Idaho Administrative Code
Title IDAPA 16 - Health and Welfare, Department of
Current through September 2, 2024
Each daycare facility licensed by the Department, must comply with the following. Health inspections must be conducted annually by a qualified inspector designated by the Department and will be unannounced.
01. Food. Must be from an approved source under IDAPA 16.02.19, "Idaho Food Code." Food must not be served past expiration or "use by" date.
02. Food Preparation. Food for use in daycare facilities must be prepared and served in a sanitary manner with sanitized utensils and on surfaces that have been cleaned, rinsed, and sanitized prior to use to prevent cross-contamination.
03. Food Temperatures. Potentially hazardous foods must be kept refrigerated at forty-one degrees Fahrenheit (41°F) or below, held hot at one hundred thirty-five degrees Fahrenheit (135°F) or more, and reheated or cooled at safe temperatures under IDAPA 16.02.19, "Idaho Food Code." Refrigerators must be equipped with an accurate thermometer.
04. Food Storage. All food that is served in daycare facilities must be stored in such a manner that protects it from potential contamination. There must be no evidence of pests present in the daycare facility.
05. Food Contact Surfaces. Must be kept clean and sanitized, including counters, serving tables, high chair trays, and cutting boards.
06. Dishwashing Sanitizing. Dishes, glasses, utensils, silverware, and all other objects used for food preparation and eating must be sanitized using appropriate sanitizing procedures.
07. Utensil Storage. Clean utensils must be stored on clean shelves or drawers and not subject to recontamination, and sharp knives and other sharp objects be kept out of reach of children.
08. Garbage. Must be kept covered or inaccessible to children.
09. Hand Washing. Children and facility staff must be provided with individual or disposable towels for hand drying, and the hand washing area be equipped with soap and warm and cold running water.
10. Diaper Changing. Must be conducted in such a manner as to prevent the spread of communicable diseases, be separate from food preparation and serving areas, and have easy access to a hand washing sink.
11. Sleeping Areas. Children sleeping at the facility must have separate cots, mats, or beds and blankets.
12. Safe Sleep. Providers must place newborn infants up to twelve (12) months old in a safe sleep environment. Safe sleep practices include alone, on their backs, and in a Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) certified sleep space.
13. Restrooms, Water Supply, and Sewage. All daycare facilities must have restrooms.
14. Water Supply. The facility's water supply must meet one (1) of the following requirements:
15. Sewage Disposal. Facility sewage must be disposed of through a public system, or in the absence of a public system, in a manner approved by the local health authority under IDAPA 58.01.03 "Individual/Subsurface Sewage Disposal Rules."
16. Alcohol and Illegal Drugs. Must not be used by providers, owners, operators, staff, volunteers, children, or visitors at daycare facilities, in the presence of children during hours of operation, or in vehicles while transporting children.
17. Smoke-Free Environment. Children must be afforded a smoke-free environment during all daycare hours, whether indoors or outdoors. While children are in care, the operator and all staff must ensure that no smoking or other tobacco use occurs within the facility, in outdoor areas, or in vehicles when children are present.
18. Transportation. Provider that transports a child(ren) will possess a valid driver's license, be insured under Idaho Law, and abide by all traffic laws including the requirement that all children are in proper safety restraints while being transported under Section 49-672, Idaho Code, and Section 49-673, Idaho Code. Vehicles used to transport children will be properly maintained and in good working condition.
19. Disaster and Emergency Planning. Providers must have documented plans for emergencies resulting from a natural disaster, or human-caused event that include:
20. Medication. No person can administer any medication to a child without it first being authorized by a parent or caretaker. All medications, refrigerated or unrefrigerated, must be in a locked box or otherwise in inaccessible to children.
21. Adequate Heat, Light, and Ventilation. A daycare facility must have adequate heat, light and ventilation. Windows and doors must be screened if used for ventilation.
22. Immunizations. Daycare operators must comply with requirements under IDAPA 16.02.11, "Immunization Requirements for Licensed Daycare Facility Attendees."
Effective July 1, 2024