Current through September 2, 2024
Reserved Parking Spaces.
a. Reserved parking spaces are available for state elected officials and directors of executive branch departments as defined in Subsections 010.05 and 010.11 of these rules. Capitol Mall Parking will assign a reserved space to each state elected official and director of executive branch departments upon request.
b. Reserved parking spaces will be made available to the Senate pro-tem, and the speaker of the House of Representatives. Capitol Mall Parking will assign a reserved space to each individual.
c. All other Capitol Mall employees may apply for a reserved parking space. General reserved parking spaces are assigned to Capitol Mall employees on a first-come, first-served basis when designated reserved parking spaces become available.
d. Reserved parking spaces for state elected officials, directors of executive branch departments and Capitol Mall employees are located in the following parking lots only: the first floor of State Parking Garage #1; the first and second floors of State Parking Garage #2, the Pete T. Cenarrusa Building parking lot, and the 8th Street parking lot between State and Jefferson Streets.
e. Capitol Mall Parking will determine the location of all reserved parking spaces.
f. Reserved parking spaces for state elected officials, directors of executive branch departments and Capitol Mall employees will not exceed twenty-five percent (25%) of parking spaces available within the Capitol Mall.
g. Capitol Mall employees may not sell, trade or barter the right to use their assigned reserved parking space. Capitol Mall Parking retains the right to assign, reassign, suspend or revoke Capitol Mall employees' reserved parking spaces at any time.
Legislators' Parking Spaces. During Legislative sessions and special sessions, Capitol Mall Parking will make available up to one hundred three (103) reserved Legislator parking spaces to Legislators.
a. Each Legislator will be assigned a reserved Legislator parking space. A Legislator who elects to park in the Capitol Mall is required to pay the fee for the reserved parking permit.
b. During the Legislative session, Legislator reserved parking spaces will be on the third floor of State Parking Garage #1, 8th Street parking lot, and the Capitol Annex parking lot and will be clearly marked. The Legislator reserved parking permit is only valid in the assigned reserved parking space; the permit is not valid in any other CMP general parking space during the Legislative session. When the Legislature is not in session, all Legislator parking spaces will be redesignated as general parking spaces.
c. When the Legislature is not in session, Legislators or Legislative personnel who hold a valid Capitol Mall parking permit, may park in any general parking space.
Disabled Employee Parking Spaces. Capitol Mall Parking will make available reserved disabled employee parking spaces for employees who have a proven disability.
a. A temporarily or permanently disabled employee who has obtained an Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) placard issued by the Idaho Transportation Department may request a reserved disabled employee parking space as close as possible to the employee's work location.
b. A disabled employee requesting a reserved disabled employee parking space must provide either a copy of his Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) placard issued by the Idaho Transportation Department or a copy of the application to the Idaho Department of Transportation for an Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) placard.
c. A temporary reserved disabled employee parking space will be provided to any eligible employee who has applied for an Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) placard with the Idaho Department of Transportation but has not yet received the placard. A temporary reserved disabled parking space will be made available for five (5) working days only per disabled employee.
d. Reserved disabled employee parking spaces will be marked with signage.
e. A permit for a reserved disabled employee parking space will be the same fee as a permit for a general parking space.
Carpool Parking Spaces. Capitol Mall Parking will make available an indeterminate number of carpool parking spaces, which will be clearly marked, to employees who carpool at least four (4) work days per week.
a. Capitol Mall employees who carpool may request a carpool parking permit from Capitol Mall Parking to use a designated carpool space.
b. Carpool parking spaces will be available on a first-come, first-served basis for vehicles carrying two (2) or more Capitol Mall employees. All carpooling employees must be employees of the Capitol Mall with at least one (1) carpooling employee having a general parking space permit.
c. A permit for a carpool parking space will be the same fee as a permit for a general parking space.
d. All unoccupied reserved carpool parking spaces will be redesignated as general parking spaces after 9 a.m. work days.
e. It is a parking violation to park in a reserved carpool parking space when the vehicle is carrying less than two (2) Capitol Mall employees before 9 a.m.
State-Owned Vehicles Parking Spaces. Capitol Mall Parking will make available designated state-owned vehicle parking spaces.
a. Capitol Mall Parking will make available an indeterminate number of designated state-owned vehicle parking spaces to department tenants of the Capitol Mall.
b. Designated state-owned vehicle parking spaces will be on the fifth level of the State Parking Garage #1, and will be clearly marked "State Vehicle Only."
c. A Capitol Mall employee may park his personal vehicle in a designated state-owned vehicle parking space when removing a state vehicle for state purposes. The Capitol Mall employee's personal vehicle must display the reserved state-owned vehicle parking space permit.
d. A visiting agency employee conducting official business at the Capitol Mall may park a state vehicle in an unoccupied designated state-owned vehicle parking space or in any Capitol Mall visitor parking space.
Motorcycle Parking Spaces. Capitol Mall Parking will make available designated motorcycle parking spaces.
a. Capitol Mall employees may request a special motorcycle parking permit for motorcycles, at no additional cost, to park in the designated motorcycle parking areas.
b. In order to receive a motorcycle permit, the Capitol Mall employee must possess a valid general or reserved parking permit.
General Parking Spaces. All other undesignated parking is considered general parking.
a. All Capitol Mall employees whose parking fees are deducted from their paychecks by the State Controller's Office may request a general parking permit from Capitol Mall Parking.
b. General parking spaces are available on a first-come, first-served basis, and possession of a valid general parking permit does not guarantee the Capitol Mall employee a general parking space.
Visitor Parking Spaces. Capitol Mall Parking will make available a limited number of parking spaces for visitors and the public visiting the Capitol Mall.
a. Non-metered three (3) hour visitor parking spaces will be available at the parking lot at the Capitol Annex at 514 W. Jefferson Street and on the south side of the parking lot at the State Library Building at 325 W. State Street, and will be clearly marked.
b. State-owned vehicles that do not belong to the departments' tenants of the Capitol Mall, and non-Capitol Mall employees visiting the Capitol Mall on business, may park in visitor parking spaces.
c. Capitol Mall employees may not park in visitor parking spaces between 6 a.m. and 6 p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding legal holidays with the exception of Human Rights Day and Presidents' Day.
d. The maximum period of use of visitor parking spaces in the Capitol Mall is three (3) hours per day per vehicle. A change from one visitor parking space to another visitor parking space does not increase the maximum period of use for each vehicle beyond three (3) hours per day.
Effective March 25, 2022