General Requirements.
a. Additional Standards pertinent to the storage, distribution, and use of liquefied petroleum gases and other flammables or combustibles may be obtained by reference to regulations of the Idaho State Fire Marshal and the National Fire Protective Association pamphlets.
b. Fire fighting equipment, suitable for the hazards involved, shall be provided for the protection of workmen. Such equipment shall be readily accessible, and shall be plainly labeled as to its character and method of operation. Locations of such equipment shall be conspicuously posted.
c. All equipment and apparatus for fire protection and fire fighting shall be regularly inspected and be maintained in good and serviceable condition at all times. A record of the date of the latest inspection shall be kept with each portable fire extinguisher. This includes all automatic sprinkler systems and hose lines.
d. Fire extinguishers, whether portable or automatic, shall comply with appropriate current standards as published by the National Fire Protection Association. Portable fire extinguishers shall also be subject to an annual maintenance inspection by the Division. They must also be visually inspected by the employer each month, and such inspections documented.
e. Electrical lights, apparatus, and wiring used in locations where flammable or explosive gases, vapors, mists, or dusts are present shall be of the type accepted by the adopted Electrical Code for the State of Idaho.
f. Smoking while refueling equipment is prohibited.
g. All fuel storage tanks, service tanks, etc., shall be bonded for ground for fueling purposes.
h. When lights are used in enclosed rooms, vaults, manholes, tanks or other containers which may contain flammable or explosive vapors, mists, gases, or dusts, such lights shall be of the approved vapor proof types.
i. No torch, flame, arc, spark, or other source of ignition shall be applied to any tank or container that has contained or does contain flammable or explosive vapors or materials until such container has been made to be inert or otherwise purged of flammable or explosive vapors or materials, except that "hot tapping" on tanks may be done provided that:
i. There shall be at least four (4) feet of liquid above the point of the "hot tap"; and
ii. The work shall be carried out under the direction of a supervisor experienced in this type of work.
NOTE: A test for flammability or explosiveness of the interior of such vessels shall be made using a device which will determine the concentration of flammable vapors for this purpose. Unless the percentage of flammable vapors is found to be less than twenty percent (20%) of its lower explosive limit, no source of ignition shall be permitted.
j. Frequent testing for determining the concentration of flammable and explosive vapors shall be made, and if the concentration is found to exceed twenty percent (20%) of its lower explosive limit, sources of ignition shall be extinguished or removed immediately. Fire extinguishing equipment adequate to cope with possible hazards shall be maintained close at hand.
k. Smoking, the use of open flames, tools which are not approved for such areas, and other sources of ignition are prohibited in locations where flammable or explosive gases, vapors, mists, or dusts are present. Warning signs shall be conspicuously posted in such areas.
l. Where salamanders and other fuel-burning heating devices are used, they shall be provided with adequate means for preventing the emission of sparks or other sources of ignition. Such devices shall be insulated or placed a sufficient distance from combustible structures and materials to prevent causing fires. Adequate ventilation shall be provided.
m. When welding or cutting is done special precautionary measures shall be exercised before, during and after the job is finished to eliminate any possibility of immediate or delayed fires.
Flammable Liquids.
a. For the purpose of this section, "Flammable Liquids" shall mean any liquid having a flash point below one hundred forty (140) degrees Fahrenheit and having a vapor pressure not exceeding forty (40) pounds per square inch (absolute) at one hundred (100) degrees Fahrenheit.
b. All flammable liquids shall be stored in approved containers suitable for their particular contents, and such approved containers shall be stored in areas removed from any direct source of ignition.
c. Flammable liquids shall be kept in approved covered containers when not in actual use.
d. The name of the flammable liquid contained therein shall be placed on all stock containers, and whenever such liquids are taken from the stock containers and put into other approved containers for use, it shall be the responsibility of the employer to ensure that these containers (except small containers of flammable liquids which are scheduled for immediate use and disposal) also bear the name of the flammable liquid contained therein.
e. Flammable liquids shall not be used indoors to clean or wash floors, walls, any part of a building structure, furniture, equipment, machines or machine parts, unless sufficient ventilation is provided to bring and maintain the concentration of explosive vapors in the atmosphere below twenty percent (20%) of its lower explosive limit.
NOTE: The use of flammable liquids may create toxic contaminants in the atmosphere above permissible threshold limit values.
Transferring Flammable Liquids and Powdered Materials. In transferring flammable liquids or finely divided flammable or explosive materials from one metal container to another, the containers shall be in firm contact with each other or be continuously bonded throughout the transfer so as to prevent the accumulation of static charges. Where portable tanks, mixers, or processing vessels are used for flammable liquids or flammable or explosive compounds, they shall be bonded and grounded while being filled or emptied.
Transportation of Flammable Liquids.
a. When transporting gasoline or other flammable liquids, approved containers shall be used.
b. If tank truck service is not available or used, gasoline and other flammable liquids shall be transported in approved containers. Bungs shall be tight and containers shall be secured to prevent movement.
c. It may be permissible to transport gasoline or other flammable liquids on passenger vehicles if in approved, closed safety containers of not more than six and one-half (6 1/2) gallon capacity, provided such containers are carried in a suitable and safe location outside the passenger compartment.