Idaho Administrative Code
Title IDAPA 37 - Water Resources, Department of
Current through September 2, 2024
The following provisions shall apply in submitting plans, drawings, and specifications.
01. Submission of Plans, Drawings, and Specification. Any owner who shall desire to construct, or enlarge, or alter or repair any mine tailings impoundment structure shall submit duplicate copies of plans, drawings, and specifications prepared by an engineer for the proposed work to the Director with required fees. An owner who desires to construct a continuously raised tailings impoundment structure shall submit duplicate copies of plans, drawings, and specifications prepared by an engineer, showing the stages of lift height, by periods of time, and ultimate design height.
02. Application for and Receipt of Written Approval. Construction of a new mine tailings impoundment structure or enlargement, or non-emergency alteration or repairs on existing mine tailings impoundment structures shall not be commenced until the owner has applied and obtained written approval of the plans, drawings, and specifications covering the work. In emergency situations, the owner shall make the required alterations or repairs necessary to relieve the emergency, and notify the Director.
03. Preparation and Submission of Plans. Plans must be prepared on a good grade of tracing linen or a good quality vellum or mylar. Transparent copies reproducible by standard duplicating processes, if accurate, legible and permanent, will be accepted. Plans may initially be submitted in the form of nonreproducible paper prints. After reviewing the plans, the Director will notify the owner of any required changes.
04. Scale of Plans and Drawings. Plans and drawings shall be of sufficiently large scale with an adequate number of views and proper dimensions, so that drawings may be readily interpreted and studied.
05. Dimensions of Plans. All sheets for a set of plans shall have an outside dimension of twenty-four by thirty-six (24 x 36) inches. A margin of two (2) inches on the left-hand end and a margin of one-half (1/2) inch on the other three sides must be provided, making the available work space twenty-three (23) x thirty-three and one-half (33 1/2) inches.
06. Plans. The plans shall include the following:
07. Specifications. Specifications shall include provisions acceptable to the Director for adequate observation, inspection and control of the work by a registered professional engineer during the period of construction.
08. Provision Included with Plans. The specifications shall provide that the plans and specifications may not be materially changed without prior written consent of the Director.
09. Provisions Included with Specifications. The specifications shall provide that certain stages of construction shall not proceed without the approval of the Director. Those stages requiring approval are as follows:
10. Inspections, Examinations, and Tests. All materials and workmanship may be subject to inspection, examination and test by the Director at any and all reasonable times during manufacture and/or construction and at any and all places where such manufacture and/or construction are carried on.
11. Rejection of Defective Material. The Director shall have the right to require the owner or engineer to reject defective material and workmanship or require its correction. Rejected workmanship shall be corrected and rejected material shall be replaced with proper material.
12. Suspension of Work. The Director may order the engineer to suspend any work that may be subject to damage by climatic conditions.
13. Responsibility of Engineer. These provisions shall not relieve the engineer of his responsibility to assure that construction is accomplished in accordance to approved plans and specifications or to suspend work on his own motion.
14. Detailing Provisions of Specifications. The specifications shall state in sufficient detail, all provisions necessary to ensure that construction is accomplished in an acceptable manner and provide needed control for construction to ensure that a safe structure is constructed.
15. Required Information. The following information shall be submitted with the plans and specifications.
16. Engineer's Report. An engineer's report giving details necessary for analysis of the structure and appurtenances. Included as a part of the report where applicable shall be the following:
17. Filing of Additional Information. The Director may require the filing of such additional information which in his opinion is necessary to assess safety or waive any requirement herein cited if in his opinion it is unnecessary.
Effective March 30, 2023