Illinois Administrative Code
Title 14 - COMMERCE
Section 700.80 - Allocations to Units of Local Government
Current through Register Vol. 48, No. 52, December 27, 2024
a) A portion of the funds (80%) appropriated for the Local CURE Program will be allotted to municipalities and counties based on proportionate population. In consultation with the Illinois Department of Revenue, the method of distribution for this allotment will be utilizing the LGDF formula.
b) A portion of the funds (5%) appropriated for the Local CURE Program will be allotted to Certified Local Public Health Departments based on the Illinois Department of Public Health's State Fiscal Year 2020 Local Health Protection Grant program formula that is based on proportionate population and poverty rates within the jurisdiction.
c) A portion of the funds (6%) appropriated for the Local CURE Program will be allotted for units of local government eligible to receive financial support under this Part, that do not qualify for an allotment under subsection (a) or (b). These units of local government can apply for reimbursement for eligible Local CURE Program expenses up to an amount of county allotment set by the Department, based on a funding availability. The Department will allot funds on a per capita basis by county. Applications may be submitted for a pro rata share with preference going to units of local government located or serving a disproportionately impacted area. If additional funds remain in the portion of funds described in this subsection (c) after the application process has been completed and funds have been allocated, the Department may provide an additional allotment to those local governments that have received their entire initial allotment as of January 31, 2021 and request a need for additional funds. If, by June 30, 2021, local governments that received allotments under this subsection (c) have not submitted requests for reimbursement for the entirety of the allotments, the Department may, at its option, either reallocate the unused portion of the allotments to other local governments that have received funding under this subsection (c) and have a need for additional funds, or the Department may host a new application to distribute the unused funds pursuant to the procedures set forth in Section 700.100. Units of local government that qualify for an allotment under subsection (a) or (b) cannot receive an allotment under this subsection (c).
d) The Local CURE Program allotments described in this Section are contingent upon and subject to the availability of sufficient appropriated funds.
e) A portion of the funds (9%) appropriated for the Local CURE Program will be allocated by the Department as follows: