Idaho Administrative Code
Title IDAPA 39 - Transportation, Department of

Universal Citation: ID Admin Code

Current through September 2, 2024

01. Approved Permit Required. An approved right-of-way encroachment permit will be required for all utility encroachments, including new utility installation and the relocation, maintenance, modification, or removal of existing utility facilities prior to the initiation of any work within the state highway right-of-way.

02. Utility Locations. Final utility locations will be identified on the appropriate roadway and bridge plans.

03. Interstate Highways. As addressed in the 1996 Telecommunications Act, longitudinal placement of telecommunication utilities in any Interstate right-of-way will require a permit approved by the Department for the installation of utilities. Longitudinal placement of all other utilities in Interstate right-of-way will require a utility permit approved by both the Department and the FHWA.

04. Utility Maintenance and Emergency Repair. Right-of-way encroachment permits, approved annually by the Department, will be required for all maintenance or emergency repairs of utility facilities. The utility will notify the Department in advance of any work that affects the traveling public.

05. Conduits Under the Roadway.

a. Conduits crossing under highways that carry utility structures including, but not limited to, water, sewage, chemicals, electrical wire, and communications cables, will be installed by jacking, driving or boring unless trenching can be justified. Acceptable justification would only be poor soil conditions, such as rock or boulders, inadequate room for a boring pit, or conflicts with other utility lines which cannot be located accurately (gas lines, multiple telephone conduits). If gravel or boulders prevent boring or jacking on the first attempt, at least two (2) other documented attempts should be made at different locations before contacting the District about an alternate installation method, unless the utility can provide documentation from a qualified agency or engineer that indicates the strata is not conducive to boring, driving or jacking. Normally installation of conduit twenty-four (24) inches or less outside diameter should be attempted by jacking, driving or boring before consideration of trenching as an alternative.

b. The applicant is required to submit for review and approval, a set of construction plans stamped by an engineer licensed in the state of Idaho. The plans will show all details on casing, conduits, bulkheads and placement, vertical and horizontal dimensions of the pit and shoring, method of installing the conduit, drainage, void filling, and traffic control devices. Sluicing or jetting will not be allowed. If required by the engineer, casings should be installed from highway right-of-way line to highway right-of-way line to allow for servicing of the utility facility with minimal disruption to traffic flows. Casings should be installed wherever feasible to allow for placement of multiple conduits.

c. Conduits under interstate highways will not be installed by cutting through the pavement under any circumstance.

06. Conduits Attached to Structure. Conduits attached to any structure will meet the following requirements:

a. A set of construction plans showing all details and calculations of a crossing or proposed attachments, stamped by an engineer licensed in the state of Idaho, will be submitted to the Department for review and approval at the time of permit application. A copy of the existing structure plans will also be submitted that are marked to show the proposed structure modifications.

b. Reinforcement will be located prior to the placement of threaded inserts to suspend utilities using a method approved by the Department.

c. All attaching hardware will be galvanized or coated as directed by the Department.

d. Bolts for the attachment clamps will be a minimum of one-half (1/2) inch in diameter.

e. Slip joints will be installed as directed by the Department.

f. Drilling of any bridge structural element will be prohibited without approval from the Department.

g. Utilities will be attached to bridges in an interior bay, unless interior attachment is not practical due to the bridge diaphragm or end beam construction.

h. Placing brackets along or around the structure rail is prohibited.

i. The installing utility will relinquish exclusive rights to future use of a hanger system, once installed. However, the responsibility for required maintenance will remain with the installing utility until the hangar system is placed into a joint-use system. At that time, the responsibility for maintenance will become a shared responsibility.

j. A set of "as-built" plans for all conduit or utility crossings and structure attachments will be submitted to the Department and the local utility locating service with all details of construction within thirty (30) days of the work completion. All "as-built" plans are required to be stamped by an engineer licensed in the state of Idaho.

Effective July 1, 2024

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