Idaho Administrative Code
Title IDAPA 24 - Occupational and Professional Licenses, Division of
Current through September 2, 2024
01. Conflict of Interest to Be Avoided. Each Licensee or Certificate Holder must conscientiously avoid conflict of interest with an employer or client, and, when unavoidable, must forthwith disclose the circumstances in writing to the employer or client. In addition, the Licensee or Certificate Holder must promptly inform the employer or client in writing of any business association, interests, or circumstances which could influence a Licensee's or Certificate Holder's judgment or quality of service, or jeopardize the clients' interests.
02. Compensations From Multiple Parties on the Same Project. A Licensee or Certificate Holder may accept compensation, financial or otherwise, from more than one (1) party for services on the same project, or for services pertaining to the same project, provided the circumstances are fully disclosed, in writing, in advance and agreed to by all interested parties.
03. Solicitation From Material or Equipment Suppliers. A Licensee or Certificate Holder may not solicit or accept financial or other valuable considerations from material or equipment suppliers for specifying or recommending the products of said suppliers, except with full disclosure as outlined in Subsection 103.02.
04. Gratuities. A Licensee or Certificate Holder may not solicit or accept gratuities, gifts, travel, lodging, loans, entertainment or other favors directly or indirectly, from contractors, their agents or other third parties dealing with a client or employer in connection with work for which the Licensee or Certificate Holder is responsible, which can be construed to be an effort to improperly influence the Licensee's or Certificate Holder's professional judgment. Minor expenditures such as advertising trinkets, novelties and meals are excluded. Neither may a Licensee or Certificate Holder make any such improper offer.
05. Solicitation From Agencies. A Licensee, a Certificate Holder or a representative thereof may not solicit or accept a contract from a governmental authority on which an existing officer, director, employee, member, partner, or sole proprietor of his organization serves as a member of the elected or appointed policy and governing body of such governmental authority or serves as a member of an entity of such governmental authority having the right to contract or recommend a contract for the services of a Licensee or a Certificate Holder.
06. Professional Services Decisions of Agencies. A Licensee, Certificate Holder or representative thereof serving as a member of the governing body of a governmental authority, whether elected or appointed, or an advisor or consultant to a governmental Board, commission or department may at all times be subject to the statutory provisions concerning ethics in government, Section 74-401, Idaho Code, et seq. A violation of the "Ethics in Government Act of 2015" will be considered a violation of these rules.
07. Unfair Advantage of Position and Work Outside Regular Employment. When a Licensee or an individual Certificate Holder is employed in a full time position, the person may not use the advantages of the position to compete unfairly with other professionals and may not accept professional employment outside of that person's regular work or interest without the knowledge of and written permission or authorization from that person's employer.
Effective March 28, 2023