Idaho Administrative Code
Title IDAPA 24 - Occupational and Professional Licenses, Division of
Current through September 2, 2024
Terms used in these standards shall be interpreted in the most commonly accepted sense, excepting only those specifically defined.
01. A-Frame. A structure made of the independent columns (of wood or steel) fastened together at the top and separated a reasonable width at the bottom to stabilize the unit from tipping sideways.
02. Arch. A piece of equipment attached to the rear of a vehicle, used for raising one end of logs to facilitate skidding.
03. Back Cut. The final falling cut.
04. Barber Chair. Slab portion of tree remaining on the stump above the back cut due to improper falling.
05. Bell. The component that slides on the cable and connects to the knob or button. When a worker chokes a log or stump, the bell secures the knob or button.
06. Bight. The loop of a line, the ends being "gast" elsewhere, or the angle formed by a line running through a block.
07. Binder. Chain, cable, or steel strap used for binding loads of logs.
08. Brow Log. A log placed parallel to any roadway at a landing or dump to protect vehicles while loading or unloading.
09. Bunk. The cross support for logs on a logging car or truck.
10. Cable-Assisted Logging Systems. Logging systems, including, but not limited to, winch-assisted, cable-assisted, tethered, and traction-assisted systems that enable ground-based timber harvesting machines, including, but not limited to, feller bunchers, harvesters, loaders and shovels, to be operated on slopes.
11. Carriage Logging. A type of high lead logging using gravity, haul back, or remote control carriages to yard logs. (Bullet carriage is one type).
12. Chaser. The member of the yarding crew who unhooks the logs at the landing or fights hang-ups on skid road.
13. Chock (Bunk Block-Cheese Block). A wedge that prevents logs from rolling off the bunks.
14. Choker. A wire rope with special attachments put around the log near the end for hauling or lifting.
15. Cold Shut. A link for joining two (2) chains, the link being closed cold with a hammer, not a weld.
16. Competent Person. An individual who is capable of identifying existing and predictable hazards in the work site surroundings or working conditions that are unsanitary, hazardous or dangerous to employees, and who has authorization to take prompt corrective measures to eliminate such.
17. Cutter. A term used to designate faller or bucker.
Effective March 31, 2022