Idaho Administrative Code
Title IDAPA 60 - Soil and Water Conservation Commission, Idaho State
Current through September 2, 2024
For the purpose of these rules, the terms and phrases are used as defined herein:
01. Applicant. An eligible applicant as defined in Section 22-2717, Idaho Code.
02. Application. The loan request document that sets forth the information required by Section 22-2732, Idaho Code and Subsection 057.03 of these rules, including a conservation plan.
03. Base Funding. Funds appropriated to the Commission to be allocated equally to the various soil conservation districts in a sum not to exceed eight thousand five hundred dollars ($8,500) per district per year.
04. Board of Supervisors. Governing body of a district as provided in Section 22-2717(25), Idaho Code.
05. Certify. To confirm formally as true, accurate, or genuine.
06. Commission. The Idaho State Soil and Water Conservation Commission as defined in Section 22-2718, Idaho Code.
07. Conservation District or District. A soil (and water) conservation district as defined in Section 22-2717, Idaho Code.
08. Conservation Plan. A conservation plan as defined in Sections 22-2717 and 22-2732, Idaho Code that sets forth the information required by Subchapter A. of these rules.
09. Contractee. The applicant when the loan has been closed and recorded.
10. Coordinated Resource Planning Process. A process that considers all the resources and resource users within a geographical area and encourages active involvement and input from all interested parties.
11. District. A Conservation District, Soil Conservation District, or Soil and Water Conservation District as defined in Section 22-2717, Idaho Code.
12. Eligible Land. Private, state, county, or federal lands within the state of Idaho.
13. Field Office. The local United States Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) office usually located with the principal headquarters of the local District.
14. Field Office Technical Guide. The primary scientific reference for NRCS that contains technical information about the conservation of soil, water, air, and related plant and animal resources. Technical guides used in each field office are localized so that they apply specifically to the geographic area for which they are prepared. Copies of the field office technical guides may be obtained from a local District or field office.
15. Financial and Match Report. Documentation certified by the Board of Supervisors that:
16. Fiscal Year. As set forth in Section 67-2201, Idaho Code, the fiscal year will begin on July 1 and close on June 30 of the following year.
17. Five (5) Year Plan. The plan reviewed and updated annually by each district pursuant to the Final Agreement to implement an Antidegredation Policy for the State of Idaho (August 18, 1988). The plan will contain the following components, as further specified by Commission policy: physical characteristics, economic condition and outlook, assessment of the District's resource conditions and conservation needs, prioritized objectives, water quality component, and an annual work plan.
18. Fund. The RCRDP fund established pursuant to Section 22-2730, Idaho Code.
19. Funding Criteria. Criteria considered by the Commission to determine the amount of base and match funding to be allocated to the conservation districts. Criteria may include district budgets, district budget requests, district programs and work plans, and district work load analysis. The following documents may be required on an annual basis in order to consistently apply the criteria to all districts:
20. Local Funds. Monies received in the previous fiscal year from local units of government and organizations for the general purposes of a conservation district. Funds received for special projects, used as required match for specific grants or projects, or on a fee-for-service basis will not be used to calculate match funding.
21. Local Services. Non-cash contributions received in the previous fiscal year from local units of government and organizations for the general purposes of a conservation district. Services received for special projects, used as required match for specific grants or projects, or on a fee-for-service basis will not be used to calculate match funding.
22. Local Units of Government. Any general or special purpose political subdivision of the state which has the power to levy taxes and/or appropriate and spend funds.
23. Match Funding. Funds appropriated to the Commission for distribution to conservation districts in excess of base funding not to exceed twice the amount of local funds and services received by each district in the previous fiscal year.
24. Maximum Allocation. The total of base funding and match funding allocated to any one (1) conservation district shall not exceed fifty-eight thousand and five hundred dollars ($58,500) in a fiscal year.
25. Organizations. A group of two (2) or more persons structured and managed to pursue a collective goal on a continuing basis.
26. Other Funds. Funds to be dedicated to conservation practice implementation costs which are not from the RCRDP fund or provided by the applicant.
27. Performance Report. Documentation summarizing conservation activities, projects, and programs implemented by a conservation district during the previous fiscal year.
28. Practice or Eligible Practice for Loans. A practice listed in the field office technical guide or a special practice approved under Section 058 of these rules.
29. Practice Life. The number of years, with proper maintenance and operation, that a practice is expected to last, as shown in the field office technical guide.
30. Program Year. The state fiscal year as provided in Section 67-2201, Idaho Code.
31. Project. One (1) or more practices to be installed with a RCRDP loan.
32. Rangeland. Land used primarily for the grazing of domestic livestock and wildlife.
33. Riparian Areas. Riparian areas are sites directly influenced by free water. They have visible vegetation or physical characteristics that reflect free water influence. Lake shores and stream banks are typical riparian areas. Excluded are sites such as ephemeral streams or washes that do not exhibit the presence of vegetation dependent upon free water in the soil.
34. Security. Collateral provided by an approved applicant to secure requested RCRDP funds.
35. Special Practice. A practice (not listed in the field office technical guide) that includes a proven, modern technique that is necessary to solve a resource problem and meet program objectives.
Effective March 31, 2022