Illinois Administrative Code
Section 1530.60 - Requirements and Format for "Proof of Ownership"
Current through Register Vol. 48, No. 52, December 27, 2024
The "proof of ownership" required under the Act and as set forth in this Part shall be completed on forms provided by the Department and contain the following minimum information:
a) Point of origin. Shall be a legal description of the location of the timber, woodland, log yard, etc., and shall include the county, township, range and section of origin, when located outside corporate limits. Within corporate limits a street address or other usable location should be given.
b) Point of destination.
c) Seller's name, address, phone number and signature. "Seller's name" shall be the name of the timber grower, timber buyer or sawmill from which the timber was purchased. When timber is removed from a sawmill or concentration yard and transported to another location, the businesses/areas shall be identified as the "seller".
d) Transporter's name, address and phone number if different from buyers.
e) Buyer's (that person who now owns the transported forest products, tree or trees, as defined in the Act) name, address, timber buyer's license number (when applicable), phone number and signature.
f) Date over-the-road hauling will occur. This date may be a period of time that is inclusive of the timber purchase contract dates.
g) Statement that the "forest products, tree or trees" have been purchased from the designated seller or are being transported with knowledge and consent of the buyer or that the person in possession is an agent or employee of the buyer.
h) Date of purchase. For all purposes except the payment of harvest fees, the date of purchase shall be the date the purchase agreement was made. Harvest fees shall be due within one month after the quarter in which payments are made.
i) Daily hauling log. For each load of "forest products or trees" hauled, the transporter shall record the date the load was hauled, the number of logs, and the destination. Each record entry shall be signed by the driver of the conveyance hauling the "forest products or trees".