52, December 27, 2024
a) The Department shall designate any
organization licensed under 77 Ill. Adm. Code
hereafter referred to as the designated program, to provide assessment and case
management services for the Department. Such services are for any person
identified as a substance abuser who is under the supervision of the
Department, who has been or is scheduled to be released from a State youth
center, and who:
1) Has received substance
abuse treatment services within a Department or other facility during his or
her commitment;
2) Has been
identified by the Department as requiring substance abuse treatment services;
3) May have aftercare release
conditioned upon treatment under the supervision of the designated program
pursuant to Section 40-15 of the Alcoholism and Other Drug Abuse and Dependency
Act [20
ILCS 301/40-15] .
b) The designated program shall provide the
services specified in this Section in a uniform manner to the Department
throughout the State either directly or by sub-contract or referral.
c) The designated program shall have a
written agreement with the Department that identifies the services to be
delivered and specifies how they will be provided in relation to the operation
of the Department. The designated program as defined in the contract may
include, but is not limited to, the services and specifications required by
this Section.
d) The designated
program shall conduct an assessment in accordance with the provisions specified
in 77 Ill. Adm. Code
and as further specified by contract to determine if the releasee is likely to
be rehabilitated through substance abuse treatment.
1) The designated program shall obtain the
releasee's informed consent prior to the provision of services.
2) The assessment shall include, at a
minimum, collection of demographic data as specified in 77 Ill. Adm. Code
A) If it is determined that the releasee has
participated in a substance abuse program as part of a prior aftercare release
plan, the designated program shall request a statement from the
B) This statement
shall, at a minimum, summarize the releasee's aftercare release record,
including, when available, known history of the substance use, the identity of
any treatment program utilized by the releasee, and any record of compliance
with conditions of aftercare release.
3) Upon completion of the assessment, the
designated program shall make a recommendation to the Department or its
designee relative to the releasee's substance abuse and the likelihood of the
releasee's rehabilitation through substance abuse treatment.
A) Such notification to the Department shall
be made to the relevant aftercare release office and to the Deputy Director of
Aftercare Services.
B) The
designated program shall send written notification to the releasee regarding
the result of the assessment and its subsequent recommendation.
e) The designated
program shall provide case management services that will assist the releasee
with admission for treatment, assist the Department in final dispositions, and
assist treatment providers in identifying and providing special treatment needs
of the releasee. At a minimum, such services shall include:
1) Written notification to the Department
regarding the releasee's initial or subsequent admission for treatment, which
shall include: identification of the treatment program; address and telephone
number of the treatment program; the name of the professional treatment staff
assigned to the case; the name, address, and telephone number of the designated
program staff assigned to the case if different than the treatment program; and
the date of the admission for treatment;
2) Written monthly reports to the Department
relative to the releasee's status in treatment; and
3) A written report summarizing the
releasee's treatment and rehabilitation upon discharge from the designated
f) The
designated program shall provide certain administrative services to the
Department, which will assist in the delivery of appropriate and effective
services. At a minimum, such services shall include:
1) Development and maintenance of a treatment
provider network throughout the State that allows maximum accessibility to the
continuum for treatment services;
2) Prioritization of clients based on
clinical and community safety needs and availability of appropriate
3) Technical assistance,
training, or both to licensed treatment and intervention providers on issues
relevant to the delivery of services to this population; and
4) Referral of clients to the most effective
services, based on a review of outcomes.
g) The designated program shall not hold a
treatment license as described in 77 Ill. Adm. Code 2060.
h) Notwithstanding subsection (d), the
designated program may provide supplemental, short-term services to releasees
changing status within the criminal justice system, prior to placement into
treatment, between treatment episodes, transitioning out of the criminal
justice system, or at any other point where services may not be immediately
i) The designated
program shall have mutual linkage agreements with any treatment program
utilized for referrals that ensures communication and documentation of releasee
progress in treatment.
j) The
designated program shall identify all program participation criteria that the
releasee must meet in order to participate in the program and the guidelines
for measuring the releasee's progress in treatment.
k) All chemical test services conducted by
the designated program shall be in accordance with the provision specified by
the Department for testing releasees.
l) The designated program shall document all
relevant justice or corrections activities related to the client's progress in
treatment and status in the justice system, as well as any subsequent required
actions. Procedures shall be established to communicate with the relevant
justice authorities in order to maintain such documentation.
m) The designated program shall maintain
releasee records in accordance with the provisions specified in 77 Ill. Adm.
Code 2060.325. In addition, each releasee record shall include copies of all of
the following documentation:
1) The
releasee's informed consent and any other consent to release information
2) Results of the assessment,
including psychological evaluation reports and prior treatment information
relied upon in determining the releasee's substance abuse program and readiness
for treatment;
3) A copy of the
notification of assessment results and recommendations to the releasee, the
Department, and the relevant justice authority;
4) Other correspondence, court orders, or
record of judicial proceedings related to the assessment or any other case
management service;
5) Treatment
admission and admission notification to the Department;
6) Any chemical test results;
7) All appearances before any court or
relevant justice authority;
Written reports from the treatment provider relative to the releasee's progress
in treatment;
9) Any warning
letters or jeopardy meeting reports;
10) Any case conference meeting reports;
11) Material related to the
releasee's discharge from the designated program.
n) The designated program shall establish
standardized procedures for discharge of the releasee from the designated
1) Such procedures shall include, at
a minimum:
A) The process for review of the
releasee's progress in treatment to determine if a change in status is
B) The specific
instances that would lead to a change in the releasee's status and the
procedures to be followed when such a determination is made;
C) The process that will be followed when the
Department requests a reassessment of a releasee; and
D) A process to ensure that proper notice is
given to the Department, the relevant justice authority, and the releasee prior
to and upon successful or unsuccessful discharge from the designated
2) No change
shall be made in a releasee's treatment plan without appropriate approval by
the Department or other authority consistent with the aftercare release
agreement. The designated program shall send written reports to the Department
and relevant justice authority of discharge within:
A) Ten calendar days after successful
discharge. Such reports shall contain the releasee's intended residency, if
known, summary of treatment progress, and recommendations for any further
B) Three calendar days
after unsuccessful discharge. Such reports shall contain the releasee's
intended residency, if known, instructions for continued contact between the
designated program and the Department, and the specific reasons for the
unsuccessful discharge.